Blessed By Malakai (To Marry a Madden Book 1) By Sherelle Green

This one here had me laughing, swooning, cheering and so many . Very very good read. One of my favs to re read often. Sherelle Green

Every man has his weakness. For prominent painter and sculptor Malakai Madden, that weakness has always been women. Now, hes finally ready to settle down and shower one woman with his love. Theres just one major problem. Overnight, hes gained thousands of Twitter followers after his obsessive ex decides to leak some private information. To make matters worse, a well known media source retweets them! Suddenly, every woman wants a piece of Malakai. And when the #BlessedByMalakai hashtag starts trending, hes dodging women left and right, and blocking his crotch like hes secret service securing the president. If hes ever going to get his life back and find his future wife, he needs to solve this problem and he needs to solve it fast!

Image consultant Avery Nightingale cant believe shes landed a meeting with a huge potential client. She knows all about the #BlessedByMalakai hashtag and shes ready to pitch her ideas. However, when she meets the man behind the Twitter legend, shes rendered speechless and Mr. Make You Moan is not impressed. He agrees to hire her on one condition. Avery must promise not to feed into the social media craze as others have failed to accomplish before her. She agrees. After all, its just one rule, right? Blessed By Malakai (To Marry a Madden Book 1)


Read & Download Blessed By Malakai (To Marry a Madden Book 1)

I always enjoy a story that has life lessons that can be learned even if it happens to be a romance fiction. Blessed By Malakai was one of those books that shows us what you have to do when you trust your heart even when it doesn't make any sense. Sherelle Green has her own unique way of storytelling, one that I have come to truly enjoy with those hot sizzling love scenes, great dialogue between the hero and heroine, including family and friends all wrapped up in one package that satisfied all my reading needs. Plus I love the Madden brothers!!
Check out the hero, Malakai's other brother's books which are part of another Sherelle Green Series The Elite Series. Micah Madden (Red Velvet Kisses) and Malik Madden (Beautiful Surrender) other series books A Tempting Proposal and If Only for Tonight. Also the cousins series Bare Sophistication. Sherelle Green The Madden men never ever disappoint, Malakai was no exception. I loved the chemistry between him and Avery. There were so many layers to their relationship, their past history and everything in between. Excellent read! I loved that we got another glimpse at his brothers, some we read about and others that we were not too familiar with and their cool parents. I await the next installment. You hit this one out the park as usual Sherelle! Sherelle Green I just loved this couple together!!! Malakai was trying to get over going viral on Twitter about something extremely personal. Avery was hired as his image consultant after his many failed attempts at hiring the right image consultant. He wants to keep their relationship on a business level, even though he's immediately attracted to her and she agrees, even though she's already been fantasizing about him. Avery comes up with a drastic plan of action to redeem his image and he agrees to do it. It doesn't go according to how either of them plans. Heated glances and strong desires lead to a passionate relationship. All I can say is, fire, fire, fire. Ms. Green wrote Malakai and Avery in such a way that you fell in love with them as a couple. I also enjoyed the secondary characters in the book, Crayson, Tyler, Serenity and Jordyn, who all added to story being told. You can't help but wonder who's going to end up with the remaining Madden brothers. Catching up with the other Madden brothers and their wives was also a special treat. Reading this book made me anxious to read the rest of the series. Well done Ms. Green!!! Avery was definitely #BlessedByMalakai. Sherelle Green Avery an image consultant needs this job. Her company is new with and one employeeher. She knows that getting this job with Malakai Madden the artist is an opportunity that will help her business. Malakai the love them and leave them artist decides he is ready to settle down. He wants to find love like his brothers. Unfortunately, a woman from his past starts a social media frenzy #BlessedbyMalakai that rocks his world and puts him on guard and suspicious of everyone. Everyone he has hired or interviewed either wanted to use him or didn't meet his standards of an image consultant. Enter Avery, with her confidence and unconventional methods just maybe what Malakai needs to get his life back and find the future Mrs. Madden. However, while Avery is planning she and Malakai are trying to fight this attraction they have for each other. Malakai gives up and he wants Avery, however Avery doesn't want to pursue anything because of Malakai's past experiences with being proposition by his image consultants. She doesn't want him to think she's like the others, but the truth is she has fantasized about Malakai for years than he knows. They both finally give in to their desires and a passion like no other occurs. Malakai is out to make Avery his forever. Sherelle Green Let me say that this is my first time reading from this author and it will not be my last. My favorite things about books are great characters that you love, a series that wraps you into their friendly and/or familial relationship, a great plot, and a delicate balance between fairytale and that of reality. Character development/relatability/likability (if that's a word): Excellent!

Plot: Lovely!

Fact that it's a series: Wonderful!

I wanted to rate this as a 3.5 star like a B but obviously you can't put halfs on so I rounded up.

Here are my issues: Avery was supposed to provide a service. I never got confirmation on whether she did just that. Every thing seemed to have worked out but I know this because I am assuming this and know how fairytales work but is she good at her job? He gets a relationship but does that change the nation's perception of him? I wanted a little here.

Secondly, it really hurt me that Avery was hurt the way she was by those closest to her. It hurt me that Malakai went through what he did. I know life is messed up and I don't mind this element in my fairytales but you have to deliver that HEA like a BOSS if tragedy will hit our main characters that hard and those moments that the characters went through, their healing process even if it was an argument between sisters has to be shown. For me personally, I need to know without a doubt and be reassured that my couple healed well individually. They said it but I'm not so sure. Her sibling apologizing and saying that she felt bad AFTERa the fact and trying to say the other individual felt bad too (sorry trying to avoid spoilers here) does nothing. They probably just said aww man we shouldnt have done that and that was it. Never gave it another thought but said that because it sounded like the best thing to say when Avery called. It was way too devastating a blow to be glossed over like it was just as Malakai's was. It's justthings needed to end without a doubt the best that they could have been for this couple and a proposal, marriage, commitment isn't fell short of five stars because of that.

All in all good read but I needed for Avery and Malakai. Sherelle Green