Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1 By Aedyn Brooks

Captivating, wonderful story I instantly felt immersed in! Loved Joni and Zeke's characters. Intriguing plot. Will look forward to more from Aedyn. Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1

The dead deserve justice…

When psychic medium Joni Smith encounters a pesky ghost in an antique store, she triggers attention from the wrong people. She should have thought twice before jumping the fence past the no trespassing signs, and she shouldn’t have dug up the ghost’s bones to retrieve a locket either, but Joni wants lost souls to find peace. Sometimes taking risks are worth damning the consequences.

So do the living…

Newbie detective and paranormal skeptic, Zeke Gregson isn’t quite sure what to make of Joni digging up a grave in the backwoods of his neighbor’s property. She won’t hand over whatever she stole from the grave, and she won’t answer his questions. He has no choice but to bring her in for questioning because someone is killing women in Pendleton County. If Joni isn’t the murderer, she might be the key that leads him to who is.

A secret society…

As Zeke and Joni comb through evidence, they soon realize they are in over their heads. Before another woman dies, they must lean on each other’s skills in order to get justice.

A secret desire…

Trust doesn’t come easy for either of them, but as they fight for their lives, racing against the clock to stop the killer, they may discover something neither realized they were searching for…love. Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1

*Non Spoiler Review*

Wow, what a punchy Paranormal Romance!

I loved the MC Joni, she was not afraid to wear her vulnerability on her sleeve. To me it still make her powerful and engaging. Zeke was your classic good guy, who luckily still has some elements to him that make him a believable character. There is always a danger in some PNRs where the MC’s turnout to be this too good to be true character. Whereas Brooks manages to make them both quite relatable – #winning

The setting is Pendleton County as small place that is quite backwards in its way of thinking, I thought Brooks did a fantastic job weaving supernatural, suspense and romance into the storyline. The overarching story was good and I found myself wanting to know more about the supporting characters, which is always good because it gives a writer the chance to do separate books on them.

Overall, very happy with the story. I would have liked to have know a little more on Joni’s background, but I guess that is being saved for the next book.

Rating: 4/5 Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1 I am not going to tell you the story of 'Dead Reckoning' - I am not a spoilsport, and it would be extremely ill-mannered of me to deprive you of the experience of this story.

So I am going to tell you this story kept me on the edge of my seat, then my pillows. From page 1, the tension built throughout, and even though I KNEW the main characters had to survive, I still worried myself silly into the wee small hours when I really should have been sleeping.

The characters were very well drawn, the good guys (and gals) relatable and worth worrying about, and the bad guys just plain creepy and horrifyingly real.

Did I enjoy this story? I'm not a masochist, and I generally prefer happier reads that don't destroy my previously impeccable nails. So I guess I am perverse because I devoured this story, and not just because I really needed to discover that the good always win either.

It was difficult to believe this was written by a new author, but clearly the author has taken the time to learn and develop their craft - it certainly shows in the finished product.

I'm now impatient for Book 2 in this series, but having read this story and discovered the author's talent for the unexpected, I am not going to presume or even hazard a guess at the next story's plot.

I can highly recommend this book. Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1 I was watching a YouTube video with the author & she was describing the personal experiences she had and how they made their way into her book. I'm not going to lie, that really piqued my interest and I was compelled to buy. Aedyn Brooks' hybridization of paranormal AND romantic elements made for a fantastic read. My only regret is that I didn't read it sooner. Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1 This book took me about six months to write, but five years to perfect. This book is near and dear to my soul. I hope you enjoy the journey reading this as much as I have writing it. Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1 Excellent debut novel. While this is first and foremost a romance, it’s also paranormal mystery with a fast-paced story line. The paranormal elements were top-notch with some unique aspects that I really enjoyed—the ghosts and demons were amazing! The characters all have interesting quirks that provide humor. The romance was lovely . . . Zeke is a great hero and Joni is the friend you always wanted. I also really liked some of the unusual descriptions this author uses. I can’t wait to see what other goodness this author publishes! Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1


review Dead Reckoning, Grave Intentions, Book 1