The Five Love Languages of Children By Gary Chapman

Does your child speak a different language? Sometimes they wager for your attention, and other times they ignore you completely. Sometimes they are filled with gratitude and affection, and other times they seem totally indifferent. Attitude. Behavior. Development. Everything depends on the love relationship between you and your child. When children feel loved, they do their best. But how can you make sure your child feels loved?
Since 1992, Dr. Gary Chapman's best-selling book The 5Love Languages has helpedmillions of couples develop stronger, more fulfilling relationships by teaching them to speak each others' love language. Each child, too, expresses and receives love through one of five different communication styles. And your love language may be totally different from that of your child. While you are doing all you can to show your child love, he may be hearing it as something completely opposite. Discover your child's primary language and learn what you can do to effectively convey unconditional feelings of respect, affection, and commitment that will resonate in your child's emotions and behavior.
The Five Love Languages of Children

characters ✓ eBook, PDF or Kindle ePUB ☆ Gary Chapman

I am a blue, type - A, ESTJ, who likes to be shown love through quality time, and likes long walks on the beach and....WAIT, no I'm not. I'm Karen, a girl with lots of personality quirks, one of which is that I dislike pop psychology books that tell me I and everyone else fits into one of their created, ficticious descriptions. I have to admit, I didn't even finish this book (I did read almost all of it though). Probably most of us are familiar with the five love languages, they have enjoyed being very discussed pop psychology for the past 10 years. This book applies those same love languages to children. My issue is not with this book specifically, but with the idea in general. All this labeling, catagorizing, pigeon-holing, and simplifing people, into tidy little groups. I know we all have similarities, but if you really want to love someone, get to know them. It takes time and effort, but that would be a better use of your time than reading this book. Paperback There are some real problems with this book. I finished it, because there were a few helpful nuggets I could take away, but in general, I have some serious objections.

First, maybe I live under a rock, but it's not immediately apparent from the front cover, back blurb, or early chapters that this book has religious undertones. Religious nonfiction is great for some people and has an important place, but, as I've said with novels that try to sneak a message in in the last quarter, be upfront about it. No mention of religion in the first four chapters, then one mention in chapter five, and three in chapter seven strikes me as dishonest.

Second, like many self-help books, this presents a one-perfect-solution sell. If we only love our children hard enough, problems will miraculously vanish. The scenarios presented are patently ridiculous: children are instantly repentant and apparently change their ways when presented with loving correction.

Third, the book fails to mention that there might be something actually wrong with your child. Every parenting book should include, regularly throughout the book, that if your child doesn't respond within a few weeks, that you should request a referral or further medical observation.

For example: The mishandling of anger is related to every present and future problem your child may have-- from poor grades to damaged relationships to possible suicide... Most of life's problems will be averted and your child will be more able to use anger to his advantage, rather than have it work against him (p. 160). It is my uneducated opinion as his parent that my child's problems are almost exclusively related to his anxiety, his ADHD, his hearing deficiency, and his vision problems. All of these affect his schooling to a much greater degree.

If this book is to be of any value, it would be to first-time parents of very young children who are expected to be neurotypical. Paperback ليس من الصواب إظهار محبتنا لأطفالنا فقط عندما يكونون متفوقين أو مميزين، ولكن هناك حاجة ملّحة وضرورية كي أقول لطفلي أنت مهم، ومحبوب بالنسبة ليّ بغض النظر عن مدى إنجازاتك، حتى ولو أخفقت أو لم تنجز الكثير فأنت بالنسبة ليّ تعني الكثير، أنت بالنسبة ليّ أهم إنسان في هذا الوجود. Paperback This book, like the other Five Languages of Love book, takes an interesting concept that could have been detailed in a 3-5 page essay but is instead stretched miserably with vague example stories and filler recaps so they could publish an entire book. Also, the section that declared that not all women work, so they should talk to their husbands about receiving a monthly budget to buy them gifts was particularly weird. Paperback لقد شاركت عدة مقتطفات من كتاب مع اصدقائي من شدة إعجاب به.لن أتحدث عن مفهوم لغات الحب الخمسة التي طرحها .لانني قرأت كتابه فكنت متوقعة .
الذي أعجبني في هذا الكتاب هي الفصول الاخيرة المتعلقة ب
التأديب و العقاب
الحب و الغضب
السلوك العدواني و العصيان
كيف تتعامل مع الالام الفقد لدى الاطفال و العيش في بيت ذات والد واحد.
هذه أسئلة اتعرض لها برشا في محيط العمل أو في محيط أسري بالاعتبار أنني إخصائية في رعاية الصحية للأطفال كنت اقدم اجوبة الحمد الله كانت صائبة .مستعينة بالدراسة و بما قرأت
لكن هذا الكتاب جعلتني انتبه لجزئية املأ الخزان بالحب ثم تعال و نحدث عن سلوك طفل سئ أو تاديب طفل.
و جزئية تعامل مع غضب الأطفال

أرشج لكل شخص مهتم بتربية عسى أن نكون أكثر وعيًا

9/juin/21❤🌸 Paperback

The concept of the five love languages is very inspiring, and it was fun to figure out which is the best way to express my love to each of my kids. Of course it’s not that simple, not that black and white: they – just like everyone else – are multilingual. The five love languages may seem oversimplified, and some examples fabricated, but the book has its merits. It’s about love after all. Paperback I've read the original 5 Love Languages and so this one was sort of a waste of my time. I did find some valuable tips and interesting insights, but the 5 languages are the same for kids as adults, so it was the same book all over again. With an adult, you can say, Here honey, take this quiz to let me know what your primary love language is. With kids, you can't do that as easily. This book (politely) says to the reader, Hey, dummy. Try quality time and see how your kid responds. Then try words of affirmation and observe. Then try… Now I told you the secret and you don't have to read this book. Probably the most helpful part was the chapter on discipline and the love languages. The fact that if you use their love language against them, it can be traumatizing. When their language is physical touch and you spank them, it's devastating. If their language is quality time and you send them to their room, they're crushed. To another kid, being sent to their room is play time. It was a good reminder to be sensitive to love languages when your kid misbehaves. Most times when your children misbehave, it's because they're asking for love anyway. Paperback Immediately, I realized that I wasn't meeting each of my children's individual love need. I thought my son's main love language was physical touch but it's also words of affirmation. This is so obvious in that he is always touching, always wrestling, and always in your personal space and now that I realize it he's also always asking if everything is ok, did he do this ok, am I all right and he is so happy after receiving positive words of affirmation from myself and my husband. After reading Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell's tips, I began to incorporate more touch into every moment that I was near my son and a lot more words of affirmation. Whenever he is near, my hand can be found on his head, his back, or engaging in learning manners such as shaking hands. I have learned to use touch in all of his learning activities and his acting out has gone down considerably as well as his verbal skills have soared.

My daughter was a little harder to discover but I quickly discovered that her love languages are acts of service and time. She wants to be with you yet she wants to do something with you. Playing games with her, baking with her, doing crafts with her, and even cleaning or doing laundry together are all reaching her needs. She also loves to work on Punky Monkey Misisons projects together like crocheting, passing out Blessed to Bless bags to the needy and taking food to the homeless.

As a mom, I found that The 5 Love Languages of Children was one of the best books I could have read. I wish I would have had this as a new mom! Gary Champan and Ross Campbell use biblical principles, personal illustrations, and personal application to really open up your eyes to your child's needs. I highly recommend this book to any parent - new or old. It might just be the charge your family needs to go from average to exemplary. If every child had their love languages met just think of what a better place we would live in.

Paperback This book is brilliant! Beyond the fact that this is a book about how to love your child in the way that he or she best identifies and recognizes as love...because that alone is a smart and beautiful undertaking, this book begins by introducing the concept of learning to speak your child's love language and then includes a gentle list of things to remember about children.

In this book, Chapman and Campbell explain each of the five ways a child expresses and receives love. They explain how to identify your child's primary love language and provide numerous examples of how to speak it through various actions targeting specific age groups. Guidance is also given for using this method when there is a need to discipline and when teaching life rules to young children.

A perfect gift for a mother of young children, I wish I had read this earlier. This will be my go-to gift this year. Though I was already aware of the love languages for marriage, I hadn't considered this for children. Upon reading this, it was painfully obvious which languages my two speak (both different) and what I can do differently. I will follow up and note later if some adjustments I plan to make effect change. Also, the copy I read was reprinted in 2016 and has a more modern cover. 5 stars. Paperback مراجعة كتاب لغات الحب الخمس التي يستخدمها الأطفال

جاري تشابمان

روس كامبل

وصلتني رسالة على بريدي الإلكتروني من الأخ خليل لمكتبة القراء البحرينيين، شدني عنوان الكتاب وعلى الرغم من أنني لست قارئة إلكترونية أن صح التعبير إلا أنني بدأت في قراءة الكتاب، كلمة شدتني لنهاية السطر وما أنهيه السطر حتى يأخذني السطر الآخر بقوة.

لطالما أمنت بأن الحب هو نبض العلاقات هو روح العلاقات المؤسسة لحياة سعيدة، ولأسباب كثيرة نعلمها أحيانًا ونجهلها أحيانا كثيرة لا نوفق لتلك السعادة في بعض الفترات.

أتحدث الآن من قلب أم وقفت كثيرًا متسائلة عن الكيفية التي تمكنها من الوصول إلى قلب أحد أبنائها، متسائلة عن سبب غضبهم في اغلب الأوقات؟ وكيف بإمكانهم التنفيس عن غضبهم دون أن يؤذوا المحيطين!؟ كيف بإمكاني مساعدتهم وجعلهم قريبين !!؟ ما هي أسباب كل ذلك !؟

أجابني الكتاب عبر فصول قائلًا : عزيزتي أنكِ لا تتحدثين لغة الحب الخاصة بطفلك، فَّفَّرغ خزان الحب لديه فتمرد في سلوكه ليلفت نظرك، أنه يحتاج لملأ ذلك الخزان من جديد بالحب ليستطيع أن يواصل الحياة فبدونه الحب هو ضعيف من الداخل.

- أحبهم جميعًا وأحاول جاهدة أن أكون منصفة في تعاملي!!.

- نعم ولكن تتحدثين لغة حب واحدة قد لا يفهمها جميعهم فهناك يا عزيزتي خمس لغات للحب

-خمس لغات للحب ، وما هي!؟

1- التلامس الجسدي.

2- كلمات التوكيد.

3- الهدايا.

4- أعمال الخدمة.

5- الوقت النوعي.

فابحثي بين صفحاتي كيف يمكنك أن تتعلمي التحدث بتلك اللغات جميعًا وكيف تكتشفي لغة الحب الخاصة بأبنائك فكل إنسان يحتاج الخمس لغات ولكن هناك لغة واحدة ما تشعره أن محبوب.

تلك اللغات مكتوبة بكلمات بسيطة لأفكار متسلسلة تأخدك تدريجيًا لإستيعاب الفكرة والجميل هو أرشادك إلى مراجع أخرى في حال الرغبة في الاستزادة، النماذج للحالات الحقيقية التي مرت على الكاتب بحكم وظيفته كدكتور نفسي دعمت الافكار بشكل جدًا قوي.

أنصح كل أم وأب وزوج وزوجة يتطلعون إلى حياة أكثر راحة بقراءة الكتاب.

** لا انسى ان اتقدم بالشكر للجهود المبذولة في المكتبة الإلكترونية لتحدي القراء البحرينيين.

أمل سالم

20/03/2016م Paperback
