Chicken Manual: The Complete Step-by-step Guide to Keeping Chickens (Haynes Manuals) By Laurence Beeken

The Haynes Chicken Manual provides a complete and easy to understand reference for the growing band of people wishing to keep their own chickens for both food and pleasure. Pitched at the novice but also containing plenty to interest the experienced chicken keeper, the book contains no nonsense advice, tips, facts and step by step sequences, as well as plenty of relevant photographs and diagrams. As people keep chickens nowadays than at any time since the Second World War, this book is a timely addition to the Haynes range. Chicken Manual: The Complete Step-by-step Guide to Keeping Chickens (Haynes Manuals)

Laurence Beeken È 7 Summary

Everything we needed to know about getting back garden chickens. Great tips and advice from beginning to end. English This book is set out in such a way as to follow one's thought processes in coming to a decision as to whether you even want to start keeping chickens. From equipment needs, breeds and varieties, sourcing your chickens to rearing your own and dealing with health and how to English This book is value for money for the beginner, but I found that some useful/necessary information was not present or hard to find. For example the author gives plans for a chicken coop (number of birds suitable for not supplied) but says nothing about the size or English

It's very good for someone keeping chickens for the first time ,Haynes have done it again !! English Good for beginners English Has lots of useful information for a novice keeper, from medical and first aid, pest control, husbandry and even dispatching and preparing you chickens if thats what you are keeping for, I did find the section how to figure out which is the dominant hen very useful. English Great book, covers everything you'd need to know and everything you hadn't thought of yet! Would be really good as a curiosity or gift for someone who just wants to see cute photos of chicks and read about the various breeds but has enough knowledge and information that English I bought this book along with another, The Urban Hen this is by far the best though! It looks like a traditional car manual, some friends have even laughed at it!, but it does cover everything you need to know and will probably ever need to know about chickens. I was a English
