Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) By Eva Dresden

No thanks. Bad writing, no real plot. Repetitive rape with no story to speak of.

Just no. DNF at like 13%, I think.

If I had paid even a penny for it I’d be pissed at myself. Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) My heart is breaking..

I had heard so many good things about this series, and Eva Dresden.

I am happy to find that giving this series a chance, was not a bad decision!

By the last page of this book I feel like I want to crawl into a corner with only soft things... Because it's been a wretched heartbreaking road so far!

Eva brings out all the familiar tropes in this Omegaverse, and I absolutely love it. The territorial behaviour, the aggression, the way Quinn feels about children and the lengths she goes and pain she suffers... This book was one I couldn't put down. Dark indeed!

I find myself not trusting anybody but Quinn herself, and I question everybody and suspect foul play from everyone else, even Tobias...

Superb writing that leaves you slightly queazy and wretched in places, this book is full of triggers and noncon, just so you are warned.

5-wreching-stoneinmychest-awesome stars for this book! ✨

I can't wait to begin book 2! Because I know that in the very end, we do get our HEA... ❤️
Amazingly this whole series is available on KU! ❤️❤️
Book 1# Broken
Book 2#Damaged
Book 3#Destroyed
Omega's Destruction Trilogy Pack is not on KU - but great if you want to just buy the whole trilogy in one. ❤️❤️
Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) Reviewed by

Review by Puss’n’Books. Reviewing the darkest, most erotic and taboo books we can find. Click HERE for your next disturbingly sexy read.

This is, as far as I can tell, the first of Eva Dresden’s books and I can tell you now I can not wait to see what else she comes up with.

It’s no secret that Omegaverse is my absolute favourite of the dark romance subgenres and that in my humble opinion, no one holds a candle to Addison Cain’s work within that genre.

Until now!

Ms Dresden has me absolutely hooked and I put her right up there with my all-time favourites (Addison Cain, K Webster, R Lee Smith, Darynda Jones...and a few more).

This book had me from the very beginning and I didn’t put it down until I was finished the whole thing. That almost never happens for me.


I loved Quin so much throughout this whole story. The way this little omega handled the many piles of steaming shit that was placed in her path.

She’s had to bring herself up quite a bit as her mother seems to be more interested in working at the club and getting many a male’s attention than she does in being a mother.
Quin often goes without meals and struggles with poverty every day, just barely able to make rent each month.

You would think that was bad enough but her luck turns even worse when the suppressants (for hiding and controlling her Omega scent and cravings) failed her miserably one night and an extremely dominant Alpha forces her into a “sticky” situation in the bathroom at work.

She has no idea who he is and she doesn’t care, she just never wants to see him again.

No such luck.

Oh. My. Goddess. The things that this beautiful soul goes through are just...horrific. Her heart and soul are chewed up and spit out by not only the mysterious male from the bathroom at work but, by pretty much everyone she hopes might be able to help her.

And here’s the thing I feckin’ LOVE about this little Omega. She. Is. Fucking. Fierce.

I love that in this story Omegas have fire and are dangerous when pushed too far. Like, fucking feral.

I don’t often beg, but I NEED you to read this book and see the fire in this female!


So this is the main “Alpha” in this story but he is not the only one. He is exactly what I love in an alpha-hole. As well as making me want to punch him in the sac for most of the story, he showed just enough of something almost kind to hint that he was something more than the utter heartless prick that he presents himself as.

So, here’s the part where I tell you that, even though he is an utter bastard, I NEED more of him.

I’m craving this guy, and I need more of him and Quin. He is just so...well, alpha, lol.

He sees something he wants in Quin, and he is used to getting what he wants. He basically abducts her and unfortunately for Quin, the rights of an Omega just aren’t shit, man. Especially after he sees her through her heat, and everything that happens during that time means she is shit out of luck.

But that doesn’t mean he has it easy. Nope, I think that he really wasn’t prepared for Quin’s fire and is completely pissed the fuck off with her because he doesn’t know what to do to get her to behave.


Okay, WOW! Like holy freakin’ coffee beans! The sex scenes are hard, hot and heavy. Every single one of them.

She makes him work for it, I’ll tell ya!
I had the fan going throughout the whole book, by the way, just a heads up.

‘Turning back to the Alpha, she snarled and snapped her teeth, a feminine display of force that brought a smile to his kiss reddened lips. Distracted as her pussy pulsed, begging he fill her again, she traced their fullness before an unknown sugary tang brought her back. Pushing him flat, she prowled over the male. Mouthing his neck, taking in his scent at his chest, she found no others. She shoved away his hand when it tried to tangle in her hair as she moved down his body until she could slide lips and tongue over the fullness of his swelling cock. No scent but hers marked that splendid bit of flesh. She gave a satisfied hum, deep and throaty and full of a possessiveness she would never have admitted to in her right mind.’


This book just stole the breath from my lungs.

It was so heart wrenching. I felt so torn and broken while reading it that it followed me into the rest of my daily routine.

Seriously it was that good.

The characters were amazing, the worldbuilding superb. I didn’t feel at any point that there was any unnecessary padding or irrelevant details.

5 Stars!


Broken (Omega's Destruction #1)
With a title like that, it's no wonder that Quin starts off in the story as depicted in the picture above. This book is a slow fucking torture as we see the the destruction of this omega; but c'mon, I think it's way unrealistic that she ran through the woods without shoes. That being said, you see the true nature of their dynamic so well in this book. There was this hilarious part where she becomes institutionalized in her nest that had me cracking up. I cannot even tell you the amount of times that I've read, you are mine this year. I guess the author wanted to show the reality of this dynamic society and why the alphas are protective and possessive. Granted these omegaverse books are a bit rapey but it's because of their dynamic.
As far as I can recall-
Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) Quinn walks in a world where Omegas are viewed as little to nothing. She survives each day hand to mouth trying to stay away from radar. Until one day Tobias Kahler appears, the Alpha who won't be denied taking her away. Nothing is same after that.

This is one of the best dark Omegaverse I read. Tobias and Quinn's relationship builds around explicit. She endures each day trying to keep her sanity.

This page-turning book had me so intrigue, made me feel with Quinn. Eva Dresden doesn't shy away from her dark tales.

This is my first read from this author and my favourite theme. She rocked this. Broken (Omega's Destruction #1)

Eva Dresden å 8 Read & download

Street smart, stubborn, and struggling.

Quinn Ivers scrapes by one day at a time in a world where Omegas are viewed as less than nothing and are subject to the whims of others. Slinging drinks in a nightclub with a wicked reputation, she just wants to make it to the next day. Her world is rife with an array of dangers, but it's hers and she answers to no one.

Until Tobias Kahler appears and ruins everything, including her.

The man who owns the city has set his eyes on the waitress, and he won't be denied. Merciless and without remorse, he'll do anything to make her his and keep her by his side for a purpose Quinn could never have guessed at.

Even when broken, she will fight to keep her sanity and herself alive, enduring whatever evils are thrown at her.

For the spark of hope buried under all the pain, she'll do a lot more than that.

Broken is the first book in the Omega's Destruction Trilogy, a raw and thrilling Omegaverse tale. It is not a traditional romance, containing dark themes and complete power exchange. Scenes are not glossed over, which may be distressing for some readers. Broken (Omega's Destruction #1)

There was some game going on, and Quinn was certain she didn't know what it was. She was just as sure she was losing.

This is Quinn's story. The night she meets Tobias Kahler her world is turned upside down, and Tobias' plans for her set off a series of events that neither Quinn nor Tobias are prepared for.

What a ride. This book left my mind whirling and I’m feeling raw. I was captivated from beginning to end, 110% immersed in Quinn’s journey. If you like captive/captor books and antiheroes you’ll like this book. It’s dark and I don’t consider this story romantic. This is NOT a romance. I see the groundwork for what might evolve between both main characters, but Quinn and Tobias have a lot to overcome. Those expecting a “dark romance” where the Alpha may be a bad guy, but he turns to mush around the heroine are going to be in for a shock. When reviewers say this is as good as Addison Cain’s Omegaverse series, this should be taken as a warning. The Alphas are deceptive and brutal in this world. Anytime an Alpha demonstrated a small kindness I was left on edge wondering: “What’s his game?” The MMC, Tobias, is an antihero to the core. There’s definitely a backstory to Tobias that remains untold.

edit: I just finished the 3rd (final) book in this series, and the romance shows up in book 3 - there is a HEA in book 3 as well.

The writing is phenomenal. The style is unique and effective at putting the reader in Quinn’s shoes. When Quinn was confused, I felt confused. I felt overwhelmed at times and this mirrored how Quinn felt. Not everything was revealed to me, just as not everything was revealed to Quinn.

The world-building is subtle, and I slowly learned more about the world as the book progressed. There is no info-dumping, which I always appreciate. Everything about the writing is excellent. At no point in time was I able to predict what was to come, and my expectations were consistently subverted. This seemed like a seasoned author’s book; Eva Dresden really knocked her debut novel out of the park.

I'm new to the Omegaverse genre. After reading most of Addison Cain's Omegaverse series I went on the hunt for more Omegaverse. Wattpad ended up being a gold mine, containing many quality Omegaverse stories. That's where I discovered Eva Dresden. I'm happy to see many of those authors now publishing their work on Amazon. I requested an ARC because I had a feeling this book would be up my alley, and I'm thrilled to say it surpassed my expectations.

Trigger Warning:



Available on Kindle Unlimited. I suggest downloading a sample or reading the first chapter (for free on Wattpad: before diving in. The first chapter will give you a taste of Eva Dresden's writing style and a clue as to how dark she's willing to go ;-) Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) Damn you Goodreads. Five stars is just not enough for this book!

I've been lucky enough through my blogging that every now and then an author contacts me and asks if I would read their new book. I'm always a little nervous that I'll really not like it and have that awkward moment of wondering whether to slink quietly away or say something.

When Eva Dresden offered me an arc copy of Broken, promising a dark omegaverse read my greedy little soul couldn't resist. I mean dark AND omegaverse, two of my most very favourite tropes/genres in a book. Anyway it was gone 11 pm where I was but I though, 'go on, read the first chapter, see what it's like'. Yes curiosity will not only be killing the cat!

So just gone 2 am, with gritty eyes and a huffing husband, I had to put the book down. Thankfully I started it at the weekend so as soon as I was awake the next day I got right back to reading. I ignored the housework, my husband and basic hygiene because OMG I had to finish this book.

Anyone who is a fan of Addison Cain needs to read this book. Seriously. It is on a par with her Alpha's Claim series but is still very much it's own book and world. A world that it dragged me into, a dark and sometimes violent world, a world of lies, deceit and heartache. Eva Dresden has an unusual writing style, both good and easy to read but also - hmm- slightly cloudy? It's hard to put into words but it's an implied and suggested style of writing, sometimes vague in detail which perfectly matched the confusion and bewilderment of Quinn. The writing precisely portrayed the feel of the story, adding atmosphere, depth and emotion just at the point it was needed.

I just don't have adequate words to do justice to this book. I have words, words like DARK, other words like AMAZING, and still further words like WOW, OMG OMG OMG I NEED MORE NOW. But those words don't tell you how fantastic the writing is, how powerful and domineering the alpha's are, how sweet and gentle, bloody but unbowed Quinn is. They don't describe the emotions and feels I got from this story. The sadness of Quinn's situation and treatment, the frenzy of the lustful rutting, the 'you go girl' at her inner strength, the terror of being powerless and the horror of out of control, uncaring, a-hole Alpha's.

I'm not embarrassed to admit that this book made me cry. Well if we burrow down to the truth the mistreatment of Quinn and her brokenness made me sob. There are a whole heap of Alpha males who I would like to slowly torture before removing their genitals with a blunt, rusty table knife. Oh yes my lovelies it is one of THOSE reads.

Please if you know someone who loves dark omegaverse books let them know about this one, for no other reason than the fact that in their place I would want to know about it. There is no financial gain for me, just the knowledge that I've helped boost an amazing author to an audience that will love her work. Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) 3 Stars

I enjoyed this...the writing was really solid and I thought Dresden built a good world slice without resorting to non-stop info dumping, which is always nice.

I could have done with a little more chemistry and bond-building between Tobias and Quinn (love that name, by the way), and a little less of the which dominated almost the entirety of the middle to end of the book with nothing to offset them (I know that's a mainstay in this genre and I've read scenes that like many times, but sometimes it just goes on and on and on). Also, we were left to wonder about the backstory and whereabouts of Grace, which I hope gets addressed in later books...but other than that, a solid start.

I will be moving forward with the series once I feel prepared to read what I'm sure will contain more of the above mentioned scenes. Broken (Omega's Destruction #1)
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I picked this book up because some of my friends told me that it was reminiscent of Tanith Lee's work, only more porny. As someone who is a fan of both Tanith Lee and porn, this seemed like a win. BROKEN is an omegaverse erotica, which I'm somewhat new to, but it seems like it has origins in M/M fanfic, and involves a sci-fi dystopia where humans are born into caste systems based on sexual dominance. Alphas, with their scary, knotted cocks are at the top of the hierarchy, and Omegas, who basically exist to be fucked and bred (hello, mpreg).

Obviously, the straights just had to get in on that sweet, sweet breeding action, and now it's a whole thing.

Quinn works as a dancer in a sex club. She's an Omega who takes hormones to mask her sex hormones, but they aren't quite strong enough to stop one Alpha from scenting her out. After he molests her via bathroom courtship ritual, he starts plying her with food and gifts-- a romantic prelude to the rape and kidnapping he has in store for her. And the sex is so good that she literally gets semi-amnesiac from it, reverting to animal instincts that involve nest-building and mewling subserviently.

When Quinn isn't clouded by sex hormones she tries to run away. The first time, it doesn't go so well. Her old hubby isn't quite as charming as she remembered, and Tobias finds her and brings her back for some groveling apology sex (i.e. more rape). Then she is kidnapped and raped by about 5+ different guys and folks, you know that I, as a bodice-ripper queen, am not usually one to be triggered by rape. But this rape lasted for several chapters and it was too much even for me. It was so degrading and graphic that I actually really did not enjoy reading the book by that point at all.

Which leads me to one of my other qualms. There's just way too much sex. I liked the beginning but then it got too bogged down with porn and plot went out the window. And while we're on the subject of the writing, Eva Dresden is in no way on par with Tanith Lee. Both of them have purple prose and overwrought narratives, but Tanith Lee's vocabulary and ability to spin out heavily detailed worlds filled with literary references and allegories is unmatched. Dresden tried to sound poetic, but mostly failed and she has some odd verbal tics like subterranean for some reason. As in subterranean growls-- I'm not even sure what that means. Subterranean means underground. Do their growls sound muffled, like they're taking a mafia-style spa day? Or do they growl like a cave creature?

I thought I might be interested in the next two books but after finishing this book, I'm thinking probably not. The book ends on a cliffhanger that is sequel-baiting like crazy, and I am somewhat curious what happens to Quinn, but I think I'll put this series on the backburner.

2 to 2.5 stars Broken (Omega's Destruction #1) This book had flashes of Tanith Lee-esqness: The use of colour; the passivity and confusion of the heroine; the aloof, cold, untouchable antihero. So already I had a soft spot for this story. But boy, was this a hard read at times. The things done to the poor omega and the dominant world of Alphas...was nothing like I ever read before. Dare I say these Alphas were more brutal than Addison Cain’s (I never would have thought this possible before reading this book!).

It was harsh, cringingly so, yet even in her often annoying meekness and passivity, Quinn (the heroine) still had an inner strength and you were invested in her and rooting for her. As for the antihero...he was everything and more...this was no pushover, who over time would show a softer more caring side to our heroine...he stayed true to who he was...a dominant, powerful, arrogant alpha...who took what he wanted, when he wanted. I may not have liked him but there was no denying him.

I can’t wait to read the next book.
Broken (Omega's Destruction #1)
