Deans Pup Training By Steve B


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A trainer provides humans with pup training and play time.

This story is fiction and takes place between consenting adults. Contains role playing as dogs or pups and consensual sex during role playing. Deans Pup Training

KINKY PORN Deans Pup Training Did not finish. It was boring and repetitive. For the 3 chapters I read the same scene played out just with different characters. Deans Pup Training
This should have been a 3 star, a weak 3, but I would'a given it a 3 ...but for one scene killed it all. Seminal fluid back up from not ejaculating. Has anyone in the history of time ever fallen for that line? Okay, maybe my mothers generation? Not only did that make me smack my kindle into my forehead, but it killed what should have been a fun scene, and made it gross.

Oh...and, idk why I thought this was going to be a supernatural fan fic....but it's NOT. (no stars deducted for my own stupidity)
Deans Pup Training Fun and aggressive puppy training sequences. Some are repetitive, but still enjoyable. Deans Pup Training