Common Core Practice - Grade 7 Math: Workbooks to Prepare for the PARCC or Smarter Balanced Test: CCSS Aligned By Lumos Learning
Practice and master critical math skills and concepts that meet the Common Core State Standards. Ideal for test prep as well as daily practice.
This ebook Includes:
* Hundreds of standards aligned practice questions
* 30+ Skills foundational to success on Smarter Balanced and PARCC assessments
* Five CCSS Domains: Ratio & Proportional Relationships, The Number system, Expressions & Equations, Geometry and Statistics & Probability
* Detailed answer explanations for every question
PLUS One Year access to Online Workbooks
* Convenient access to additional practice questions
* Anywhere Access! Learn using a smart phone, tablet or personal computer
* Personalized and student-directed with real-time feedback Common Core Practice - Grade 7 Math: Workbooks to Prepare for the PARCC or Smarter Balanced Test: CCSS Aligned