Easy Origami By John Montroll

I bought the book as a starting point to learn some basic forms in origami. Most of the projects, as advertised, were easy to complete. There were some that I found myself adding my own notes/diagrams to the instructions for future reference. This suggested to me that 978-0486272986 Un peu difficile à comprendre les images à l'intérieur du livre. Savoir dans quel sens plier. certains sont évidents tandis que d'autres un peu plus difficiles. 978-0486272986 Facile à faire, BEAUCOUP de modèles dans ce livre, belle gradation du niveau de difficulté. Images claires, faciles à suivre. Je le conseil fortement si vous cherchez un livre pour débuter l’origami. 978-0486272986

Here are 32 simple projects that are a snap for beginners! There are illustrations and instructions for folding a hat, cup, and pinwheel. There are even difficult models such as a penguin, pelican, and piano. The book also includes a swan, lantern, pigeon, fox, rabbit, and. Youll be an expert in no time! Easy Origami

It's a great book to learn easy origami. I have had fun learning everything in the book. The only reason I rate it 4 and not 5 stars is that it doesn't come with and origami papers. the instructions are simple. I recommend this to anyone who wants to pick up origami as a 978-0486272986 Je m'attendais à un peu mieux comme origamis et explications. Il y a d'autres manière de fabriquer le bateaux en origami alors que celui dans le livre et un peu étrange. Les explications ne sont pas toujours très clair. Mais bon pour le prix c'est très bien. 978-0486272986 It's a fun activity book. The pictures are only in black and white. I thought it would be in color to capture the imagination of kids. I can just as easily download Orgami instructions from the internet and staple the pages together to save money. 978-0486272986 Easier projects and directions for beginner. 978-0486272986 Cute book, lots of instructions, but I didn't realize it does NOT come with any paper to make the projects. It didn't say that anywhere and I assumed over 30 projects meant it came with the paper for the projects. That was my mistake, I read reviews and all thinking this. 978-0486272986


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