Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment By Danny Silk

The Culture of Honor is a book of reformation. It is intended to disrupt our current model of authority. Jesus put it like this in Matthew 20:25 26: But Jesus called them to Himself and said, You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. Those with power must learn to empower those around them or we will never build Heaven on the Earth. Please Note: The audio references accompanying material that is not included with the purchase of this audiobook. Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment

Read Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment

I had the joy and privilege to travel to Redding, CA to attend a conference held at Bethel church last Spring (2009). I had read many books by various Bethel staff (Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, & Beni Johnson) and I had watched services on so I was extremely Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment This is a uniquely inspiring book! Danny captures the purpose and components to creating a Biblical Christian culture which becomes the conduit for knowing and experiencing God Himself! When a 4 year Christian, I was rescued out of conservative evangelicalism Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment I would say it is ok because it covers some important topics. Specifically how to correct or confront. If you use a little bit of sanctified logic you will realize Danny is saying there are no rules but in the next breath giving you a rule or principle like apostles come Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment

Danny Silk has become a staple in our ministry. This book is actually required reading material for our church. Love the values and principles taught in this book! Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment I've read a number of books from Bethel's senior leadership team including quite a few by Bill Johnson, one from Kris, and Danny's other book Loving Our Kids On Purpose. Of all of them, if I had to chose a favorite, CULTURE OF HONOR would be my choice. Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment Some years ago my life was changed when I heard a series called Rediscovering the Kingdom by Dr. Myles Munroe. I devoured it and I was ruined and could never go back to the teaching I had been under for the first 25 years of my Christian life. In seeking other Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment After some friends recommended this to me, I decided to buy the Kindle edition. I am generally supportive of the ministry of Bethel Church. I have read a few other writings from Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, so I am familiar with the Bethel worldview. I regularly listen Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment We live in an age that will come to be known as an age of dishonor. Yet there is a light from heaven that cannot be darkened. Danny Silk believes the culture of The Kingdom of Heaven has come to permeate the earth. I agree. As Myles Munroe would tells us, we have been Culture of Honor: Sustaining a Supernatural Enviornment
