The Little Mermaid/Ursula (My Side of the Story, #3) By Daphne Skinner
The rumor that mean, nasty Ursula turned Ariel into a human just so the sea witch could take over the seven seas? To hear Ursula tell it, she was only trying to help Ariel find her true love (and wanted to impress that hunky King Triton in the process!). The Little Mermaid/Ursula (My Side of the Story, #3)
Summary å E-book, or Kindle E-pub ´ Daphne Skinner
I love these books...the good side of the story is the one we all know from the Disney movie...the bad side is the version of the story from the villain, and usually is just quite entertaining. The Little Mermaid/Ursula (My Side of the Story, #3) SM The Little Mermaid/Ursula (My Side of the Story, #3) I have read this book to my 4 year old so many times I can't count. she loves Ursula! so this story making urusla more humanized is perfect for her. I didn't know that they have other my side of the story books till I just looked it up on Goodreads. we will be looking into buying the rest of them. my daughter loves the villians. The Little Mermaid/Ursula (My Side of the Story, #3)