Der erste Band der zweiten Wunderland-StaffelWieder reisen unsere drei Heldinnen in das glitzernd-magische Wunderland, wo Einhörner, Meerjungfrauen, Elfen und niedliche Wichtel friedlich miteinander leben.Diesmal suchen die Freundinnen die sechs magischen Zutaten für das Zauberelixier, das König Frohgemut von dem Fluch befreien kann, mit dem Königin Malfiesa ihn belegt hat. Ob Mia, Juli und Jasmin die magische Honigwabe finden?Die perfekte Serie für kleine Mädchen, die magische Geschichten lieben und ihre Freunde niemals im Stich lassen! Bubble Volcano (Secret Kingdom #7)
Read Bubble Volcano (Secret Kingdom #7)
Ella and I read this one together and it is pretty cute, but not quite as exciting as the first ones, in my opinion. All the previous books seemed so inventive and magical...plants that grow cotton candy, Unicorn races, trampoline clouds, etc. I like the idea of a bubble volcano, but we didn't really get to see much of it. Though I have to admit, since I have a phobia of bees, the idea of guinea pig-sized bees is a bit terrifying, even if they ARE pink and purple.
Plot: The girls have found and broken all of Queen Malice's lightning bolts, and the secret kingdom is safe. The girls are missing their adventures in the kingdom when an invitation arrives. To celebrate peace in the Secret Kingdom, the king is holding a ball, and of course the girls are to be guests of honor. They arrive at the palace, excited to see everyone and enjoy all the delicious treats King Merry has to offer, when Queen Malice arrives to spoil the day by poisoning the king, which will turn him into a stink toad. There is only one antidote and it involves several rare and hard to find ingredients. The first is Bubblebee Honeycomb, but no one knows where the hive is, so how can they get honeycomb for the potion to save King Merry? 113 It is ugly 113 Members of Riverina Regional Library reserve your copy now 113 Bubble Volcano is one more wonderful and exciting Secret Kingdom's book.
It is the 1st book in the 2nd series of Secret Kingdom and 7th book in all the series.
In the first 6 books Ellie, Summer and Jasmine were saving the Secret Kingdom from evil Queen Malice's thunderbolts, but in this series books (Bubble Volcano, Sugarsweet Bakery, Dream Dale, Lily-pad lake, Fairytale Forest and Midnight Maze) the three friends are saving King Merry from his evil sister's spell.
While writing this review I see, smell and taste big, pink and sweet chewing gum bubbles in the air all around me. These books make me feel like I am there myself in the magical Secret Kingdom. 113