Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges By Amy Cuddy


I have not finished this yet. I am still reading it. This covers so much than I was expecting and is really fascinating. I am enjoying it very much. M m aliens Changed my life. Well worth the read. M m aliens Good. Book well received M m aliens One of the best and my whole family do power poses now M m aliens Excellent content, well thought out and very helpful. M m aliens

A good book with some really positive advice. M m aliens Just a good book for confidence building M m aliens Cant recommend this book enough! Did not like much the research part (but this is just me) but all the other aspects were really eye opening! Simple concepts, nicely written would certainly recommend! M m aliens So many of these ‘self improvement’ books are nonsense but this was such an inspirational book. You could tell it was based on actual research and not just someone’s experience of a topic. It’s now my good to guide for gaining self confidence. It really does teach you how to be ‘you’ rather than teaching you tricks for appearing like ‘a better you’. I would recommend for someone who finds it hard to be themselves around people. M m aliens Good but not great. It is not an easy read. M m aliens

MORE THAN HALF A MILLION COPIES SOLD:Learn the simple techniques youll need to approach your biggest challenges with confidence.Have you ever left a nerve racking challenge and immediately wished for a do over? Maybe after a job interview, a performance, or a difficult conversation? The very moments that require us to be genuine and commanding can instead cause us to feel phony and powerless. Too often we approach our lives biggest hurdles with dread, execute them with anxiety, and leave them with regret.By accessing our personal power, we can achieve presence, the state in which we stop worrying about the impression were making on others and instead adjust the impression weve been making on ourselves. As Harvard professor Amy Cuddys revolutionary book reveals, we dont need to embark on a grand spiritual quest or complete an inner transformation to harness the power of presence. Instead, we need to nudge ourselves, moment by moment, by tweaking our body language, behavior, and mind set in our day to day lives.Amy Cuddy has galvanized tens of millions of viewers around the world with her TED talk about power poses. Now she presents the enthralling science underlying these and many other fascinating body mind effects, and teaches us how to use simple techniques to liberate ourselves from fear in high pressure moments, perform at our best, and connect with and empower others to do the same.Brilliantly researched, impassioned, and accessible, Presence is filled with stories of individuals who learned how to flourish during the stressful moments that once terrified them. Every reader will learn how to approach their biggest challenges with confidence instead of dread, and to leave them with satisfaction instead of regret.Presence feels at once concrete and inspiring, simple but ambitious above all, truly powerful. New York Times Book Review Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

review Ë eBook or Kindle ePUB Ø Amy Cuddy