CGI Programming with Perl: Creating Dynamic Web Pages By Shishir Gundavaram

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The appearance of the second edition of CGI Programming with Perl heralds the beginning of the neoclassical era of Web service. CGI or common gateway interface is the original back end for client driven, dynamic Web page service and deserves consideration as the Romulus of the Internet Empire. But, where first edition author Gundavaram described the lonely Romulus laying the brick foundation of dynamic Web page service in 1996, second edition collaborators Guelich and Birznieks have pitched in to resurrect Romulus amid the crowded streets of modern Rome. Why bother? Surely four years have brought technological revolutions (Java, PHP, ASP, ColdFusion) that render CGI's original brick by brick approach as obsolete as, say, Roman mythology or bricks and mortar.

And yet not. It is an ambiguous blessing that the original CGI persists, adhering to the underside of Web service by the duct tape that is Perl. This point is not missed by Guelich, Gundavaram, and Birznieks, whose advocacy of CGI is both bolstered by the growing applications module base of Perl and tempered by their awareness of CGI's structural limitations. Both new and returning readers of CGI Programming with Perl should browse the last chapter first in order to appreciate the proposed solutions to CGI's greatest sin: its impractical slowness in a world of a million hits per day Web service. The chapter describes CGI compatible FastCGI and mod_perl technologies that circumvent the process spawning slowness of the simple CGI. Advanced users might want to skip directly to O'Reilly's fine mod_perl tome, Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C, by Lincoln Stein and Doug MacEachern.

The authors' second pass at CGI pedagogy is a lucid, honest, and expanded account that develops functionality of dynamic Web pages in a rational progression from HTML client server and CGI syntax basics to general input/output, forms, e mail, graphics, and simple database applications, including maintaining client state and data persistence under the otherwise stateless HTTP protocol. The authors offer synopses of cookies, JavaScripting, server security, and XML, all of which are described in detail in other books.

Whether or not neoclassical CGI is fast enough for your purposes perhaps for guarded intranets bear in mind that CGI is the standard to which every other Web server has had to respond. The second edition of CGI Programming with Perl is still the best introduction to the classics. Peter Leopold, .com

CGI Programming with Perl: Creating Dynamic Web Pages

I've got the July 2000 printing and was amazed at the errata and the errata items yet to be confirmed! As an example of the latter, just beyond half way through the book there's an address book cgi script some 10 pages in length of which only the first page or English While there're a few boooks available on CGI/Perl, what's different in this book you'd ask. If we compare it with CGI Programming 101 by Jaqueline, it's advanced and excersices better programming style. Uses 'strict' pragma and wT switches ALL THE TIME, English I purchased CGI Programming with Perl thinking it was, like many O'Reilly books, a bible of programming how to for the working programmer. It's not. What it is, in fact, is a pretty good introduction to writing CGIs with Perl for someone who has some basic English I found this book to be difficult to read because it covers so many topics in a concise manner. I also found this book uniquely useful because it covers so many topics in a concise manner. I am in the process of designing and implementing a web site that needs CGI English This book is excellent for any wanna be CGI programmer with previous knowledge of Perl. It gives step by step lessons that will not only present you with information and ideas, but test you on the knowledge, forcing you to learn it, and learn it well. The three English

I grabbed this book after reading a review on that rated it a 9 out of 10. When I saw some of the reviews here I had second thoughts, but fortunately I trusted slashdot. Someone here complained that the book talks about using modules, like It does English This book is great for people who are starting out programming in CGI. A beginner's knowledge of Perl is required to get the full benefits of the book. I found the authors to be very objective and they touch upon every aspect of CGI. Unfortunately, due to space English You must be careful when usign this book. I found myself wasting a lot of time typing (oreilly's ftp site was down, and has been down lately what can I say?) and implementing the examples in the book only to get to the end of the chapters to find out that the authors English