Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) By Shea Balik

Well, they say you can still teach an old dog new tricks and we have definitely seen that in effect here. The one doctor no one would have thought would change, has had several kicks in the pants and it’s made him finally see the error of his ways. But too many are not falling for it, all except one. And that’s the one who matters.
Oliver Pierce is the one doctor no one would ever expect to change. He’s seen alphas raping omegas or almost and done nothing. He’s left dying omegas on the operating table because he refused to work on them. Thinking he was above them. He always thought he was superior until a few things happened that made him change his way of thinking. The first was Anson Shaw. The beautiful omega who was nice to him, no matter what his reputation was. But everyone warned Anson away from him and his father cussed Oliver out, warning Oliver away. The next was his own dad, who admitted things about his father Oliver had no clue about, including that his dad was divorcing his father. And praying Oliver would finally see the error of his ways. Little by little, he was trying to make changes. He didn’t always get it right, but he was trying his best. It wasn’t until Anson was shot that it finally really clicked home how he really felt about Anson and how his behavior affected everyone. Because the staff that worked with him was as bad as he was. And he was done. Through every step of rehabilitation, Oliver was there and proving he was making a change and how it hurt when no one would take a chance on him. But Anson believed in him and that’s all that mattered. But the stalker is still escalating and will they be able to stop them before Anson is hurt again or will it be over before it really begins?
This stalker is driving me nuts! Lol. Just when I think I might have it figured out, I’m wrong. Although, there’s enough clues now, I think I may have it. And it’s definitely more than one person. But this time, the stalkers are going for broke. Not only have they attacked Shale, but they got Anson as well. And they are leaving more flowers for the omegas who thought they were home free. But the good part about this whole story is Anson and Oliver. And Oliver’s dad. Because of these two beautiful omegas, Oliver got to see a side to things he’d never seen before, or heard and because of it, it really made him reevaluate who he really is. And he didn’t like who he was. Who he’s been. He’s not better than anyone else. They are all the same. It doesn’t mean that he didn’t make mistakes while he was changing. Change doesn’t happen overnight, especially when it’s been ingrained in you for so long to be a different way. But he was determined to change and make things right. Even if only for Anson. He wanted to be worthy of Anson. And I love it.
It’s never too late to change. It’s never too late to make things right and I’m glad that Oliver finally got a clue. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) This is book 6 in the Hart Medical Centerseries. Dr. Oliver Pierce is a straight up as*hole he has treated omegas like dirt he almost killed Jamal when he was shot he walked out when the P.A. Cullian was almost sexually assaulted he complained when Shale was hired and begin changing things at the hospital. When his omega dad tells him that he is divorcing his father he begins to question his behavior. Anson Shaw had barely managed to get free from his ex-husband alive. When he befriends Oliver everyone tells him to stay away from him especially his father. When Anson is the next omega the stalker goes after he is shot and almost dies. I liked that Oliver begins to change and when his nurse Kelby says something bad while they are working on Anson he stands up to her and kicks her off his team. Anson who has a stroke on the operating table has a lot of work ahead of him and Oliver is right there with him helping. Oliver can't believe that the stalker hasn't been caught and that the police are not doing anything to help. As Anson begins to recover these two begin falling in love. I loved that Anson stood up for Oliver when his father didn't want him to move in with Oliver when he was released from the hospital. I also liked that Anson stood up to the detective who refused to take the case of the stalker and he went over his head. This book did have 1 error in it but nothing major. I am looking forward to reading the next book in this series. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) 3,5*


To my ratings:
A 3,5* is clicked with a 4* but in review marked as 3,5*:

5* - very very good and rare (it would be a Blow-Away-book like ‘Jesse's Smile’ or ‘Joey’ from Angelique Jurd, ‘Save the the kids’ series
from EM Leya, ‘Love’s Tethered Heart’ from C.L. Etta or ‘Liberty’ from Seth King),
it's like an A+

4* - very good and will be often reread and is a WOW-book with interesting plot and surprises (like most of Andrew Grey books and Davidson Kings 'Haven Hart'-series)
it's like an A

3,5* - a really good book, which will be reread a few times (most romances where you can enjoy for relaxing and during waiting times in
hospitals). I can recommend them definitively!
It's like an B+

3* - it could be more then a one-time-reader (2-3 times a year),
it's like a B

2* - it was ok to read, but it's more a one-time-reader (I wouldn't recommend it heartily, but it was ok)
It's like a C-, D

1* - sorry, but that isn't really a book for me (too many mistakes, not nice plot, illogical, so an absolute NO-GO). It's like failure in the
whole line, dismissed, repeat the class Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) Strong Anson

Wow, Anson just kept getting handed a load of stuff to handle, and he kept being able to handle it. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) I was actually hoping that they'd catch the stalker(s) in this book but it looks like a viable vaccine for Covid-19 might be licensed before that happens! Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6)

Dr. Oliver Pierce always thought Omegas weren’t worth his time. He’d even fought hospital management to keep Omegas from working there. But what if he was wrong? It was something he’d never imagined possible. That was, until he met Anson.

Anson Shaw had barely managed to get free from his ex-husband alive. After months of therapy he’d decided it wasn’t worth being under the thumb of an Alpha. But then he met Oliver. Everyone told Anson to stay away from him, yet despite their warnings he found himself being drawn to the Alpha.

Can an Alpha really change? Is it possible for an Omega to stand up to an Alpha and demand respect? When the Hart’s Medical Center stalker comes after Anson, both men search their hearts to find if love is worth the risk.

Warning: Triggers possible for shooting as well as gruesome notes left for the stalker’s victims. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6)


And even then the maybe is only for people reading the series who want to keep following the stalker storyline. We get some more clues about the stalker(s), and some more shenanigans that prove the stalker is clearly escalating, and I now have suspicions on who is behind the whole thing. I’m curious to see if I’ll turn out to be right. But the stalker isn’t the only storyline in this novella. There’s also a romance… ish. We first met Dr Oliver Pierce back in the first book of the series when he refused to operate on omega detective Jamal Tuma’s gunshot wound and basically almost left him to die. And Oliver’s behaviour hasn’t improved at all in any subsequent appearances. The man is a bigot, he’s hateful, he’s dangerous, and he should’ve been fired long ago and if he’d turned out to be the stalker I wouldn’t have been at all surprised. And now he’s getting his HEA. Fuck. Me. I just couldn’t with this. Anson is this book’s omega and the stalker’s latest victim. He’s had a rough go of things and is finally in a good place. Also he’s never met Oliver before now, so at least this book didn’t have Oliver getting with someone who’d seen his past shitty behaviour (or worse, been subject to it). But oh my fuck was I just so not invested. The writing in this series isn’t good enough to make me believe that Oliver deserves his happy ending with so little work put into it. Maybe if we’d seen Oliver start to make changes before now, but we haven’t. It’s like he did a complete 180 out of the blue for self-serving reasons and I just couldn’t make myself care. No amount of cutesy scenes and sappy speeches will make me get over the fact that this man refused to operate on Jamal in Book 1 just because he’s an omega and therefore not worth the time and effort and basically left him to die. (Actually, I don’t think he even apologized for that.) So the romance here is no-go for me, I honestly just read this for the continuation of the stalker storyline. (Trigger warning for violence, mentions of intimate partner violence) Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) The stalker in this book has nothing on me. I have been stalking this book since the first notice came out on Facebook and I immediately ordered it tonight and began reading it. Read it straight through and it is the best yet in this amazing series. I have loathed Dr. Pierce from book one and to learn he was going to get his own story was so tempting. I guarantee you won't get through the first chapter before you know exactly how Dr. Pierce became who he is and how he is going to change. Anson is perfect for him and his backstory is the perfect set up for Oliver's awakening. The stalker is getting more desperate and dangerous but we are getting closer with help from people in the hospital who haven't been part of the investigation before. The world outside the hospital is even changing. I guess it is too soon to start stalking the next book, but I might just have to. I adore these characters and this series and am going to go back and reread the earlier books starting tomorrow. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) Great read!

I didn't think Dr. Pierce could be redeemed, but what a redemption it was. Anson is the perfect compliment to Anson Pierce and through their interactions we see a whole new, slightly tarnished side of the arrogant Dr. Oliver Pierce. Our stalker is becoming very blood thirsty, and things are escalating... I cannot wait to see what happens next. If you like your romance with a bit of suspense, this series delivers! Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) Pretty Brown Eyes: From Monster to Mate

I really enjoyed this novella. I like Redemption stories. It's amazing to me when an author can turn a despised character into someone you begin to not hate anymore. You actually begin to hope things work out for him. The way Shea Balik handled the transformation was truly entertaining.

When Omega hating Emergency Room doctor Gideon Pierce began to have feelings for a particular Omega everyone was in an uproar. And the doctor didn't know what to do or how to act. Every one was telling the Omega to stay away from Dr. Pierce. What made it so bad was that all the nasty things said about him had been true. But this special Omega for the first time made him want to be a better man.

I definitely enjoyed this novella. It is my favorite of the series at least so far. Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6) From the very beginning, Dr. Oliver is grade a jerk who treated omegas with no respect whatsoever thanks to his alpha father who shaped Oliver to be like him. It all change when Oliver's omega dad decided to leave his husband because finally he had enough of cruel and mean husband of his own. In that moment, his omega dad told him the deepest secret he kept about his husband and Oliver starting to questions and having self doubt about himself. His interaction with omega name Anson slowly change him and he determined to be a better person to prove to people that he's a changed man. And I agree, Oliver became a great person and he admitted his wrong doings in the past.

The suspense is killing me! Clashing With a Titan (Hart Medical Center #6)

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