C# in Depth, 4E By Jon Skeet

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DescriptionC# is an amazing language that's up to any challenge you can throw at it As a C# developer you also need to be up to the task C# in Depth Fourth Edition is the key to unlocking the powerful new features added to the language in C# 5 6 and 7 Following the expert guidance of C# legend Jon Skeet readers will master asynchronous functions expression bodied members interpolated strings tuples and much Key features Expert guidance Hands on examples Step by step guideAudienceIf you're a C# developer who's comfortable working with the language and wants to really dig in deep then this book is for youAbout the technologyNET developers will use C# whether their building an advanced enterprise application or just pushing out a uick ASPNET app C# 5 6 and 7 have added a host of new features to help users write better code with tuples string interpolation pattern matching and DescriptionC# is an amazing language that's up to any challenge you can throw at it. As a C# developer, you also need to be up to the task.C# in Depth, Fourth Edition is the key to unlocking the powerful new features added to the language in C# 5, 6, and 7. Following the expert guidance of C# legend Jon Skeet, readers will master asynchronous functions, expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, tuples, and much more. Key features·    Expert guidance·    Hands-on examples·    Step-by-step guide AudienceIf you're a C# developer who's comfortable working with the language and wants to really dig in deep, then this book is for you.
About the technology.NET developers, will use C# whether their building an advanced enterprise application or just pushing out a quick ASP.NET app. C# 5, 6 and 7 have added a host of new features to help users write better code with tuples, string interpolation, pattern matching, and more.DescriptionC# is an amazing language that's up to any challenge you can throw at it. As a C# developer, you also need to be up to the task.C# in Depth, Fourth Edition is the key to unlocking the powerful new features added to the language in C# 5, 6, and 7. Following the expert guidance of C# legend Jon Skeet, readers will master asynchronous functions, expression-bodied members, interpolated strings, tuples, and much more. Key features·    Expert guidance·    Hands-on examples·    Step-by-step guide AudienceIf you're a C# developer who's comfortable working with the language and wants to really dig in deep, then this book is for you.
About the technology.NET developers, will use C# whether their building an advanced enterprise application or just pushing out a quick ASP.NET app. C# 5, 6 and 7 have added a host of new features to help users write better code with tuples, string interpolation, pattern matching, and more. C# in Depth, 4E

Les définitions et exemples s’enchaînent très vite, mais sans cas d'utilisation pousséOn se retrouve à passer d'un sujet à l'autre sans réellement avoir comprisC'est plus un bouquin pour les gens ayant de l'expérience avec le langage C# in Depth, 4E Très bien écrit, j'apprends vraiment beaucoup de choses.Un grand volume de contenu qui couvre tous les aspects importants. C# in Depth, 4E Je viens de commencer à le lire mais c'est clair et ça ouvre les yeux sur le fonctionnement d'éléments qu'on peut ignorer. C# in Depth, 4E As expected, the writing & technical content is excellent. The quality of the paper in the book is disappointing, though. The other side of the page, and the page behind it, clearly shows through. If this were a slight distraction I'd dock a star, but it's pronounced and actually detracts from readability on quite a few pages.I still buy hard copies of technical books, but I'm not going to give a positive review for a print book if it's like this (regardless of the technical content). On the plus side, you get a free eBook version with it. C# in Depth, 4E Contrairement à la plupart des autres, ce n'est pas un livre pour apprendre le C#, ni non plus pour apprendre à construire une application web ou WPF en l'utilisant. Ce livre montre plus le travail du compilateur que celui des classes du framework. C'est un livre sur C# in Depth, 4E


A nice read until he overtook me and left me in the dust C# in Depth, 4E Superb. I had the 2nd edition and this condenses those chapters as well as adding a whole load . The olkder versions are available to download from the publisher for free (but I have yet to try this). This is not really a book for beginners, but develoeprs like me who have slightly out of date skills who need to quickly get upo to speed.For example, do you remember writing this old school POCO class?internal class Person{ internal string FirstName{get;set; } internal int Age {get;set;}}then using it somewherevar personOld = new Person(){ FirstName = Fred, Age = 30}well with a ValueTuple you can do this (as well as other things obviously, this is just a trivial thing to show less code!):(string FirstName, int Age) person1 = (Fred, 30);orvar person2 = (FirstName: Fred, Age: 30);Lovely!It's just the new concepts make writing code shorter, concise and safer. There's no waffle, just pure beautiful C#.Good quality paper too, like the 2nd edition I have already. Not sure what the other reviewer was moaning about. C# in Depth, 4E Ok but just seems in a lot of ways like a history of the c# language rather than a comprehensive guide. Probably better books out there. C# in Depth, 4E One thing is be a good programmer, being a good tutor takes a different skillset. Jon Skeet excels in both, because he loves this stuff. Really liked explanation of internals of C# and implementations, like closures or async/await stuff. Very inspiring in terms how some of the language features can be used in real life programming. Highly recommended if you want to be a very good developer. C# in Depth, 4E