: Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store By Roger Scruton


A revised edition of the Notting Hill Editions essay collection by the late Sir Roger Scruton with a new introduction by Douglas Murray.Confessions of a Heretic is a collection of provocative essays by the influential social commentator and polemicist Roger Scruton. Each “confession” reveals aspects of the author’s thinking that his critics would probably have advised him to keep to himself. In this selection, covering subjects from art and architecture to politics and nature conservation, Scruton challenges popular opinion on key aspects of our culture: What can we do to protect Western values against Islamist extremism? How can we nurture real friendship through social media? Why is the nation state worth preserving? How should we achieve a timely death against the advances of modern medicine? This provocative collection seeks to answer the most pressing problems of our age.In his introduction, the bestselling author and commentator Douglas Murray writes of what it cost Scruton to express views considered unpalatable, and of the importance of these ideas after Scruton’s death. : Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store

The product wasn't as described! The book and print is so small it's unreasonable! : Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store This collection is an excellent introduction to this most singular and admirable thinker. As he is no longer with us, a persuasive summing up like this is valuable going forward. : Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store My husband thought it was an okay book. : Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store I’m told some of his earlier writings about music or interesting, but this was pretty stale and nothing earth shattering. : Confessions of a Heretic, Revised Edition eBook : Scruton, Roger, Murray, Douglas: Kindle Store

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