Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure By Cube Kid

In the first in this series of three unofficial Minecraft adventure books, it’s time for our 12-year-old hero to choose his future vocation to study at the Minecraftia school. His options are less than tantalizing: farmer, butcher, crafter, miner. What this noob really wants is to be a warrior like his hero, Steve. So when he learns that the five best students in school that year will get the chance to start warrior training, it’s ON.  Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure


Cube Kid ✓ 5 Read

Si se pudieran dar seis estrellas, se las daría. Este libro no es solo una obra infantil, es un viaje, una experiencia única de redescubrirse a uno mismo, redescubrir la felicidad, la diversión y la simplicidad de la infancia

Diario de un aldeano pringao no es un libro, es EL libro. Si eres adulto, niño, gamer o no, es una obra que va a dar un giro de ciento ochenta grados a tu pensamiento y te hará replantearte qué es ser una persona. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure I loved this book because I love Minecraft and adventure. It was really interesting and I like how It had scorebooks. It also had a ton of competition which I like because I'm competitive. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure I liked this book because I LOVE MINCRAFT AND I PLAY MINECRAFT AND IT'S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆I also liked this book because it is very creative. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure This gets a five star review because my son loved it, and hey, anything that stirs up a passion for reading in him (he's already anxious to get his hands on the second book in the series), deserves a high score. :) Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure For someone who has never played Minecraft, this book is incredible! I love how Cube Kid provides context to Minecraftia (for people like me) and Runt's character development. It's so nice that he overcomes challenges and never gives up on becoming a warrior. It's also so funny!

I'm looking forward to reading more books from Cube Kid! Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure

Only book I'll ever enjoy that has mine craft in it Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure LEGENDARY!!!!!!!!! Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure Review: Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure by Cube Kid

I chose to review this book because three of my grandsons (11, 9, 7) are serious Minecraft addicts, and I encourage them to enjoy reading as well. I found it an enjoyable read because Runt is really an appealing character, and universal: a 12-year-old in a tiny, frequently besieged village, who must face the decision of his future--irregardless of his parents' intention or society's opprobrium. In a sense, Runt stands on the threshold of a Hero's Quest, and this young man is full-on go. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure it ends on a cliffhanger which tempts me to get another book. but I already have the second book so ha ha ha. its really exciting and I think that who ever reads this review should get it. especially if you play minecraft. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure 8 out of 10

Vastly entertaining book. All the characters are very well written, and this book presents a really thrilling and intriguing narrative. I loved all the illustrations and the textured pages. I loved all the Minecraft tech included in this book, and I loved how this book expanded upon that to create such a thrilling experience.

Runt is a great main character. His problems feel very important and very real despite being in this Minecraft world. All of the underlined, colored, and bolded text kept the book interesting to read and helped pace the story.

I do have the context of having read the other books in this series, and I would say that the first book is the lowest, but despite looking like some sort of Minecraft/Diary of a Wimpy Kid cash grab, this book was engaging, charming, and vastly enjoyable. This book does require some knowledge of Minecraft, but if you know about the game, I'd definitely recommend reading this book or getting this for someone who knows about the game. Diary of an 8-Bit Warrior: An Unofficial Minecraft Adventure