Empyre (Empyre (2020)) eBook : Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan, Schiti, Valerio, Cheung, Jim, Larraz, Pepe, Silva, R. B., Schiti, Valerio, Izaakse, Sean, Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan By Al Ewing

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Mais um capítulo na guerra Kree/Skrull War.É uma história bem bacana, referências às antigas história da guerra e personagens antigos reaparecendo, quem leu tudo isso vai curtir.Pra quem não leu fica uma boa história com reviravoltas e porradarias, alguns bem legais como quando descobrem que os inimigos, que dominaram o mundo, são afetados pelo som e o seu líder pergunta “Qual som pode retomar o seu mundo?” e a resposta é o nosso querido a amado grito “Avante Vingadores” com heróis aparecendo de tudo que é lado. and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback Great Event story with the Avengers and the Fantastic Four teaming up to stop a threat to Earth and the Whole Galaxy. and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback A very good crossover event. Every chapter/issue was exciting and well done. Though the last chapter did feel s bit rushed for me, otherwise thus was a easy 5 stars. Intergalactic war is coming with Earth once again at the epicenter of it. Though very little is and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback I was very excited for this event since it was announced, I stayed spoiler free the whole way until I received my copy. I've read Road to Empyre and Empyre next will be the x men tie in and then the Captain America tie in and finally the Lord's of Empyre tie in. For this book I highly recommend reading the prelude book Road to Empyre first. Like I said I went into it spoiler free and this story did not turn out how I expected, it had several twists and turns and big reveals. The prelude book grabs you from the start with a great murder mystery that later unfolds in the main book. This event is a massive galactic war between two sides one that has just formed a truce and another who wants to dissrupt that truce on their way to world domination all along the way a massive twist that you won't see coming this book and it's prelude book keep you gripped till the very last issue. There have been some good events from marvel in the past ten years (avengers v x men, axis , secret wars) and some weaker events (infinity wars , war of the realms , civil war 2) then the events that are just average like secret empire. However this event especially after weaker events in a row like war of the realms and infinity wars really delivers in a big way. Highly recommended. and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback All in all an excellent read, though i think it would be even better if i had read Fantastic Four and had familiarity with those characters, same with understanding the Cotati and Mantis (specifically the celestial messiah stuff). I would have been lost if i didn't read the Lords of Empyre with the important background knowledge surrounding the character Sequoia. and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback

Empyre (Empyre (2020)) eBook : Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan, Schiti, Valerio, Cheung, Jim, Larraz, Pepe, Silva, R. B., Schiti, Valerio, Izaakse, Sean, Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan: : Kindle Store Empyre (Empyre (2020)) eBook : Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan, Schiti, Valerio, Cheung, Jim, Larraz, Pepe, Silva, R. B., Schiti, Valerio, Izaakse, Sean, Ewing, Al, Slott, Dan


Great well played out story.I could've done without the gay lovers holding each other scenes and though some of you might be thinking Im homophobic, I'm not. Its a comic book about super heroes. I cringe anytime a sexual situation is brought into. The comic book of my youth steered clear of that.That aside it was great to see a story about Mar Vel's boy and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback Bonne Histoire complete et bien dessinée !Fin un peu abrupte mais un réel plaisir de revoir certains personnages ! and 4 more , Kindle Edition, Paperback