Bilis galaktikos didvyris By Harry Harrison
To Whom It May Concern
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هیچوقت رو کتاب خاصی اینطوری ننوشته بودم؛ ولی نخونین. 9986950872 Estas son las aventuras de Bill, un campesino que es reclutado a la fuerza por el ejército imperial, tras esto tenemos la típica comedia disfrazada de libro de ciencia ficción militar, desgraciadamente el humor de Harry Harrison no termina de ser para mí, me saca alguna sonrisa pero poco más. 9986950872 Harry Harrison wrote Bill, the Galactic Hero in 1965. America's failure in the Korean War was starting to be replayed again in the early years of the Vietnam Conflict (Vietnam was a conflict before it was a war, although some historians say it was only a police action). The Hippy movement was on the rise. The Sixties were a weird time of Green Berets, Flower Power, Black Panthers, and Free Love. You were either a hippy or a commie-hater. You either enlisted or you got drafted. Either way, you were fucked.
In the world of science fiction, numerous authors tried to capture the weirdness of the Sixties and, specifically, the War. Some succeeded, some failed. Joe Haldeman's The Forever War was an unforgettable novel that tried to capture the absurdity of war while still being respectful of the military. (Haldeman was drafted and served as an engineer in Vietnam. He was wounded in battle and received a Purple Heart.)
Harrison's Bill, the Galactic Hero was anything but respectful. It was, in every way, a castigation of war and the military. It's also damned hilarious.
BTGH is, essentially, Catch-22 in outer space. It's a short novel, and Bill isn't a very bright or memorable character---he's kind of a cipher-like Everyman to which any and every awful thing that can happen, does.
The summary: Bill is a farmer on a farm planet who gets drafted (more like kidnapped) by the Space Troopers to fight in the Space Emperor's battle with the Chingers, an alien race of seven-foot tall reptiles with four arms who want to eat humans. Bill suffers through torturous basic training, almost getting killed on a starship, being erroneously charged with going AWOL while on shore leave, and being the only surviving member of his platoon on a war-ravaged jungle planet. He also learns that the Chingers are actually seven-INCH tall, peace-loving creatures who don't understand why Mankind wants to wipe them out of the universe, that the war is only going on in order to make profit for the military industrial complex, and that almost everything being reported on the galactic news channels are completely wrong and pro-Emperor propaganda.
The kicker: Bill doesn't care. He's a good soldier, which means he does what he's told, even when what he's told goes against everything his mother taught him and even when he knows he's being lied to.
This book will alternately make one laugh out loud and cringe in disgust with its disturbingly dead-on satire and portrayal of the insanity of war. There is something brilliant within these few pages of Harrison's somehow forgotten and overlooked novel. 9986950872 Bill je rođen glup, ali brzo uči, ima dvije desne ruke i radnja se za njega lijepi kao med za kruh. Bilo mi je zgodno čitati sarkazam, homor, vojnu nelogičnost i glupost, ali ako ste čitali npr. Kvaku 22, nema se tu novoga što za reći.
Čak se i referira u dijelovima na Kvaku jer Harrison također pravi logičku petlju iz koje vojnik ne može izaći.
Prijevod je blaga katastrofa, oluja i uragan s ledom velikim kao lubenice. Također, netko to voli ali ja ne volim, smeta mi obraćenje Harrisona čitatelju. Ok, znam da je knjiga, ali me to izbaci iz takta i doslovno popizdim kada mi netko počne pisati: A sada dragi čitaoče, neću te zamarati s tim i tim... Kužim ja to rušenje četvrtog zida, ali to mi ne smeta samo kod Deadpoola:)
Knjižica mi je zaista bila samo OK, ni više ni manje od toga i daleko je to od top tri ratna SF-a kako su je neki svrstavali. Toliko mi je bila OK, da sigurno neću uzeti čitati ostale nastavke jer me uopće, ali uopće ne zanimaju. 9986950872 Que síííííííííí, que ya lo se, que es una parida de libro, vaaaaaale ... pero me partí el eje cuando lo leí en hace 15 añitos de nada.
Parodia del héroe cachas y simple. Parodia del militarismo. Parodia de los extraterrestres. Creo que Harrison se ríe hasta de la madre que lo parió en esta novela spaceoperiana absurda.
Por si alguien quiere tantear mis gustos abomino del Autoestopista galáctico, supuesta obra culmen del humor en la CF. (Pirx sí me gusta)
Me leí toda la saga de Bill, aunque una vez pasada la originalidad de esta primera entrega los demás no aportan nada.
(comento ahora este libro porque me ha caído en la mano al mover otros libros de las estanterías de mi amada biblioteca de CF) 9986950872
Harry Harrison ä 2 Free download
Bilis buvo paprastas kaimietis taikioje Figerinadono-2 planetoje. Ir reikėjo gi jam susigundyti Kosmoso desantininko karjera. Beprotiški nuotykiai apmokymų stovykloje, neįtikėtini įvykiai koviniame žvaigždėlaivyje, baisiausių žmonijos priešų čindžerių kliautys aliumininėje Helioro planetoje - tik vargais negalais Bilis, Galaktikos Didvyris, įveikia jo lemčiai tekusias negandas...
Knygoje taip pat skaitykite Harry Harrison apsakymus
REMONTININKAS Bilis galaktikos didvyris
I simply had to revisit this series after recently come down from my Stainless Steel Rat binge.
For one, the humor is a bit more biting in this one. Satire? Absolutely. A bit catch-22 while dunking on Starship Troopers and having a jab at Trantor's city planning. (Foundation, ya'll!)
But best of all, this mid-sixties book lampoons all the rah, rah military, revolutionary leaders, bureaucracy, and plain-ole-stupidity. It's fast, has a light touch, and speeds through all those baddies like a bullet through paper.
Just be careful of winding up with two right hands. :) 9986950872 I once met a woman in a bookstore who was in the process of buying Harry Harrison's 1965 classic Bill, the Galactic Hero. She told me that she'd read it many times already, and that it was the funniest book ever. Well, I've never forgotten that conversation, and had long been meaning to ascertain whether or not this woman was right. It took me almost 20 years to get around to this book, but having just finished Bill, the Galactic Hero, I must say that, well, it IS very amusing indeed.
In it, we meet Bill (no last name is ever provided), a simple farm lad on Phigerinadon II, who is shanghaied into the galactic emperor's army to fight in the war against the lizardlike Chingers. And what a grueling odyssey Bill goes through before all is said and done! He experiences a boot camp from hell, serves aboard the starship Christine Keeler and is almost killed, gets lost on the planetwide city of Helior, becomes a sanitation man, a revolutionary, a spy, fights on a swamp planet that's almost as nasty as Harrison's original Deathworld, and on and on.
Harrison keeps this short novel moving along furiously, and the level of invention is very high throughout. It is most impressive how just about every page features some amusing incident, laff-out-loud line (and I am not an easy person to make laugh out loud) or imaginative detail. The story is a very violent one, a scathing commentary on the madness that is war and the crazy institution that is the military, and part of the story's humor comes from the joking, nonchalant manner in which horrible proceedings are described. But there is much that is just inherently flat-out funny: The characters drink Heroin Cola and eat chlora-fillies (part chlorophyll, part horse wieners). There's a rock band called The Coleoptera (beetles). The combatants use flintlock ray guns. There is a Robot Underground Resistance (RUR!), and some characters are named Schmutzig von Dreck (I guess it helps if you know some Yiddish), Gill O'Teen and Eager Beager. Still, as I said, this is a brutal tale, and the reader would be well advised not to grow too attached to any character, as at least half the cast gets offed before the book is through. And that brutalization extends to our main man Bill, who becomes less naive and more animallike as the novel proceeds.
This is a tale told with almost Alfred Bester-like panache and marvelous satiric detail, but at times the detail is a bit sketchy; I'm referring to details of geography here, and background history and character. With so many incidents to cram into the book's short length, many of them seem a bit rushed, and characters come and go without leaving much of an impression. I suppose what I'm saying is that Harrison might have expanded his book a bit; that it's almost too concise and to the point. Still, the story certainly does entertain. But getting back to that woman in the bookstore...IS this the funniest book that I've ever read? Well, I must admit that no book has ever made me laff more than John Kennedy Toole's A Confederacy of Dunces (1980), and that Kurt Vonnegut's The Sirens of Titan (1959) may be a worthier sci-fi comedy than this one, but Bill... certainly does hold its own in that august company. After all, any book that provides big laffs and a positive message isn't to be sneezed at... 9986950872 I love this book. He walks up to Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers and slaps a cream pie in its face. Then he kicks it in the balls and stands back to admire the effect, before setting to work on Isaac Asimov's Foundation. They both had it coming :)
9986950872 It was a time when men were men and alien Chingers had better watch out.
If Robert Heinlein and Issac Asimov collaborated on a humorous
Space Opera/Trooper novel - this is what they may have written.
Meet Bill, graduate of the Technical Fertilizer college on Phigerinadon II where no more than two interesting events happen every four years until he signs on with the Troopers.
Why are we fighting?
The Chingers are the only non-human race that has been discovered in the galaxy that has gone beyond the aboriginal level, so naturally we have to wipe them out.
On the space shipChristine Keeler Bill replaces giant fuses. (Remember those sci-fy shows where the control panels would burst into showers of sparks? Well folks, when the Christine Keeler is in battle there are sparks everywhere.)
Beware of the recruiting sergeant
Learn to obey Petty Chief Officer Deathwish Drang
Watch Eager Beager insanely polish everyone's' boots
Work for Fuse Tender First Class Spleen
Obey all officers no matter how inbred they seem
And above all - never volunteer
Enjoy! 9986950872 There was a death in my family this week, so reading a funny sci-fi book was both a good and bad idea.
Good because the humor cheered me up; bad because much of the humor was lost on me.
But even with my bias, Bill the Galactic Hero is a fine piece of political sci-fi. Harry Harrison's book is not so much an anti-war manifesto as it is an anti-ridiculousness manifesto.
Harrison just happens to recognize that war, bureaucracy, government, and all those other things that are so much a part of homo sapien social development are completely ridiculous. So he gives us Bill the Galactic Hero, a farm boy who becomes a raw recruit becomes a fusetender becomes a war hero becomes an a.w.o.l. military criminal becomes a garbage man becomes a revolutionary/spy becomes a captured military criminal becomes a recruiter, moving through multiple levels of bureaucracy and mindless war like an ethyl alcohol fueled Forrest Gump.
Bill the Galactic Hero is an excellent example of sixties dissent and sci-fi satire, and if I'd read it at another time it might have become a favourite. As it stands, though, I can only applaud Harrison's creativity and message -- at two right arms' lengths
(How's this for a simile: The troopers chippered like birds and were as nervous as virgins at a defloration ceremony.? Zoinks!) 9986950872