Conversational Hypnosis: A Fast Guide To Conversational Hypnosis; Yet, The Only One You'll Ever Need By The Nameless Hypnotist


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You can hypnotize anyone without them knowing it.

You can do so just by having a normal conversation with them. Now, a lot of people don't really understand this. That's what this book is all about. I'm on the whole going to teach you conversational hypnosis in a very clear, concise, and straightforward way so when you're finished reading this book you will have a mastery of conversational hypnosis that even some professional hypnotists don't have. I know this is a big promise. However, I aim to deliver.

You don't have to know anything about hypnosis to benefit from this book.

Now, you might be wondering why you should want to know how to hypnotize anyone by having a normal conversation with them? And, sure, this is a fair question. The answer lies in every individual’s individual purpose. For example, if you're in sales, and you want to lessen the resistance your potential customer has toward your product offering, even yourself for that matter, then you can use conversational hypnosis to put his or her mind at rest so as to allow them to make a less critical decision.

If you are in a relationship with someone and that relationship is not going so well, God forbid, then you can use conversational hypnosis to ease the tension present in the relationship to build greater goodwill towards your partner. This can possibly save your relationship from total annihilation. One person I trained had this very experience. Now, when I see this person, they go on and on about how perfect their relationship is. I won’t say more.

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Conversational Hypnosis: A Fast Guide To Conversational Hypnosis; Yet, The Only One You'll Ever Need