This book is published in the cheapest version. The paper is of low quality. This makes the illustrations look horribly ugly. It is not at the level of an art publication. I expected something completely different depending on the price. I really regretted ordering it. Rebeka Elizegi Excellent book, condition reported accurately. Delivered on time. Great book! Rebeka Elizegi Beau livre, très riche en idées, mais il faut avoir quelques notions en anglais.mêmes si les illustrations sont aussi là pour nous inspirer. Certaines illustrations sont un peu petites et en noir et blancdommage.J'avais conscience que c'était en anglais. Cela reste un livre très inspirant Rebeka Elizegi I highly recommend this book!Very inspirational with amazing artists. Rebeka Elizegi Great book Rebeka Elizegi
Buy Collage by Women: 50 Essential Contemporary Artists Illustrated by Rebeka Elizegi (ISBN: 9788416851775) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Collage by Women: 50 Essential Contemporary Artists
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