Drinking: A Love Story By Caroline Knapp
Title | : | Drinking: A Love Story |
Author | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Language | : | |
Format Type | : | £0.00 , Hardcover, Paperback, Audio CD |
Number of Pages | : | |
Publication | : | 15 September 2022 |
Caroline Knapp Ì 8 READ
Buy Drinking: A Love Story New by Caroline Knapp (ISBN: 9780704380509) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Drinking: A Love Story
I'm always hesitant to read sobriety books that include promoting AA as the only way to stay sober and indeed Knapp was of the same opinion even going to a meeting and deciding it wasn't for her for a number of years until going back. She doesn't 'bang the book' Drinking: A Love Story For anyone it’s an alcohol problem Drinking: A Love Story A great memoire of a woman's struggle with alcohol.This could have been written in this decade, it's incredibly honest and really sad in places, but not at all preachy or patronising.I read it in 4 days it was so enjoyable. Drinking: A Love Story This is a book we have purchased many times to help people that have problems with alcohol. A close family member is a sober alcoholic and this is the book he found most helpful when achieving sobriety 23 years ago, so it is worth a shot for anyone that is in a similar Drinking: A Love Story interesting to get inside the head of an alcoholic from a woman's perspective not preachy bit selfish but that goes with the territory no? may she RIP Drinking: A Love Story
My headline is stunned because I finished this book last night (only after a couple days of starting it) and was left feeling stunned, on so many levels. Stunned by what this woman was capable to put down on paper, by what she was able to recall and translate into words so flawlessly. Stunned that I found so much in common, and therefore so much peace in the fact that this person exists and found a way out. I have always been fascinated by addiction, since early childhood, watching my own mother toil with just about anything she could get her hands on. The self loathing and anger that preceded. Day by day, and year by year I have turned into that. I have used drinking for just about every emotion and circumstance that life can throw at you and now that I want out, I am not sure how much of anything has truly been 'dealt' with.I am one of those women who seem to hold it together, much like Caroline, I have kept steady employment and even managed to impress a person or two along the way. I have raised 2 teenage boys that seem to be finding their way just fine and now an infant daughter that challenges me and keeps me wanting out of life. More connection. I have a home, my bills are paid, I have a car etc. etc. etc. What I don't have is any understanding of how I got here, so dependent and insistent on being someone I am not. Joy, something I used to think came at the bottom of my white wine glass. Little did I know, it only robbed me of just that.Something I found really cool about this book is how ridiculously easy she made it to read, the stories all flowing and intertwined. Going forward and back with such fluency that you don't even realize you're putting it all together as you go and it makes seamless sense at every turn.Thank you Caroline, seriously you are meant to be a writer I was meant to open your book. Thank you for sharing your story with such transparency and preciseness, thoughtfulness and intent. HIGHLY recommend, even if you have only thought once Am I drinking too much? Drinking: A Love Story This is not a self help book but is an interesting and frank account of a battle with alcohol. It is very sad, especially the observation that alcohol addiction washes through families, generation after generation. It does not offer any solutions but is well worth Drinking: A Love Story I have read many ,many books on Drink and Alcoholism , most are poorly written attempts at either Sermonising or story telling. This book , in my opinion is the only one you will ever need to read ,(having said that ,maybe she is just my kind of Drunk , but i think not , Drinking: A Love Story Ein Jammer, dass es dieses Buch in Deutsch nur mehr gebraucht gibt.Da ich damit offensichtlich unvermeidliche, teils unverschämte preisliche Exzesse für top Exemplare nicht zu zahlen bereit bin, mir zudem der Einband dieses Taschenbuches zusagt, verordnete ich mir eher notgedrungen ein paar Englisch Übungsstunden.Ergebnis:Das Buch zieht ungemein, hebt sich damit nach meinem Empfinden sehr angenehm von anderen Selbsterfahrungsberichten ab. Was (für mich) schon im, wie ich finde, überrraschenden wie treffenden Ansatz liegt, mit dem die Autorin ihre (Liebes )Beziehung zum Alkohol beschreibt. Also die psychische Ebene. Von genau dieser habe ich in anderen Erfahrungsberichten Abhängiger, bei denen mehr der physische Aspekt im Fokus stand, eben nicht gelesen.Suchttherapeuten werden bestätigen, dass gerade die psychische Seite die entscheidendere ist: Rein körperlich ist eine Entgiftung in wenigen Tagen überstanden. Die Auseinandersetzung mit den (seelischen) Gründen, die überhaupt erst dazu führten, eine Liebesbeziehung mit dem Alkohol einzugehen (und aus dieser auszusteigen und eben nicht rückfällig zu werden), kann Jahre dauern.Und diese Gründe (und auch die Fassaden bzw. die Wirklichkeiten hinter den Fassaden) können so ganz andere sein, als man gemeinhin annehmen möchte. Und es mag erschrecken, wie sehr man sich als Leser, wenngleich vielleicht nicht oder gerade eben doch abhängiger als gedacht wiederfindet im Text. Stichwort: Hunger nach Liebe, nach Wärme. Liebe aus der Flasche(Wenn man bedenkt, wann und wo überall zur Flasche gegriffen wird, muss der Hunger nach Liebe in der Welt, in Deutschland, groß sein?)Das Buch macht wie Alkohol für Alkoholiker ; ) also beim Konsumieren Hunger auf mehr, auf die nächste Seite. Was die Motivation erhöht, trotz Fremdsprache dranzubleiben, und mit gutem Schulenglisch sehr ordentlich gelingt, die wesentlichen Beschreibungen und Beweggründe sind gut zu erfassen und wirken nach.Wie allerdings trotz und mit Praxis im Job erfahren, ist und bleibt Muttersprache Muttersprache. Feinheiten gehen also tendenziell verloren, will man nicht häufiger durch begleitende Dictonary Lektüre den Lesefluss unterbrechen.Alles in allem ein fesselndes Buch mit psychischem Erkenntnisgewinn. Als fremdsprachliche Übung zu empfehlen. Und evtl. bei Habhaftwerden eines guten und bezahlbaren Gebrauchtexemplares oder Neuauflage in Muttersprache ein zweites Lesen wert. Drinking: A Love Story A really in depth account of a how this person's social drinking of alcohol gradually increased and lead into the decline of alcoholism and how this person, with help, is able to ascend back out of the hole and live a contented life. All the honesty about feelings and Drinking: A Love Story