Buttception: A Butt Within A Butt Within A Butt By Chuck Tingle


Лучшее описание, к сожалению, не читал. Название смешное, no homo Erotica

Solid collection.

I had already read the last of the three here, but the second one featured a character with my name, and his friend had the same last name as my grandmother, so that was pretty interesting.

Of course the stories are always interesting. I’m not sure I’ll get tired of sentient assess that have another ass. There is always at least one line that just makes me groan or laugh at the absurdity of it. I’m hooked.

The unicorn/raptor tinglers aren’t really my jam.

And seriously, if this author knows me in any capacity, I really hope the similarities between a future character and my life get even more eerie. Erotica The theme, after starting with the unimaginable hunk unicorn sailor, is creating your own lovers -- who invariably end up pounding you in the butt.

Further issues are explored such as what rights books deserve, and would you fall head over heels for yourself? Erotica I didn't know a 34 page book could be soo inspiring and so over the top bizarre, but I should have known better because... Chuck Tingle. Buttception contains three novellas that are all loosely connected. I'll try my best to wrap these up (ha) quickly and neatly and convince you to read this in the process (because why wouldn't you?!?).

Anally Yours, The Unicorn Sailor
Tuck has just been dumped by his girlfriend and everything sucks until he spies a strapping male unicorn sailor on his walk. Before he knows what he's doing he goes over to talk to the unicorn and asks him to dinner. There is immediate connection and sparks are flying, but much to Tuck's dismay the unicorn has to leave that very night to set sail on a year long sea voyage. They promise to write to each other and they do. Their letters get more and more passionate, Just below his signature, Hunter [the gay unicorn] has left the pink marking of his puckered butthole, pressed against the page in a perfect starfish after applying a liberal helping of lipstick. Finally they re reunited and have passionate gay unicorn sex on the beach. As a surprise the unicorn (who has suddenly become a billionaire) buys a private island for the two of them and the only other inhabitants are a bunch of worker clones who resemble the unlikely lovers.

Pounded in Butt by My Own Butt
Kirk is a scientist trying to replicate the success that the gay unicorn had in making working drones. After dozens of failed attempts and a mixture of his DNA, a hawk, and a piece of his butt he is finally able to create a clone! His gorgeous butt has beautiful wings and a great sense of humor. Kirk can't believe he's falling for his own butt. After one date they decide they want to try anal. Because who doesn't want to pound their own butt? ...I push my living ass down onto the bes and watch as he spreads his majestic wings out behind him. For a living butt, his physique is quite impressive and I laugh out loud when I realize that I'm only complimenting myself. They live happily after after.

Pounded in the Butt By My Own Book Pounded in the Butt My My Own Butt
Buck Trungle is sick and tired of being sick and tired. He's a lonely author that can't get out of the shadow of all the books he's authored. One day he discovers that he's getting sued, by his own book! Pounded in the Butt By My Own Butt just wants some recognition, how come the author gets all the credit? Where are his royalties? The two decide to meet up without lawyers to see what they can do. Instead they find themselves instantly attracted to each other. One thing leads to another and suddenly the author is boning hos won book. ...my book pulls out of me and I drop down onto the floor before him, kneeling in tribute before my alpha book lover. Erotica Hilariously over the top. This is a book that clearly doesn't take itself too seriously.

...No, that's not true. This book literally takes itself seriously when it sues its own author in the third story. Erotica Absolutely perfect. But seriously, what's with all the grammatical and syntactical errors? Where's the editor? :D Erotica

Chuck Tingle, a writer who defined a generation with his sensual brand of homoerotic thriller, is back with a three-book collection that has been heralded by Death And Taxes Magazine as “a transhumanist masterpiece.”

What begins as the simple story of a man’s true love for a gay unicorn sailor quickly evolves into something else entirely, each tale pulling farther and farther out to reveal a breathtaking glimpse at the greatest author of our time. Like a butt within a butt within butt, this trilogy will have your perception of time and space turned completely upside down in total buttception. Welcome to the future of literature.


Out for a stroll after breaking up with his girlfriend, Tuck never could have imagined that he would meet the love of his life in the form of a gay unicorn sailor named Hunter, but that’s exactly what happens.

The two share a romantic evening until it’s revealed that Hunter is about to embark on a year long sail around the world. However, their love remains strong in a series of explicit letters.

But Hunter is planning something that will redefine the meaning of love between a man and a unicorn. Soon Tuck finds himself whisked away to the Bahamas on a private helicopter for a hardcore, anal surprise that will have your jaw on the floor.


Kirk is a scientific researcher on the leading edge of cloning technology, but his team has reached a standstill. In an effort to stabilize rapid clone growth, researchers have been taking DNA from various parts of their bodies and combining it with small amounts of animal DNA.

But when the scientists combine samples from Kirk’s butt, brain, and a hawk, the resulting effect is a handsome, living ass who immediately sweeps Kirk off of his feet over a candlelit dinner for two.

Kirk has finally found a lover that truly understands him at his very core… his own gay ass!


Buck Trungle is a world famous writer who is sick and tired of living in the shadow of his own books. But when his most recent novel, “Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt” contacts him out of the blue and threatens a lawsuit, it’s a fear that Buck must now face head on.

Buck’s novel is looking to collect royalties on sales of himself, and Buck’s lawyer is urging the writer to settle out of court, but when author and book finally meet face-to-face things take a turn for the erotic.

Soon enough, Buck is selling himself to seal the deal with this sentient novel, but can he give his ass away without giving a piece of his heart, as well? Buttception: A Butt Within A Butt Within A Butt

Summary Ô E-book, or Kindle E-pub ☆ Chuck Tingle