Conways All the Worlds Fighting Ships, 1860-1905 By Robert Gardiner

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Conway's All The World's Fighting Ships 1860-1905 is the first complete listing of all major warships built in the period between the first ironclad and the Dreadnought. The book is organized by country, sub-divided chronologically by ship type and class, with detailed tabular data and design history.

Roger Chesneau & Eugene M Kolesnik, eds
Contributors: N J M Campbell, Aldo Fraccaroli, David Lyon, Hugh Lyon, John Roberts, Erwin Sieche, H C Timewell, & A J Watts
Line drawing by John Roberts
Conway Maritime Press Ltd, London, 1979.
Hardback; 230 x 315 mm; blue boards with gold titles on spine; 440 pages plus unpaginated front matter including Contents, Foreword by Robert Gardiner, Editorial Director, and Abbreviations. .
The period 1860-1905 witnessed the introduction of armour plate, breech-loading guns, the turbine, and the modern torpedo; it saw the victory of steam over sail, and iron and steel over wood; and by its close there were signs that the submarine and the aeroplane would change the face of naval warfare still further.
At the time this book was published, there was very little information in print, no standard reference work, and not even an accessible class list before the advent of Jane’s in 1898. Conway’s All the World’s Fighting Ships 1860-1905 presents in quite exceptional detail information on the ships of all classes of all the navies of the period, including the Confederate Navy, even down to the island of Zanzibar. Over 400 photographs are included with 500 constant scale (1/1000) drawings commissioned specially for this book.
This book will therefore appeal to all those with an interest in naval history especially of this period, and the technical developments that took place. Conways All the Worlds Fighting Ships, 1860-1905

Along with Paul Silverstone's Warships of the Civil War Navies, this might be one of the most valuable source of technical specifications on the American Civil War naval era. Gun armaments, caliber, armor thickness, etc. are all specified. I would give it to Silverstone for focusing on the specific ACW era and providing more information on each hull, but also give credit to this book for the period directly after the war through the pre-dreadnought era, on which precious little has been written. Strongly recommend this one if you are interested in the technical side of the Civil War and afterwards. 9780851771335 Conway's Fighting Ships 1860-1905 is a book that covers the slow steady march towards the ironclads and steel warhorses of the 20th Century. From the old galleons, frigates, and cruisers of the 19th century, through the transitional ironclads on to the Dreadnaught, this book covers them all.
The information is detailed, the historical significance of each vessel well defined, and the images are quite good considering the period being covered.
A must for any naval library. 9780851771335 Référentiel assez impressionnant de tout ce qui a flotté sous pavillon militaire durant la période. C'est l'époque des changements majeurs voiles -> vapeur, bois -> acier, boulet -> obus, et des essais plus ou moins fructueux d'innovations techniques et de doctrine. Le livre n'est pas une étude en soi, mais un bon référentiel technique pour approfondir la période. 9780851771335
