Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) By Margaret Wetherell
Excellent book!! Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) I found this book useful. Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) Please refer to my other review on the accompanying book by the same authors, Whetherell, Taylor and Yates 'Discourse as Data A guide for analysis'. Both recommended as an excellent start to DA and when used with Gee's works (also in my other reviews) form a Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) This is not really a stand alone book, as it needs to be read in conjunction with the authors'/editors' companion volume Discourse as Data. Having said that, this Reader offers a very thorough introduction to various disciplines which all, broadly speaking, fall under the Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) When I complained about this course reader to the Open University because it told me nothing about what Discourse Analysis was before combining methodologies I was told this was a very good introduction to the subject. Certainly it contains some interesting material but Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University)
Buy Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University) First Edition by Margaret Wetherell, Stephanie Taylor, Simeon Yates (ISBN: 9780761971566) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader (Published in association with The Open University)