Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book By Scott Lorenz

guide to choosing the correct title for your book Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book


Scott Lorenz Á 7 review

Book title generator:A proven system in naming your book

I like the book. I got some good fact and information on how to make my book when I decide to write my book Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book ‘Your title is the first barrier to a sales conversion’

Book marketer/publicist Scott Lorenz is very highly regarded in the literary world because of his gift for sailing books from birth to bestseller - a guide with a roadmap to success for many contemporary authors. One of the many reasons he is successful is his ability to offer wise counsel in a manner that mirrors a conversation with a best friend. He now has written a book that more than likely will become a staple in the armamentarium of all writers, both new and experienced, a book that succinctly and professionally advises authors about the importance of choosing a book’s title.

A trait that suffuses Scott’s writing is his wry sense of humor, a quality that keeps the impact of his advice comfortably accessible. He finds key words to underline his message – words like ‘discoverability’ – that keep the reader focused on the mission of his lesson. And of course, as the expert, he states it best: ‘The book you are reading now is the definitive guide to understanding what makes an effective book title. Over the following pages, I will discuss specific areas and methods that employed properly will help draw attention to your book, giving it the broadest possible audience, converted into the only bottom line that really matters: sales.’ Roadmap established, and the book is launched.

Each chapter is introduced with a quote from very well known literary figures, a wise backup for his topic being addressed. The contents of the book cover the importance of the following thoughts – correct keywords (very important in securing search engine discoverability on Amazon, Google, etc), wisely using the most possible space for the title (something that will fit on a thumbnail on a cell phone!), mastering the use of emotional words, using alliteration and poetry, numbers/alliterations/idioms, utilizing a series title, the use of Pen names (how and why and if), genre mash-ups/parody/contradictions, and the new impact of the use of profanity. Each of these topics is discussed with Scott’s droll humor.

The book is brief but packed full of key advice on creating the right title for a book that is critical to success. This is an indispensible, first rate adjunct to the art of writing – and selling- your book. The goal: discoverability! Very highly recommended.
Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book Lorenz write in a clear, easy to follow format. He hits on all the most important aspects of making a book a success in the market. He offers practical suggestions, but more importantly shares links with the reader exactly where to find the information.

I particularly enjoyed his analysis on the effectiveness of idioms, alliteration, and metaphors in developing effective book titles. In addition I learned a few new tips on how to discover the most effective keywords. Lorenz shows readers how to appeal to the prospective reader's emotions in ways I hadn't thought of before reading this book.

All in all, I would recommend the book to both new and experienced authors. It is a good addition to my marketing reference library. Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book This is short but helpful book to help writers develop a good title for their book. The book provides resources to help the author with their title. The book is helpful and easy to read. Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book Unfortunately, this book was not as great as I’d hoped it would be. I have a hard time coming up with titles, but I’m afraid this book didn’t tell me much I didn’t already know. Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book

Did you know choosing a book title for your book is just as important as having an eye-catching book cover? Scott Lorenz is a renowned publicist in the industry and wants to share his knowledge with writers and authors. He lays the groundwork for choosing not only the best title for your book but how to use SEO and keywords to reach the masses. Are you ready to take the next step and reach new heights?

Book Title Generator is a hands-on approach to finding the right title for your book. I enjoyed reading the book and found some new tips to make titles shoot to the top of certain online retailers' algorithms. Scott Lorenz has been representing bestselling authors for thirty years and many of them share valuable points to consider when choosing your title. I believe this is a valuable resource to writers and authors, especially those starting out in the industry. What I found lacking was actual applications to choosing the best title. I guess Scott Lorenz wants writers/authors to seek out his services instead. Overall, a solid book for the writing community. If you're looking for new ways to propel your books to the bestselling charts, pick up Book Title Generator. If you're a new writer looking to nail your debut, you'll want to read Book Title Generator.

Disclaimer: I read this on Kindle Unlimited.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

Reviewed by: Mrs. N

This review first appeared:
Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book We are proud to announce that BOOK TITLE GENERATOR: A Proven System in Naming your Book by Scott Lorenz is a B.R.A.G.Medallion Honoree. This tells readers that this book is well worth their time and money! Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book I wasn't expecting this book to be so short. Or so repetitive. There really was some good information, though, and many compiled resources to help writers. I guess my review will be kinda like this book...short.

I received a free digital copy of this book from a Goodreads giveaway. This review is my own honest and unbiased opinion. Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book How to make your book’s title stand out from the crowd.

The author of this book, Scott Lorenz, is the owner of Westwind Communications a successful book marketing company which has, over the years helped authors realize their dreams and catapulted their books into the eyes of the public. His vast experience in this field has given him unique insights into many aspects of book realization and marketing, and in this compact book, he shares these gems with his readers.

We all know the well-known phrase, “to judge a book by its cover,” however, first you have to find the book, and it is by the title that this is achieved. Search boxes are brilliant however, it is what you put into them which matters, and it is by understanding the types of keywords you should (or shouldn’t) use in your title, that you will get your book seen by your target audience. The importance of an eye-catching title cannot be overemphasized.

Therefore “How to Title Your Book” is one book every author should read, even if your book is already published, title changes are possible, and with the knowledge, you will acquire within these pages you will discover that a clever author doesn’t just come up with a title, they take advantage of examples out there from well-known authors, and do thorough research first.

However, the really smart author, or would-be author, will take advantage of this book, because within its pages are all the information you will need, complete with examples, crafty tips and many more things most authors just don’t consider. From lengths of titles and subtitles to alliteration, the use of numbers, and pen names, a myriad of topics are discussed. In each section, the advantages and disadvantages are clearly explained, and the impact they could have, which enable you to make informed decisions, and give your book the best chance it can have of standing out.

In conclusion, this enlightening book is, in my opinion, essential reading for authors. As author’s, we are not only extremely proud of our work, but we also want it to be read by our target audience. Let’s be honest we want to sell a lot of our books, for many reasons, fantasy author’s I am sure (even if it is in secret,) dream of becoming the next J. K. Rowling, and many children’s book authors who love animals fantasize that Disney will want to make a film of their book, I know I do. Whatever your reason for writing your book, you owe it to yourself to give it the best chance it can have to shine, and this book will help you achieve this.
Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book A Name By Any Other Rose

Coming up with the perfect title for a book is no easy task. Selling books is all about cutting through the fog of competition to get people to take a look at your work, and the words on that book cover can often be your most powerful tool. You have a lot at stake.

“Book Title Generator,” a timely and important new book by publicist Scott Lorenz, helps you tackle the job. Written with characteristic no-nonsense clarity, Lorenz boils down all the key points any 21st century author needs to consider in coming up with a book title, from search engine key words to acknowledging the short attention span of the 21st century shopper.

The book cites numerous specific examples of books that have made good use of every technique in his box of tools. Lorenz mentions the book “Banjos, Boats & Butt Dialing” as an example of using alliteration and clever word play to create a title people would remember. He’s probably right; I wrote that book, and it was an Amazon #1 Bestseller.

Scott Lorenz is well known in the publishing world for his clear-headed approach to helping authors find success with their work. I’m sure that over the years he has seen some good books with bad titles fall short. In “Book Title Generator” Lorenz shows that he thoroughly understands just what it takes to turn a reader’s head, and he has decided to share that knowledge with the rest of us. If you are an author, experienced or aspiring, you need to read this book. Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book