By Blood Divided By Lewis Orde

Very interesting book that spans almost 80 years and several countries. Would read more from this author. English I enjoyed this book. Got it off the clearance table, but the story told of two lives apart was quite interesting. English

Lewis Orde è 4 Free read

Kishinev, Russia, 1903.

When Zalman and Rachel Isakharov's father is murdered during a tide of anti-Semitic riots, brother and sister have no option but to flee their native land. Possessing only two handcrafted watches given to them by their father, plus their fare for passage to America, they arrive exhausted in Amsterdam and prepare to set sail.

But when a fire sweeps through their lodgings on the eve of departure, Zalman and Rachel are separated, each believing that their sibling is dead. Devastated, Zalman resolves to leave for America alone - while Rachel is persuaded to sail for England.

So they begin new lives on opposite sides of the Atlantic, where hard work eventually yields great success for them both. Although their existence is happy in every other respect, the Amsterdam tragedy casts a shadow over their lives - until a meeting between their children seems destined to change everything... By Blood Divided
