Blood Silence (McRyan Mystery, #5) By Roger Stelljes

I really enjoy the McRyan Mystery series. Just enough suspense and intrigue to keep me hooked to the end. A small touch of romance threaded through the book but I wouldn’t label it a romance book. Very well written. English Wowsers! He did it againl
Roger Stelljes does not disappoint in this crime thriller! Another page-turning story I could not put down! So much detail and vivid was like I was actually there. The characters are so believable and the twists and turns make this book throttle from beginning to end!! English Have now read the five McRyan books and find them excellent; quite gripping. There is always a little twist at the end (little bit like Agatha Christie !) but not predictable. Would definitely recommend Roger Stelljes as a good read. English Before you start this book, please realize it is the fifth one of a series. While it could be read as a standalone, I would recommend you start with the first title in order to understand all of the back story of the main characters.
The author does his usual nice job of getting you into the story, making you feel as if you are right in the middle of the action and it is another page turner. I picked this up for $3.99 on my Kindle and certainly received more than $3.99 worth of entertainment value out of it: if you enjoyed the previous novels in this series, I am confident you will enjoy this one, also. English As I finished this I was wondering who'd optioned the movie rights. This has it all! Murder and mayhem is a given but after our first murder(s) we get to go aboard Air Force One, flying to attend a glitzy ball followed by car chases and race, helicopters, Lear jets, cowboys, oil fields, trucks . . . ACTION! This is the sixth tale in the series and, like the others, stands alone but is even better if you have some of the background of the characters as developed in prior stories. I have been listening [AUDIO] to Johnny Peppers engrossing narration of the box set [[ASIN:B074DZCNX1 Mysteries, Thrillers and Killers: Crime Thriller Box Set: Mac McRyan Mystery Series, Books 4-6]], and am sad to have come to the end.
Disclaimer: I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review. English
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Blood Silence
There is just not a book written by Roger Stelljes that I haven't loved. Blood Silence continues in that tradition. Stelljtes always presents a complicated story with a heavily populated cast of characters. You have to pay attention to what the man is saying to keep up with the story.
This is certainly true of Blood Silence and the depth that Stelljes went to crafting the story around oil and gas production including the process of well fracking. There is always a gem in Stelljes' always come away knowing more about something, and usually an in depth knowing, than you knew before. Just consider the Stelljes books as a life encyclopedia.
Well done Mr. Stelljes, well done as usual! Thanks. English Excellent crime thriller! If you ever read this genre, I recommend this one (and the rest of the series).
Stelljes has taken Mac McRyan from D.C. back to his old stomping grounds in Minneapolis and up to the North Dakota oil patch to solve a puzzling series of murders.
Other than a few questions I had about the drilling technicalities, which may just be differences in the way it's done there versus how it's done in Texas, I was glued non-stop to this book. The story was good enough that those things didn't detract from my enjoyment.
Fans of John Sandford should enjoy these books without feeling they are reading a copycat series. I think this book is the best so far. English Really enjoyed the latest installment in the Mac McRyan series. Mac's ex-wife is framed for murder, and it is up to Mac to prove her innocence. The story starts in DC as Mac looks into a murder as a favor to the president's right hand man, The Judge. It quickly moves to Minnesota before moving to the oil fields in North Dakota. The more I read of this series the more I like Mac as a character. I fly through these books, as they are page turners. I really like the way Stelljes writes, and this book was no exception. Not spoiling anything here, but it was an interesting scene in the last chapter where Mac talks about his Dad's death. I wonder if this is Stelljes setting the stage for a future book. I look forward to the next chapter in the Mac McRyan saga! English Blood Silence is number five in the McRyan Mystery Series by Roger Stelljes. Michael McKenzie McRyan was having a holiday with Sally in St Paul when he became involved in the investigation to prove that his ex-wife was innocent of killing her husband after Sally and Meredith's parents ask him too. The readers of Blood Silence will follow the twist and turns in Mac's investigation into the murder of J. Frederick Sterling. The readers of Blood Silence will be pleased and sad with the ending of this book.
I love reading Blood Silence. I impressed with the way Roger Stelljes portrays Michael McKenzie McRyan as an arrogant, stubborn, and great investigator. However, at times a softer side comes out with his friends, work colleagues and loved ones. Roger Stelljes highlighted this by Mac's involvement with the investigation into proving his ex-wife is innocent. I like the way Roger Stelljes describes a private detective investigation and how you gain the support of other law enforcement officers.
The readers of Blood Silence will learn that you can still stay friends and help people who have hurt you in the past. Also, the importance of letting the past go so that you can move on with your life. Readers of Blood Silence will enjoy the way Roger Stelljes portray the relationship between Mac's ex-wife and Sally.
I recommend this book. English What could the execution-style murders of two men behind a bar in Washington, D.C., have to do with the shooting deaths of an eminent Twin Cities attorney and his mistress at the lawyer’s west suburban lake home? How does Michael Mackenzie “Mac” McRyan, a former St. Paul, Minnesota, detective become involved? He’s no longer a police officer, having resigned when his fiancée Sally accepted a position in the new president’s administration in D.C. The couple now owns a brownstone residence; Mac occasionally accepts jobs working cases, but otherwise spends his time remodeling the home. One of the St. Paul victims just happens to be J. Frederick Sterling, the husband of Mac’s ex-wife Meredith. Roger Stelljes certainly starts off his fifth McRyan series mystery, Blood Silence, with a bang. Several bangs, in fact.
As a attorney with her sights on attaining great heights of wealth, power, and prestige, Meredith had been displeased, to put it mildly, when Mac chose to abandon his promising law career to follow in the footsteps of other McRyans to join the police force after the death of two family members. She began sleeping with Sterling; Mac suspected his wife’s infidelity, hired a private detective, and took her to the cleaners in the divorce settlement. Even after several years and a wonderful relationship with Sally, he still carries a huge chip on his shoulder.
When Sterling and his client are murdered, Meredith is arrested. His former in-laws approach Mac seeking his help. Much to his surprise, Sally urges him to take the case as a private investigator. She knows that he is bitter and angry. She is not really being magnanimous; she wants him to get that monkey off his back.
Mac relents, and with the occasional assistance of his old St. Paul P.D. buddies, he sets out to prove Meredith’s innocence. Does he believe she’s capable of murder? Does he believe she committed this murder in this fashion? I had to think his tongue was battered from the times he bit it to keep himself from saying, “I told you so.”
I enjoyed the opening chapters, especially the reunion of Mac, his former partner Richard Lich (AKA “Dick Lick”), and lawyer Lyman Hisle. Besides this combo name, later on there’s yet another reference for old-time Twins’ baseball fans like myself. Mac takes an alias using a little-known backup catcher – Junior Ortiz, who played on the 1991 championship team. The guys have fun razzing each other, and there is plenty of give-and-take as they exchange observations and theories about the crime.
How, then, does this very personal case become a more wide-spread fact-finding mission that takes Mac out to South Dakota’s oil country? Dick’s two days off are up, and McRyan is on his own, under strict order from his brothers in blue to check in regularly – or else. Or else? Yes – or else they tell Sally what he’s up to, and Mac doesn’t want her to worry.
I found this book to be greatly entertaining. It’s not a mystery of who’s doing the killing. We know that. I liked watching the pieces of the puzzle fall into place as Mac connected Washington, D.C. to Minnesota to South Dakota. Who was behind it all? As the saying goes, “Follow the money.” McRyan is his usual brilliant, cocky self. I noticed in the last book, but was particularly irritated this time around, that he has a terrible habit of finishing others’ sentences. I wanted to shout, “Stop it!” Not unpredictably, he gets shot at more than once and is in other mortal danger a time or two as well. We don’t see much of Sally in this one, which is just as well, because I’m sure she’d have been going crazy with concern. What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Of course, she understands that Mac is gonna do what he’s gonna do to catch the bad guys, because it’s the only way he knows how to be. And he always tells her the toned-down version of events later. Fortunately for us readers, we get to read all the details. What about that monkey? Can Mac finally let go of his ill will toward his ex-wife and let bygones be bygones? You can bet Sally has some influence there too.
5 stars English
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling McRyan Mystery Series
She held her breath, her arms shaking, and it felt as though her heart was going to explode out of her chest. Go away, she thought. You’re done. You’ve killed me - now leave.
Tainted water. Dead bodies. Blood silence.
Two people are coldly executed behind a bar in Washington DC. A high-powered lawyer and his beautiful client are brutally slaughtered in a lake house in a suburb west of Minneapolis. Two cases separated by a thousand miles and connected by one man – Mac McRyan. In a tale of money and blood that hits a little too close to home, Mac is forced to confront his tumultuous past. Blood Silence (McRyan Mystery, #5)