Beyond These Four Walls: Diary of a Psychic Medium By

This well written book will take you through some life experiences of Mary Occhino. She is a fascinating person! 0425194108 Book is ok if you want to read about family life of person that wrote it , same all through to end 0425194108 Maryrose is a good author with some very exciting stories to tell. She is apparently an excellent psychic and the book brings her life to life. 0425194108 This book was a fun and fast read, and I almost felt as if MaryRose Occhino was talking to me personally.

Like Occhino, I also have MS and have had some paranormal experiences. I believe that the brains of people with MS are wired (or rewired) in some interesting ways, especially when it comes to sensory perceptions. 0425194108 Loved this book, a very candid story of Mary's growth through her life of being a unique psychic and medium 0425194108

Review Beyond These Four Walls: Diary of a Psychic Medium

A psychic medium shares her story, from the early recognition of her talents as a child, through the nurturing of her mother and grandmother, to her current standing as a powerful spiritual and psychic advisor. Beyond These Four Walls: Diary of a Psychic Medium

Am I missing something? All these other readers have given this a 5 star rating, I was not that thrilled with this book, to be honest, I found her stories utterly dull and her writing style not captivating at all. If you love reading books on psychics and have read several, this book will not impress you, it seems so centered on 'gut feelings' which we all have, and drawn out (frankly boring) stories about her mother, grandmother and children. I felt my mind wandering as I reaad this book and several times I had to stifle a yawn. Like one reader, I read this in almost one sitting, but just because I wanted to finish it and begin reading a interesting book. The reason I gave this 2 stars as opposed to one is that Ms Occhino does come acorss as a very sincere, warm person even though her writing sytle and her stories leave a lot to be desired. Ms Occhino also states that people have to inherit their psychic powers and these can never be developed, only intuitive powers can be, sorry, but I beg to differ. For the avid reader of psychics, mediums, etc., I can honestly recommend other captivating reads by other psychics: Betty Shine, Sonia Choquette to name a couple. 0425194108 This book will change your life. Thinking she had lost everything, and that the universe was dealing her cards that she didn't need. Until she understands that these challenges were needed to enhance her life, and make her a better person. So you really do need to make lemonade out of lemons, and to be careful of what you wish for. The universe is listening. 0425194108 Mary Occhino's book BEYOND THESE FOUR WALLS is a fantastic read. In this book, Mary discusses how her psychic gifts were revealed to her. Ms. Occhino, known to many through her Sirius radio show Angels on Call does a brilliant job of helping her readers to understand the important work that genuine mediums do. She has multiple sclerosis and uses her own life and health struggles as a backdrop to the amazing encounters she has had with others while helping them to connect to those who have passed on. Her engaging stories of healing are touching and a must read for all those seeking to understand this phenomenon. I did not want the book to end. 0425194108 I received the book and read in a couple hours. It was easy to read, and gave me an insightful look into how a psychic's mind works. Mary O is so down to earth, but, I believe, talks to the angels. She has overcome many challenges in her life, but still has a warm, loving nature. I can't wait to read her other books. I have listened to her on her morning show on Sirius/XM radio, and I am totally addicted. 0425194108 This book was enlightening on a subject that I find fascinating, the spirit world and the people who have the gift. I admire people like Mary Occhino who walk in two worlds and can inform the rest of us about that exciting adventure. Sometimes scary, sometimes funny and a little bit sad but an altogether good read. 0425194108
