Tim Westerberg ñ 1 FREE READ
What will it take to move your high school to the next level?
In Becoming a Great High School, former principal Tim Westerberg emphasizes that significant improvement in any high school must start with improving the quality of instruction in the classroom. But the isolated efforts of individual teachers aren't enough. If your school is functioning like a collection of educational entrepreneurs held together by a common parking lot, it's time for teachers and administrators to work together and pursue comprehensive, coordinated strategies that will help all students succeed.
Westerberg's 6+1 Model for High School Reform shows how high-achieving schools maintain success and identifies what other schools can do to achieve similar
Adopt a we-expect-success attitude.
Develop clear instructional goals.
Implement effective instruction.
Use frequent formative assessment.
Track student progress.
Provide timely intervention for struggling students.
Celebrate student success.
Westerberg provides comprehensive research on high school reform from leading education experts, candid examples from his 26 years as a principal, and thought-provoking insights from other high school leaders who have taken up the call to improve their schools.
If you're ready to take your high school to the next level, this book will give you the tools and strategies to make the leap and create a school that enables all students to reach their full potential. Becoming a Great High School: 6 Strategies and 1 Attitude That Make a Difference
I highly recommend this book to all teachers, principals, and counselors. Powerful read! 129 Westerberg manages to combine a whole whack of educational theorists work in this short book. We read it as a conversation starter for our department heads/administration/directions' team day away which falls between semesters. What I appreciated is how he manages to reference so many of these theorists and mash them all together. He even references Carol Dweck's Mindset, which is a game-changing book for many workplaces including education. However, it's not a book that has time to go into depth on any one theory. This book would be great for new teachers as it might lead them to greater works on educational theory. It's also a nice snapshot to get the conversation flowing. It would be a great choice for staff that are non-readers themselves. 129 Very challenging and thought provoking book. I really enjoyed this book and the discussion it engendered at my school. If you want to really think about how secondary schools need to change, this is a book to read. 129 Read by Gillian Braun. 129