CliffsNotes on Kesey#39;s One Flew Over the Cuckoo#39;s Nest (Cliffsnotes Literature Guides) By Bruce E Walker
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Good £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD It's notes on the book, not the actual book. Could well be my fault for not reading the blurb carefully £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD excellent, would recommend £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD
Fine. Arrived quickly. £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD I wanted to get of an insight through notes on the novel. Kesey always struck me as an interesting character. £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD good £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD Brought this for son who is studying it for Higher English, he says it brings together all the information he needs in a short book that is easy to understand. £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD says what it does very helpful not bad delivery saved me a lot of time having to read the original but havibg said that u need to read the original £0.00 , Paperback, Audio CD
Buy CliffsNotes on Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (Cliffsnotes Literature Guides) by Walker, Bruce E (ISBN: 9780764586620) from Amazon's Book Store. Free UK delivery on eligible orders. CliffsNotes on Kesey#39;s One Flew Over the Cuckoo#39;s Nest (Cliffsnotes Literature Guides)