Deadly! AUTHOR Morris Gleitzman By Morris Gleitzman

Free read Deadly! AUTHOR Morris Gleitzman

Deadly is a perfect book for ages 8 and up. It is funny, and a great mystery. The entire way though the book it has you on the edge of your seat. The switch between the two different characters each chapter makes you wonder what is going to happen, and you have to wait a chapter to find out! Morris Gleitzman and Paul Jennings are two AMAZING authors and put together they make a wonderful book. 0143300245 Title: Deadly!
Series: Deadly!
Author: Morris Gleitzman & Paul Jennings
Genre: Children's
Rating: 3 stars

Morris Gleitzman was one of my absolute favourite childhood authors - I even got his autograph! His books are light and easy to read and have a comedic value only Andy Griffiths could match.

This pairing with Paul Jennings, another favourite children's author of mine, wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be, but it's still not a bad read. 0143300245 My teacher read this to my class in grade 5 and safe to say, it was the coolest book back then. We couldn't get enough of it. Deadly! was unconventional, sort of crass and borderline wicked but that I suppose was what was so fun and intriguing about it. The best thing about this book though, was that it got kids interested in reading and I have fond memories of it. 0143300245 This totally holds up rereading as an adult more than a decade after my original read! My copy has my name and the year 2006 in it, which was when I was in year 4. My little sister is in year 4 this year and I gave it to her to read and she loves it too. 0143300245 How can I tell you about this story without making it sound awful? Okay, so there's this kid, he's in the forest, he's naked, forgotten his own name and... he's gotta take a dump real bad. There's this other kid, Pooper-scooper, who is intent on sifting through the first kid's poo. There's a lot of poo. And farts that squirt out something special. And there's a nudest colony with lots of jiggling, sagging, poking out bits.

Wait, there's another main character, she's normal... except her dad's probably a sex-addict and her mum has severe anger-management issues and the girl's stuck looking after her dad's love-child baby. At least until the gang of little kids kidnap them and whisk them off to the nudist colony.

Lots of action and laughs. I LOVED this story! Warning: Once you've read this novel, it will linger in your mind... every time you poo. 0143300245


bizarrely good 0143300245 It is difficult to surmise my feelings about this novel, all I can really say is that I thoroughly enjoyed this novel completely, it is amazingly written in a way that I could thoroughly picture and appreciate the world that was described.
I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a young adult fiction, mystery type book. 0143300245 Not exactly my taste when I was a young reader. 0143300245 A fun nostalgic read to get the reading back on track :) always a laugh and a joy to re-read these ones 😂 you sort of don’t realise how many adult jokes are slipped in 0143300245 A friend, who likes reading but hasn’t the time at the lately, asked if I had any book recommendations. After their child read what I’d suggested, I decided to kill two birds with one stone. I’ve been behind on my reading challenge and decided to chest a little by reading a few kids books that I could then recommend. Of all the ones I’ve read recently, this is the only one I didn’t enjoy. There wasn’t anything in specific wrong with it but it just didn’t interest me or make me laugh. So I’ve given this one 2*. 0143300245

Omnibus edition of the Deadly! series: all six books in one.

When Amy arrives home for her birthday tea, her parents have vanished and in their place is a baby she's never seen before. At around the same time Sprocket wakes up naked on a deserted mountainside and realises that he has lost his memory. Both kids set out on journeys to find the people they belong to, little knowing that they will soon join forces and embark, with the baby, on the deadliest quest of their lives. Morris Gleitzman writes Amy's story and Paul Jennings Sprocket's, with each of them contributing alternate chapters. Deadly! AUTHOR Morris Gleitzman