Collins Illustrated Guide To Pakistan By Isobel Shaw


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Pakistan Handbook
Front Cover
Isobel Shaw
Moon Publications, 1998 - Travel - 661 pages
1 Review
Pakistan Handbook suggests well-traveled and relatively unknown routes through the Pakistani countryside. Travelers will appreciate the detailed itineraries for long and short treks across the Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalaya. Up-to-date information on lodgings from Sindh to Balochistan and dining options from Punjab to the North-West Frontier Province will answer visitors' questions.
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My review - Edit review
Isobel's observant eye records detail travel-guidance for environmentalists to recreate the ethereal experiences that exalted her altruistic spiritualism which she shared with humanity of the areas she visited.
Native Pakistanis lack the spirit of adventure or knowledge even when their Official Governmental Public Service Duty demands such jurisdictional knowledge required of them for functioning as Public Servants, the worst defaulters being the Tourism and Natural Resource Development Ministries.
One has to submerge oneself into the picture expressed by her Spartan laconic words to get a whiff of the ambience of her vast deep message that opens the open SIM sim Alibaba Cave of rejuvenation by Nature-Absorption that has kept and spurred her youthful radiant energy to trek the length of her strenuous fatiguing travel and share copyright personal knowledge altruistically with Humanity at large in the true spirit of a Global Citizen.
Regards to Isobel, from one who reviewed the book overnight on the hillock over looking the Indus Karakoram Gorge, now a Dam is under construction there 9780002152174

Collins Illustrated Guide To Pakistan

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