Dont Stop Till You Get Enough (The Stafford Brothers #3) By Chicki Brown

From the very first chapter of ‘Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough’(The Stafford Brothers Book 3), you learn what Greg Stafford’s secret is, and it’s a doozie. I suppose I could tell you, but I won’t because I want you to read the book. But suffice it to say that it’s the kind of thing that creates a significant hurdle for Chicki Brown to surmount. For a romance novel hero to have this particular issue takes some guts on the part of the author. And more than that, he’s falling in love with his therapist, and she with him. Even lay-people know that relationships between therapists and their patients are taboo. So, yet another significant hurdle. From the very beginning of the book, you know what the conflict will be, and its sufficient to keep you turning the pages to see how it will be resolved.

Greg Stafford is a public figure who has everything to lose when his secret comes to light in the most humiliating and public manner; and Rhani Drake is the woman who is tasked with helping him address his demons. Embarking on a relationship could threaten both their futures and yet they feel compelled to go on the journey anyway. Along the way, Greg and Rhani will deal with the ensuing fallout and have their new bond tested just as it begins to comes together.

I’ve read a lot of relationship dramas and romance novels, and I have to say, this issue, this conflict, and the challenge this author presents her main characters is one I have never seen before.

All of the characters in this book were clearly well thought through and had dimension. Greg Stafford comes from a large family of overachievers. His father and eldest brother Vic are prominent surgeons, and his other brothers are, or were, all themselves at one time or another in the medical profession, or on its outskirts. Greg is the outlier and the middle child, often lost in the shuffle of his siblings. But despite all that, his life has been one of privilege, and he knows it. Greg’s large family were his supporting cast of characters, and though numerous, Chicki Brown managed to give each and every one of them distinct personalities, even in their relatively brief appearances. I also loved that she was able to give the entire family a “culture” just as every other family has it own culture. The Staffords–a family of six sons–are not only high-achievers, they are men who, once they find a mate, are relentless in their pursuit. And once the woman they want is caught, they don’t let them go, and take excellent care of them, no matter the cost. Rhani Drake however, is a woman who is accustomed to taking care of herself.

Rhani Drake’s background is the polar opposite of Greg’s. She comes from a life of under-privilege and has had to work hard to rise above her humble beginnings. And because she’s worked hard to get where she is, the threat Greg represents may be too great–to pursue a relationship with him is to risk losing it all. And losing it all is something that Rhani fears because her parents still live in the life she escaped. Her life is dedicated to her career, her charity work, and ensuring that her younger brother escapes the fate of their parents. While I understood Rhani’s story and her dilemma with Greg, I was surprised by how easily she was convinced to risk it for Greg, who by any measure, was not a good bet.

But this is what the best conflicts are made of–characters acting against their best interests and facing the fallout. There is plenty of that in this book.

The parts of this book that evoked the most emotion for me were those that I’m not sure the author intended. The Stafford family (‘Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough’ is Book Three in the Stafford Brothers series) is a family of men, and one strong-willed matriarch, who welcomes into her life all the women her sons choose to spend their lives with. I could feel the writer’s heart in those scenes where the Stafford Family gathered together. Her writing just seemed much more fluid in those places than elsewhere.

I also loved watching as Greg Stafford reached his own personal realizations about his life, and began to acknowledge that he wanted what many of his brothers had–a meaningful long-term relationship with a woman he could share his life with. Rhani’s determination to leave her past behind was one that many people should relate to as well. The relationship between the two was at turns tender and heartwarming, then hot and steamy. And I enjoyed the author’s portrayal of Greg as a man who would not take ‘no’ for an answer once he realized that Rhani was what he wanted and needed in his life. But I still think this is foremost a book about family–Greg’s love for his family, and Rhani’s rising above hers.

I’ve read the other two books in the Stafford Brothers Series and enjoyed them both. This one is a great addition to the series for a number of reasons. Apart from how enjoyable it is to read about a family like the Staffords, I was impressed in this book, as I was in the others by the obvious depth of the author’s research. In ‘A Woman’s Worth’ (The Stafford Brothers Book 1), Marc Stafford’s story, Chicki Brown clearly immersed herself in the naturopathic and vegan lifestyle. In ‘Till I Come Back to You’ (The Stafford Brothers Book 2), you felt as though you were in Nigeria, not just reading about it. And in ‘Don’t Stop Till You Get Enough’ (The Stafford Brothers Book 3), you get insight into the life of someone facing their demons in the public eye. Because Chicki Brown is a writer who so obviously respects her craft, as a reader, you can’t help but do the same. I have all three Stafford Brothers books, and though its not absolutely necessary that you read the first and second books to enjoy this one, I strongly recommend it, so that you get the full experience of the Stafford family. Chicki Brown Awesome Read!! Great job Ms. Brown!!!! Can't wait for the next book!!! Chicki Brown From addiction to happily ever after!

Greg started out a mess! Ordered to attend therapy to keep his job but meeting Rhani was the best thing to happen to him! Another great read in the Stafford series for sure! Loved the ending! I can't wait to dive into Mona and Vic's story. Really enjoying this series! Chicki Brown After reading three titles by Chicki Brown I can say I've found a new favorite author! The writing and dialogue b/w the characters was so on point, I felt like I was watching a movie rather than reading a book.

I enjoyed Greg and Rhani's romance, although I found myself shaking my head at some of the choices Rhani made. At one point I said to myself Maybe SHE's the one who needs her head examined!

It was also great catching up with the other Stafford brothers and their spouses, and I got a good preview of what may be in store in the next Stafford book with Ramona. Whew, that scene with her on the dance floor at the BBQ had me hollering out in laughter! Can't wait to read more about her and Vic. Chicki Brown I am enjoying getting to know each member of the Stafford family. They have some typical and some unique family dynamics. Each story told is completely believable and well written. The characters are well defined and practically come to life in the pages of her books. Chicki Brown

New York TV personality Greg Stafford has been hiding a secret for years. When this secret is exposed to the world, he has to fight to restore his image with the public, his family and his belief in himself.

Therapist Rhani Drake spends her days listening to people’s problems and helping them to overcome their challenges. When Greg Stafford shows up at her office, she isn’t ready for the problems he creates in her life. Dont Stop Till You Get Enough (The Stafford Brothers #3)

Excellent Read!

This is one of those, I told you so! When someone reminds you that the things you are doing now is not you! And tells you, you're better than this! You ignore them and does it your way anyway until it all blows up in your face? Well, that's what happened in this book! I really enjoyed reading this book! I did find a few errors where the Author used the wrong characters name a time of two, but it didn't take away from the story! Chicki Brown Greg is something else !!! Loved every single word !!! Chicki Brown Book Description....

New York TV personality Greg Stafford has been hiding a secret for years. When this secret is exposed to the world, he has to fight to restore his image with the public, his family and his belief in himself.

Therapist Rhani Drake spends her days listening to people’s problems and helping them to overcome their challenges. When Greg Stafford shows up at her office, she isn't ready for the problems he creates in her life.

Title: Don't Stop Till You Get Enough (The Stafford Brothers Book 3)
Author: Chicki Brown
Book: 3
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: 5
Don't Stop Till You Get Enough By Chicki Brown

What I liked about this novel

This author has done it again giving the readers a amazing good read of these Stafford Brothers that featured Greg. We find from the read that Greg Stafford is simply out of control when it comes with his personal life. Who and what does it take for him to get his life into control...well he meets his sexy therapist, Rhani Drake and will this present a turn in his life? This author really brings to the reader quite a well written story that will answer all of your questions and will keep you turning the pages till the end. I found all of the main characters as well as the secondary ones very well developed, defined, well portrayed and oh so believable only giving the reader a amazing interesting story. Be ready for the update of the relationships of the Stafford family a well executed plotted story and to even finding some twist and turns that will happen during the story. In the end I found Don't Stop Till You Get Enough was definitely a story of forgiving yourself and letting the real love come in.
Chicki Brown Another amazing Stafford Brothers Story! Greg is by far the most damaged of the brothers of this series, and that makes him very interesting. As I read his story, I kept thinking that relationships are all about unraveling the mysteries of the person you care about; romances are all about being willing to make changes and take risks for love. This novel has it all. It's easy to get drawn into the characters and care about what they think and feel. There were times where I held my breath in anxious anticipation of what a particular character would do next. And, as always, I absolutely love the family dynamics that reveal so much about the characters and their priorities. I downloaded this book as soon as I saw it was LIVE on Amazon and couldn't put it down until I was finished (except for the very few hours where I was forced to go to sleep). Chicki Brown is an amazing writer; the story flowed effortlessly and artistically. She painted a picture that pulled me in. While this is a stand alone book, everyone should read the other books in this series simply because Ms. Brown's style is so amazing and they are equally as enjoyable. Chicki Brown Rhani Drake meets television personality Greg Stafford when he’s referred to her for mandatory therapy. She knows what the rules are as it pertains to client/therapy relations, but resisting Greg is another matter. The road to happiness is never smooth, so of course, things go haywire.

Although it was clear from the get-go that this relationship was a huge problem waiting to happen, Chicki Brown took the reader there. The relationship between Rhani and Greg developed nicely, despite the problems both characters had to overcome.

Brown kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for the plotline to explode and when it did, I was right there in the middle of the blowout with the characters. I experienced Rhani’s loss and devastation as if they were my own.

One of the best things about this story was meeting the hero’s family. The Stafford clan is a warm, engaging group whose stories I can’t wait to explore. . Now that I’ve read Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough, I’ll have to backtrack to Till You Come Back To Me, which is already on my Kindle.

IMO, Chicki Brown has a winner with this series.
Chicki Brown

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