The Dragon Quartet Omnibus, Volume 2 By Marjorie B. Kellogg

I liked this book just as much as the last one! Again, why less than 5 stars?! Another for my favorites shelf! 9780756403324 The was a wonderful book at the beginning. But by the time I got to the last book it felt like it was dragging. Mind you, I LOVE stories about dragons but I just thought this story dragged on a little too long. The story kept building up up until 3 quarters into the last book and then it was just over. It seemed like the ending was rushed a little for me.

I do recommend this book for people to read that enjoy dragon stories but be prepared it takes FOREVER to read. 9780756403324 see review on paperback of first two books. 9780756403324 Loved the first volume, but for some reason I felt that the characters were forced in the last two installments. It didn't live up to Erde's story and struggles. 9780756403324 Eh, the first was better...not improving much. 9780756403324

Here's an exciting fantasy tetralogy with all the right ingredients: four elemental dragons (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water), each with a human companion. This series takes us from medieval Europe to the distant future, as the world is caught in a war between the forces of greed and fanaticism, and the dragons and their guides and allies who seek to restore the proper natural balance to the planet.

The Dragon Quartet Omnibus, Volume 2

SUM: The Book of Fire: Paia is the High Priestess at the Temple dedicated to Fire, a dragon posing as a god during the end of times when the land is bare and sustenance is hard to come by. Paia and Fire share an interesting sexual connection, and Luco, the First Son of the Temple, is an intriguing character.
The Book of Air: Gerrasch enters the picture again, in his future self in the time of Paia and Luco, and we learn that he is continually reborn, the human vessel for the dragon Air, who has no corporeal body. The dragons unite against a common enemy, and finally Fra Guill dies. They agree to sacrifice themselves (along with their dragon guide counterparts) to give new life to the world, without erasing things completely and starting over.

REV: Very excellent series. Some of the scenes with Gerrasch's POV were difficult to follow, but I think that was intentional, and Kellogg wrote him very well. I saw the ending coming, sadly, but it still moved me when it happened, especially when N'Doch stepped up to do his duty at last. I was sad about Adolphus, but happy that Paia couldn't have him, since Erde deserved him but couldn't have him either. Very good series, would recommend to anyone. 9780756403324 I enjoyed this series. It's one of the better fantasy series I've read in a while. I thought the characters were easy enough to feel close to and like. I liked the dash of mystery that was thrown in, along with the underlying sci-fi element.

Some things I didn't care for much:
We started out this journey with Erde and her dragon Earth. However, we don't really stick with them very long. After the first book, Erde and Earth are shoved to the back burner pretty quickly in place of N'Doch and his dragon Water, who then seem to dominate the rest of the series as main players. In fact, as time went on, I even started to feel annoyed by Erde. Instead of being the voice of reason, which it seemed like that was what was being aimed for, she started coming off as whiny and impatient. Too much like a spoiled child. I realize she WAS something of a spoiled child, since she was royalty, but she didn't do any growing up until closer to the middle or end of the last book. I was disappointed by that.

I also didn't care for the way the writing would switch from the traditional third person or past tense style to something more present. While it was a very interesting take on the perspective of the characters and where they were in the world's history (Erde in the year 913, N'Noch in the year 2013, for example), it was distracting and took a lot of getting used to before it didn't slow down the reading pace. I think it would have been better to leave it in the traditional third person style the whole time, personally.

Unanswered questions. This series has an element of mystery to it, and that's not bad. I like having to read on to the end to find out what something mentioned earlier on was really about. But what I don't like is when I wait and wait and expect to learn something valuable about an important part of the story, but then the explanation is never granted. The 4th book suffered from that far more than the others, though. In a way, I wonder if it wasn't that the author had gotten bored of the story by the time the last book was being written, and she hurried the ending along and just forgot that she had unanswered, yet apparently important questions and information left behind.

The ending. I won't, of course, spoil it for anyone. As I said, though, I think the author must have gotten bored near the end, because I think it should have ended with a bigger bang than that. Even so, the journey getting there was worth the disappointment, so I won't complain about it too much.

Nothing really BAD ever happens to our heroes. They see a lot of destruction and misery, but there aren't a lot of losses, really. In that way, just because of the way things in this book work, I felt that made it lacking. Nobody ever has to suffer much for deep loss, and if it seems like you think they SHOULD be suffering the losses they do encounter more, they don't. Many a broken heart seems to get forgotten about just a chapter or two later, and the character doesn't act as truly human about it as we might expect of them. Losses, for as few as there seem to be, come off as simple plot devices that are only brought up again when it's convenient.

Childish writing. Sometimes, it felt like the writing was too convenient or the characters too sure of themselves, like you might see from someone less experienced. Maybe in a child or teenager's fiction writing. The behavior of some of the characters reminded me a lot of an old friend of mine's writing. But, he was 15 at the time...

Slang. Now, this is more of a personal gripe, so I don't expect anyone to decide to read or not read the book based on anything I say here. I just got really annoyed with how N'Doch would refer to movies, television programs, or what sound a bit like general YouTube videos as vids. Even though these books were written in the earlier and middle 2000's, I can't see how the author might have expected that people in the year 2013, which wasn't that far away from when the first book was published, would be calling these things vids by now. Since, in reality, we're on the doorstep of the year 2013, and nobody calls them that to my knowledge.

Okay, I know it seems like I'm saying a lot of negative things about the series, but I do honestly feel there is more good about this series than bad.

I liked the time travel and the different takes on what various time periods would be like, especially if the world was going haywire. In fact, the picture the author paints of our future is scary BECAUSE it could become a very true reality if mankind doesn't clean up its act. The year 2013 in reality isn't quite so filthy as the one depicted in the books, but it could be. It's probably not that far off from what the author envisioned, in all truth.

Things don't always work out the way we want, and that's good. Life isn't about always getting things your way or always having a happy ending, so to speak. When things didn't always go the way the characters wanted or expected them to, or even as cliche would demand, I felt that made everything feel more real.

Overall, I think this series is worth at least one read through. 9780756403324 Well that took me 5+ years to read, and, disappointingly, the 'big idea' of the plot is dealt with in 10 anticlimactic pages at the end. 9780756403324 Decent fantasy, but it never gripped me enough to keep me reading for hours on end. I took ages to finish this quartet. The dragons and bonds and time travel issues are great, and the end is kind of awesome -- I didn't really expect it, which is surprising for me and always raises a book in my inner rankings. But I don't think I'd reread these books, and as I said, they didn't keep me gripped, so I'm not going to give it all five stars. 9780756403324 This book was okay. The story was interesting, and I read it through to the end to see what happened. I did, not, however, like the constant head-hopping. The writing style changed from third-person present-tense to third-person past-tense, and it drove me nuts. Toward the end, it seemed like the author got confused about which characters she was writing with each style, and mixed them up some.

I haven't read the first two books (the perils of shopping at second-hand stores), so this book was somewhat confusing for me. I did manage to figure it out enough to enjoy it, though. I would call it an okay one-time read, and will probably not read it again, or go in search of the first two. I found some of the content inappropriate, especially the descriptions of the physical relationship between Paia and Fire. 9780756403324


SUMMARY The Dragon Quartet Omnibus, Volume 2