Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka By Lenka Lutonska

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Anche se non l'ho letto per intero ma posso già dire che questo libro riprende gli stessi concetti esposti in altri libri famosi, come quello di T. Harv Eker. Niente di nuovo quindi. Il titolo promette qualcosa più al femminile e invece niente di più maschile, proprio perché è una scopiazzatura di personaggi famosi maschili che hanno pubblicato. Di energetico non c'è proprio nulla. €15 buttate. Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka De inicio me resonó el libro por el título, leí sus reseñas, confié en mi intuición y tomé acción.Generalmente no dejo reseñas, mas vale decirte que si estás listx, el puntual, claro (sin paja y directo al grano) y contundente contenido expresado por Lenka y su experiencia, te permitirá hacer un salto cuántico profundo, práctico y rápido en la forma de vivir tu negocio o emprendimiento y cómo potenciarlo o renovarlo desde la energía esencial que somos (HIGHER SELF) y ejercicios prácticos.Llegó a mí en un momento crucial de “estancamiento” en mi negocio de expansión de consciencia y riqueza, donde estaba decidiendo dedicarme a otra cosa o seguir a marchas forzadas con el cansancio acarreado de crear con esfuerzo.En realidad quien me “estancaba” eran mis creencias limitantes, aversión por vender, no “querer acosar a los clientes”, no cobrar lo que realmente valen mis servicios, etc.De inicio a fin un material excelente para cualquier persona disponible para crear en armonía y alineada com tu HIGHER SELF desde tu máximo poder energético y aplicarlo en materializar e impactar en amor y riqueza ilimitada a otros seres, empezando por ti ;)MERECEMOS TODXS una vida ESPLÉNDIDA, trascendente y dichosa, amando lo que hacemos y haciendo lo que amamos.Pd: Aunque enfocado para mujeres, el conocimiento energético es universal, que también nuestros queridos representantes de lo masculino pueden aprovechar.👏🏼 Gracias Lenka y equipo por tan espléndido Puente transformador. ❣️Pax Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka I loved this book! It feels like Lena is having a heart to heart conversation with you when you read this book. She shares client stories of transformation demonstrating how people get in their own way of their success and how the subtle shifts to attain the success you desire are not only doable they are achievable. I highly recommend. Ready to dive in a second time rich with content and ideas. Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka Hands down to my MOST FAVOURITE book of all the times. This book should be should for hundreds of dollars because the value worth 100x.If you are biz entrepreneur and tired of traditional marketing and all the strategies and have been struggling to run your biz. Then THIS IS A MUST HAVE BOOK. Every page is A BREAKTHROUGH IN ITSELF.I am a huge fan of lenka, and when I read the first four pages of book I was sold to her forever and got hooked to her and after that I purchased different courses and also joined her high end course. It’s been two months since I met lenka through this book and MY BIZ has already shifted to another level in unimaginable ways. I have doubled my prices, selling with ease and confidence. You know what I mean to say with this review when you actually buy and read it ❤️ Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka Great way to open up your mind, heart, and whole being to growing inside and out. Practical tools and exercises to create shifts in expanding to and beyond your lifetime goals and achievements. Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka


Sehr guter Inhalt Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka Ich habe mit Lenka im 1:1 Coaching bereits mehrere Monate gearbeitet und es hat erstaunliches in meinem Business verändert. Zum ersten Mal verkaufe ich selbstbewusst zu einem Preis, der aus einem Hobby ein echtes Business macht, auf das man aufbauen kann. In ihrem Buch Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka I have been following Lenka online for about 18 months and LOVE how she successfully combines energy and business strategy. Her book is life changing and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who wants a new innovative approach to not only business but creating everything Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka I really love this book it captures the essence of female, spiritual marketing, and really leads a female way to selling, instead of the 1000 business books out there who only talk about male approaches, and forget that half of the population is female and doing things Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka I wasn't sure what to expect when I bought this book, because I don't belong to the main target group (coaches). But it was such an eye opener, there were so many insgihts and aha moments for me, so many connections I wasn't aware of before. This book completely changed the Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka

“Energetic Selling and Marketing is not just a powerful business book. It’s an energetic experience. One that will change your business and life in ways you could not even imagine.”

Running and growing a business we love is not meant to be hard. It’s meant to be a joyous experience, enriching all areas of our life.

But the reality of many women around the world reflects otherwise. Far too many women are finding themselves having to work way too hard to achieve their business success, only to find they are sacrificing their well being, time with those they love, and sometimes their health in return. This is because collectively, we are still buying into the old, wounded masculine paradigm that says: “Work hard enough, and you might succeed.”Enough of that!There is another way to release the growth of your business at full throttle and thrive along the way:Through the power of your Energy your inner source of infinite creativity and wisdom.

When you connect the limitless power of your energy with traditional business strategy, everything changes.You’ll be able to experience a lot ease, flow, confidence, and joy while shattering the glass ceilings that have been stopping you for a while.In this revolutionary book, Lenka Lutonska, a pioneer of Business Energetics, will support you with this.

You will explore the energetic nature of your business, and learn how to harmonise the five areas of your energy and your business to open brand new pathways to the success you desire.

Energetic Selling and Marketing: A New Way to Create Extraordinary Growth in your Business (English Edition) eBook : Lutonska, Lenka