COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY AND THESAURUS OF 12 ANCIENT LANGUAGES: AKKADIAN-ENGLISH (English-Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, ... Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic.) By Maximillien de Lafayette
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This volume is for the Akkadian language (Akkadian English) with words and vocabulary comparison with Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic, when the same word and/or its origin, variants and derivation are similar in these multiple languages.
It includes: Epistemology. Etymology. Terminology. History. Texts translation. Transliteration. Linguistic cross references. In addition, it refers to a brief study of the history, culture and society of Akkadia throughout the ages.
This is Volume 1 from a set of 4: A most unique dictionary of the Akkadian language on many levels; mainly because of its comparison and analogy between Sumerian and 12 languages of the ancient world, such as, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, Ugaritic, Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic. Written by a scholar who has to his credits 600 published books, and 9 dictionaries on the languages of the Near East, Middle East, Asia Minor and Europe.
The dictionary is in Latin script. Thousands of entries, definitions and epistemological explanation of the origin of the word, its derivation and variants in other languages. Abundance of photos, maps, illustrations and sketches.
This series by Maximillien de Lafayette consists of the following books:
Akkadian English Dictionary (4 Volumes)
Sumerian English Dictionary (4 Volumes)
Assyrian English Dictionary (3 Volumes)
Aramaic English Dictionary (2 Volumes)
Hittite English Dictionary (2 Volumes)
Phoenician Ugaritic English Dictionary (1 Volume)
Maximillien de Lafayettes books are available in 2 formats:
1 Kindle edition at www.
2 In paperback at
Authors website:
Listen to his radio show on the Internet: Maximillien de Lafayette Show at Click on Archived to see/hear all the episodes.
COMPARATIVE DICTIONARY AND THESAURUS OF 12 ANCIENT LANGUAGES: AKKADIAN-ENGLISH (English-Akkadian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Chaldean, Phoenician, ... Hittite, Aramaic, Syriac, Hebrew, Arabic.)
First 28% of this text is a comprehensive bibliography, a few with links to sites to buy books. Remainder is a non comprehensive survey of languages, dictionary with scattered pictures than thesaurus. Language not always specified. For the price I expected an actual comparison between similar words instead of a word jumble. Like most dictionaries of the sort there is not a good flow to the system, so it makes finding anything difficult unless you know the exact word you are looking for. Interesting idea, not well implemented. Google That Arabic words derive from Akkadian ones is not correct. Akkadian and Arabic being autonomous parts of the larger Afro Asiatic language family, similar words or roots may be cognate with a connection at the level of an older, common linguistic ancestor. Otherwise the book offers interesting insight on the similarities among many different ancient, and modern, Semitic languages. Google To anyone who has studied some of these languages, like myself, it is easily apparent that 1) he doesn't know much about his subject 2) he is pandering to the Ancient Aliens crowd. He is a fraud. Google