Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate By Enitan O. Bereola II
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WARNING: ETIQUETTE IS BACK ... THIS TIME IT'S SEXY! The old-fashioned, repressed, bland man has been banished to the Himalayas and a new breed is taking center stage. He is a man of style, sophistication, and security, just as strong and confident as his predecessor, but far more diverse in his interests, his tastes, and, most importantly, his self-image. He may be seen at an NBA game one night and an art gallery opening the next. Bereolaesque is that much needed fusion between being a gentleman and being sexy. This savoir-faire man's guide walks every man through the stages of ordinary to excellence in just two hundred pages. Perfect for that coffee table discussion, Bereolaesque lends quality information to everyday people and celebrities alike. Beyond the book's mysteriously eye capturing cover are innovative and appealing ways to maneuver through life's crazes, while keeping cool and maintaining manners. In the midst of a world plagued with economic turmoil, tasteless politics and dark behavior, the gentleman is refreshing and necessary. Bereolaesque is for every man and every woman who believe that chivalry is NOT dead, and individuals who are willing to learn exactly how far something as simple as being a gentleman and proper etiquette can get you in life. Not to mention, ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman... Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate
I was impressed by this, here's a brotha from the Bay Area who didn't fall prey to a lot of the B.S. that happens out here. He went onto college and now speaks globally about manners and what it means to be a true gentleman. My ex initially gave me this book and ultimately I became a fan of Enitan's work! Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate Some guys are born gentlemen, but some have to learn how to become one. If you or someone you know is part of the latter, I highly suggest you get a copy of Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman & Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate, a quick and entertaining read by 27-year-old style and etiquette impresario Enitan O. Bereola II.
The modern masterpiece is exactly what I’d recommend for those who want to have and learn about etiquette and style. The book is for everyone who believes that chivalry is NOT dead, those guys who understand how the world works and are willing to learn exactly how far something as simple as proper etiquette can get you in life.
Derived from Bereola’s name, the term “Bereolaesque” is defined as being “highly appealing to the human senses or mind”. The book is a guideline and easy reference for keeping cool and maintaining manners which also includes the role of faith in having a well-balanced life.
Bereola said he wrote the book because we need it! “Let’s be frank, a lot of men just don’t know how to act. We don’t know the who’s, what’s, where’s, why’s, when’s, or how’s and are too embarrassed to ask. The answers to these questions can mean the difference between a quality life and an early death!”
Bereolaesque is a brilliant book for anyone interested in appreciating the art of becoming a gentleman filled with practical advice. Bereola serves as a “big brother” guide on the journey from ordinary to excellence. He also answers your questions in a new online feature, Ask Mr. Bereola. Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate My older brother showed me this book while he attended Morehouse in ATL. He talked about how helpful it can be if you have the time to read it. It changed some of my perception to a lot of things, i.e the way I walk, talk, carry myself and also women. Definitely something you won't want to pass.
Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate First I read his other book; Gentlewoman and I was truly inspired. Then I found out he also released a book for young men!! I was sooooo happy. This book is very helpful, it helped understand certain things better and he gives insight on how a real gentleman should act, walk, speak and dress. It's a great book for everyone. Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate Many are called, few are chosen. Being a gentleman is a matter of living! Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate

Plain and simple, Mr. Bereola tells every man how a lady should be treated! Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate Very good book for the fellas. I cant wait to the version soon to come for women. Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate back to ABCs Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate Unique read but not to divergent for most of the opinions on the state of affairs as it pertains to dating and marriage. Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate A good book for a young man to read to learn some etiquette rules that used to be common sense. It's an easy read and provides some good info. Bereolaesque: The Contemporary Gentleman Etiquette Book for the Urban Sophisticate