Dating the Superhero (Just Call Me Jane, #1) By S. Doyle


It’s my first day of college. The start of my life, really. I’m worried about classes, making friends, losing my best friend Corey… my future!

I’m also worried about him.

Because Logan is the kind of guy that when he walks into your life every alarm bell should sound. Okay maybe they did, and I maybe I heard them. I just didn’t want to listen.

His father’s a criminal. Many think he is too. All things any normal girl should run away from.

Problem is I’m not exactly… normal.


I’m used to being the center of attention. The campus villain. The guy every guy loves to hate and every girl wants to save.

Of course, I knew she was coming. The world knew she was coming. I expected her to be taller, cockier even. What I didn’t expect was for her to be so damn real. So truly courageous.

I don’t know what I want with Jane… I only know I want Jane.

Which makes things difficult considering who she is.

Am I actually considering dating a superhero? Dating the Superhero (Just Call Me Jane, #1)

S. Doyle Ä 2 Summary

Absolutely delightful fun read

What a fun, witty, original story. Ms. Doyle gives us a refreshing take on this college romance about a reluctant superhero, Goddess Jane Freedman, wanting to be just a normal teenager. You know, go to parties, make new friends, date, and go to classes without the persistent looks that make her feel freaking weird. By day, Jane is a college freshman at GCU but by night she’s out there fighting crime in Grandville City’s gang warfare. And the secondary characters are to die for. Her BFF, Corey, is loyal and the coolest goth chick around and her mom, Gloria Steinem Freedman, is a lawyer with the ACLU.

Jane’s first day on campus she meets Logan Weatherby. One hot, smokin’ British guy. With his dad in jail, the family’s name and reputation is a blemish on society, Logan sees that Jane is the new shiny fish on campus. That takes the pressure off him. At first, Jane and Logan skirt around each other but eventually they don’t want to resist the attraction. Logan is really intrigued by Jane and she trusts Logan to help her with her problem. But what happens to Jane next is incredulous. Wow. It is nail-biting tension and had me on the edge. There are plenty of twists and turns in this story and unanswered questions. Lots of subplots that make this gem of a story so engrossing. I can’t wait for the next book, My Crazy Ex-Superhero. English Half a story

I did not realize when I read the blurb that this was only the first half of the story and you have to buy the second book to finish. I hate stories that leave you hanging!
The story is not particularly good, a lot of childish behavior in the past of all the characters! English Dating the Superhero is such an entertaining story. It’s clever and imaginative, quirky and funny. I loved it. Jane is a college student just trying to fit in, despite the fact that she’s, well, a superhero and the focus of much gossip and speculation. Student by day, crime fighter by night, she’s surprisingly unpretentious and I really like her. She wants to be like any other student, have fun with her friends, drink, join a club, oh and have sex, but the pesky special powers just keep getting in the way.

This is a fun, lighthearted read for the most part but what good is a superhero without a villain or two and by the end of Part 1 things have taken a more sinister turn. I’m not sure who to trust any more and who has an ulterior motive. I can’t wait for Part 2 to find out. English Sadly, not this author's best effort. I have very much enjoyed S. Doyle's work in the past, but I found Dating the Superhero oddly-paced, not exciting enough for a superhero book and very much too NA-ish for my taste. It's marketed as romance for Wonder Woman fans, but it's more like romance for Peter Parker fans. The heroine just wants to fit in and everyone else is trying to convince her that she was born to stand out. I was uninterested in this conflict. Plus there was very little superhero action to speak of until right near the end. And then she wasn't even allowed to save herself despite the fact that she is supposed to be the superhero. Not only was it not what I wanted out of the book, it was not what I wanted or had come to expect out of the author. Honestly, a thorough disappointment for me. I'm currently reading the sequel in the hopes that this could be salvaged, but my hope diminishes with every page turn. Also, if typos and missing words annoy you, this book is riddled with them. Between the pacing problems and the bad copyediting, it had me wondering whether perhaps this one was rushed out. Not impressed. English I really enjoyed this book. I wanted to know more about Jane and how she got her powers and who from. Logan was another mystery I wanted to solve. His dad gave him a bad rep but is he just as bad? And the ending! So many unanswered question that I can not wait for the next book. English

Rated 2.5 Stars

I was excited to read this book because of the superhero angle but it didn't work for me at all.

ARC won in a contest English Dating the Superhero is a wonderfully-written book that had me smiling from start to finish. Such a unique premise, Stephanie Doyle brings us the tale of an 18 year-old with true super powers no one can quite explain. Goddess Jane just wants to be Jane, the simple college freshman. Not the woman who can fight crime even without a cape.

Not knowing anything this book, I was once again pleasantly surprised by the author's creativity at giving the readers something different. Something special. Crafting a story-line that had me laughing one minute from exceptionally witty one-liners to being a bit lustful at Logan Weatherby and his sexy ways. Logan, as Jane's object of affection and curiosity, is both cocky and sensitive. His father's dealings have hardened him a bit and even with all his money, he feels on edge most of the time. Not sure where his life will lead. And now with Jane in the picture, I loved seeing his world a bit off balance by the girl who could fend off bullets at night and by day struggle to find more than one friend. An enigma like he's never seen.

Never knowing where this story was headed, there is a certain lightness and whimsy that kept me riveted. A very distinctive adventure that I found very hard to put down. It has the right balance of quirky combined with devotion and true emotion from both Jane's mother and bestie in Corey. The college scene is portrayed quite accurately with the characters of Courtney and Marc adding to the already confusing mix that Jane has to contend with.

There is also a side story involving a young reporter and her boss. I see a true spinoff concerning Mia and Harry in the future. The part they will play as the story continues in book 2 should be very interesting as truths come to light, with the hope that Jane doesn't succumb to those who want to know more about her gifts.

Dating the Superhero is as fun a ride I've had in a long time. I love when authors step out of their comfort zone for a bit and write the unexpected.

This one is definitely worth your time and I happily give it a solid 5 stars!! English 4.75 stars! I loved the way the story unfolded, with multiple points of view. Other than a few dropped words, this story were perfect! It was hot and sexy, while also being suspenseful and providing some levity. English This is a FUUUUUUUUUNNNN! read! fast-paced and funny. It's like Wondergirl meets Veronica Mars English I love this writer, and I’m hooked enough to order the next one in the series, but it’s feeling a little too “young” for me. I’m thinking that people in their teens and twenties are going to love this just a smidge more than I did (and should definitely read it). Also, I’m a little superheroed out, to be honest. These are all MY problems. What is most definitely a publishing problem, however, is the 8 million typos. I know I never shut up about this, and I should probably just give up and give in to the new world order of modern print (nothing ever spelled right, words missing or transposed, entirely incorrect words being used, possibly due to autocorrect, etc.), but ...that just wouldn’t be me. Words mean something. Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure mean something. Editing and proofreading mean something. I don’t understand how this is just how it is, now. Is no one paying attention? Is it a money issue? No budget for editors or proofreaders? How is it possible that this book (like so many others, now), could go to its final printing with one or more errors on every single page, practically? It’s incredibly distracting! I just don’t get it. Even if no one else was paying attention, you’d think that at least the author would care enough about the way she was being represented. I dunno. I’ve had excellent, successful, published writers explain the process to me, but I’m still failing to see how the system has broken down so horribly. And please, Ms. Doyle, if you’re reading this, and you are the one who gave me the free book to make up for it, last time (I can’t remember who it was), that’s not necessary. I’m not trying to penalize anyone, or get free stuff. I just want to understand. Is it computer error? Human error? I would really like to know, and...hopefully...see this new trend reversed. English
