Beast of Burden (The Hidden Blood Series, #2) By A.Z. Green

A.Z. Green Æ 8 Free read

Pack Leaders who were allies at the time of the Vikings, had rings made to remind them of who they were and what they stood for. Weremen of peace, justice and loyalty. We try to stand by that principle.

After the attempt on Nik's life, he and Jaz leave Deer Creek to escape the dangers and judgements on both their heads. But many are determined to find them and drag them back.
Curs are creeping out of the woodwork and making themselves known by the increase of deaths, kidnappings and rapes but it seems the Head Council are looking the other way.
Jaz and Nik put their differences aside to begin her training in self-defence and controlling her ability to Change. Jaz allows herself to trust him again despite their rocky start, and in doing so, she soon understands the true reasons behind his past actions.
Things aren't what they seem.
Packs are stirring, enemies are coming out to play, humans will be caught in the crossfire, hybrid Weres must fight for their survival and sides must be picked.
Which side are you on? Beast of Burden (The Hidden Blood Series, #2)


This book is intense, action-packed and full of all kinds of twists, turns and complete surprises. I cannot say how much I am enjoying this very detailed, unique and suspenseful take on the werewolf genre!

Book 2 pretty much immediately starts off where book 1 ended. After a complicated and horror filled duel gone wrong between Kain and Nik and Jaz exposing herself as a hybrid Were. No one is safe and all kinds of chaos is about to hit the fan. With Nik on the run to protect Jaz the pack is under the tyrannical rule of Swain, Nik's disloyal brother. As more secrets are revealed and new faces come into play, Jaz will have to place her trust and faith in Nik and finally accept who she is and what she is capable of.

There is alot happening in this book and while I was a little confused by the abundance of characters in book 1; book 2 provides you with more insight, background and history surrounding those characters building a better connection for the reader and a story that flows both flawlessly and effortlessly.

I love the political nature of the plot, the rawness and ruthlessness of the Were culture that Green creates and the emotions that run deep throughout this story. Jaz is an amazing alpha female character. She is tough, smart, capable and compassionate. She defends those she loves on pure instinct and it is quite a formidable force. I love both the undeniable connection and tense attraction between her and Nik, it ripples through the pages like a tsunami waiting to explode and it compounds the plot that much more. Its not just the secrets and conspiracies or the action that add to the suspense of this story its also the romance. Its the building and build up of Nik and Jaz's relationship which coincides with Jaz's acceptance of who she is.

I absolutely adore this series, its both exciting and refreshing and CANNOT wait for book 3!!! English Unpredictable, unputdownable, brilliant!

Beast of Burden is the second installment in The Hidden Blood Series. I really enjoyed the first book and looked forward to reading the sequel, which turned out to be a great read with lots of twists and turns I never saw coming.

Beast of Burden starts where the first book ends. Nik and Jaz leave Deer Creek to stay away as far from the Cur Hunters as possible, but danger is always out there, and Jaz can never feel safe. She will have to endure a lot (a lot more than in Book 1) in order to survive, and it’s not always that someone she can trust will be nearby.

What I love about this series is that things are never what they seem. You never know who to trust, who will be the next to be framed – or die.

A.Z. Green is a talented author. She creates 3D characters whose emotions are so vivid and natural I’m instantly absorbed into the story. Emotions are what makes an engaging read for me, and the wide range of emotions – anger, fear, love, hatred, sympathy and many more – swept through me like a hurricane while I was reading this book. There are a few harsh scenes I never expected to find in Beast of Burden. I may say A.Z. Green never spares her characters, but she always gives them a second chance. That’s why I think it’s a great series and I look forward to reading more about Nik and Jaz, Carr and Fraya, and the Cur Hunters of course.

Well-deserved 5 stars!
English International!

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Beast of Burden by A.Z. Green

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A.Z. Green is back with book two in the Hidden Blood Series. Beast of Burden is even more intense than her first book, Beasthood where the stage was set, the world evolved into a breathing entity and the characters came to life. Weres, politics, love and brutal battles, it’s all here, as Nik and Jaz must face down both their fears and their enemies, or die trying.

Meanwhile, the pack has been left to the devices of Nik’s evil brother, Swain as he and Jaz run for their lives from those who would see them judged and killed. The brutality of the were is complete, dark and deadly. The human victim count is rising, and no one seems to care, is there more to this insanity than meets the eye? Is the fear and hatred of hybrid weres like Jaz so absolute, so archaic, or, again is there more treachery playing in the background?

With only themselves to trust, Jaz and Nik have to work together, train together and Jaz needs to accept who and what she is. Will they also find the strength of a shared love to keep them strong?

Ms. Green has a unique style that screams “I love what I’m doing,” and it shows in her attention to detail, her fleshing out of her characters and the tension she manages to keep taut, yet fluid throughout. From start to finish, there is one surprise after another, one more twist to negotiate and a cast of characters that each hold a crucial piece of this tale in their furry little claws. A.Z. Green has done a wonderful job of bringing fantasy to life in all of its brilliant glory.

Series: The Hidden Blood Series - Book 2
Publication Date: November 28, 2014
Publisher: A. Z. Green
Genre: Paranormal | Dark Fantasy
Print Length: 275 pages
Available from: Amazon
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English International!

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A.Z. Green is back with book two in the Hidden Blood Series. Beast of Burden is even more intense than her first book, Beasthood where the stage was set, the world evolved into a breathing entity and the characters came to life. Weres, politics, love and brutal battles, it’s all here, as Nik and Jaz must face down both their fears and their enemies, or die trying.

Meanwhile, the pack has been left to the devices of Nik’s evil brother, Swain as he and Jaz run for their lives from those who would see them judged and killed. The brutality of the were is complete, dark and deadly. The human victim count is rising, and no one seems to care, is there more to this insanity than meets the eye? Is the fear and hatred of hybrid weres like Jaz so absolute, so archaic, or, again is there more treachery playing in the background?

With only themselves to trust, Jaz and Nik have to work together, train together and Jaz needs to accept who and what she is. Will they also find the strength of a shared love to keep them strong?

Ms. Green has a unique style that screams “I love what I’m doing,” and it shows in her attention to detail, her fleshing out of her characters and the tension she manages to keep taut, yet fluid throughout. From start to finish, there is one surprise after another, one more twist to negotiate and a cast of characters that each hold a crucial piece of this tale in their furry little claws. A.Z. Green has done a wonderful job of bringing fantasy to life in all of its brilliant glory.

Series: The Hidden Blood Series - Book 2
Publication Date: November 28, 2014
Publisher: A. Z. Green
Genre: Paranormal | Dark Fantasy
Print Length: 275 pages
Available from: Amazon
Reviewed for:

English Cover: Great!!!!

Would like to thank the author and Bit'n tours for gifting me this book for a honest review. I had the privilege to read the first book through goodreads and couldn't wait to read this one.

This book picks up right where the first book ended, Jaz and Nic have left Deer Creek, Jaz no longer being safe there especially after she reveals herself as being a hybrid. Jaz struggles to trust Nic and also struggles with her feelings for him.

So this book was jammed pack with shockers and reveals, back to back!!!!

Caution!!!! Spoiler alert people!!!!!

I usually do not like to give important details away but it can not be helped sorry. I'm going to start with that I loved Jaz, she was such a strong woman, so much happened to her, she could not catch a break. On the run, people dying and people who were dead are not!! And what does a girl have to do to take a shower!! Poor Jaz, three different times and three different guys walking in on her in the shower, what the heck. Then the unthinkable happens to her!!!

She is violated so horribly I was shocked, sad, upset, tears. I couldn't believe I was reading this

But after all this has happened to Jaz does she go into depressed mode and stop her, No!!!! oh No!!!!! she got back up brushed herself off and continued on with life. She didn't let the pain consume her. I loved her for that. She kept on fighting and still wants to be with Nic. Then Nic he was there for her and supported her.

This book was action packed, with bloody kills with crazy weres and I liked it!!! :) There was even some funny parts too.

The muscles around Tyra's eyes tightened. Smells human. About three weeks old. Cause of death? Tyra turned to her, smirking. I'm not a forensic officer. She turned faced forward, squinting her eyes. But from what I can see he looks like he was chewed on. Maybe eaten alive. Jaz grimaced.

Thanks again!!!!!!!

The story continues in book two with more action and details of Jaz's werewolf and the betrayal of Nik (Driver) pack! Half way through this book, finally, Jaz and Nik make a connection! Their relationship was slowly built, no instant-love, and given the reasoning of the history of them both, I think the author made a wise choice by going slow.

The author takes her time writing out her stories covering and building a whole new place. It shows in both book one and two with the descriptive detail in tempo of the book. There's still as many characters in the first book and it can be a bit confusing to keep up or remember everyone's role. There's not only Nik and Jaz's relationship developing but other characters like Fraya (the villain in book one) and Yon, which she leaves hanging! So that's something to look forward to in her future writing in this series.

Cliffhanger warning! The author leaves many untied plots by the end of this book.
Recommend read must read book one to understand book two

Full review can be read on my blog English The Hidden Blood series continues. Jaz has accepted what she is, she has accepted that the world is more complex than she could have ever thought.

I really enjoyed book 1 in the series (clickee here to read my review), Beasthood may not have been flawless, but it was a riveting debut. Beast of Burden is much smoother, and you feel that Green has really hit her stride with this second book.
It picks up where the first left off, with Jaz and Nik trying to avoid new enemies, as well as old.
I love the political angst and drama in the world that Green has created, you really start to see the bigger picture, with the clans that were mentioned in the first book. And the whole mythology of the Weres and Manis is developed.
The characters are all tested as Nik's claim to leadership of his pack wavers. He has to sacrifice his security as pack leader to protect the woman he loves, and others are keen to take advantage of his distraction.
We are introduced to new characters, including my favourite - Nik's sister.

It nicely rounds up and answers all of the questions raised in the first book, but leaves you with a whole lot more!
I never would have guessed the identity of the Black Cloak! But it all goes on to make perfect (insane killer) sense!

Ok, so mild spoiler, but I know for a lot of readers it is a problem plotline - but there is a rape scene. I won't lie, I didn't like it. I think it affirmed the feeling I got from the story that females are mates, there to be claimed and used by males; and that males are by nature, controlled by their lust.
I know that the characters are always balancing between their human and animal selves; but nobody came out well.

Overall, I enjoyed it. It might not have captured my imagination as firmly as the first book, but I will definitely be continuing with this exciting series. English This book again isn’t for the faint of heart, murder, rape, mutilation and gruesome fights happen amongst the weres. I couldn’t wait to find out more about Jaz and the rest of the Deer Creek Pack. I wanted to know who was behind what happened with Jaz, the pack leader and the killing of humans. We start off with Jaz and Nik on the run, he concocted a trip to get her out of harm’s way. He knows who is behind everything, and that he is about to be overthrown.
Jaz really comes into her own, she is a quick, and a fast learner. Although, emotions are what motivate her to act, so that being said, she had yet to change into her true were form until this book. There are some traumatic events that take place, Jaz has to go through a lot of pain and lose some loved ones as well. We find out that not everything it as it seems and not everyone is on your side or your friend. EVEN family will turn their back on you at one point or another in this world. I really enjoyed this story, again it was packed (no pun intended) full of action, drama, intense scenes, as well as sweet, endearing moments. Jaz is special, and I think she is about to find out just what that means, and what she is capable of. I can’t wait to find out what happens with Jaz, and Nik next. They are leading another journey and I’m sure it’s going to be a wild ride.
English Wow! This book had me totally gripped in its claws, I had real trouble putting it down.

I still love Jaz and Nik and was so pleased this book picked up right where the last one left us. I finished book one, Beasthood, literally shouting No! because I wanted to know what happens next, A. Z. Green has done it to me again with Beast of Burden and I am left once more eagerly anticipating the next in the series!

Love the chemistry and angst between Jaz and Nik. The author writes villains well and you find yourself wanting to see their heads ripped off during the well described fight scenes. Jaz goes through some real shit in this book but thankfully comes out stronger. Nik has a few skeletons come out that were even unbeknown to him and I am intrigued to see how he copes with them.

I love the plot twists in the story it keeps you guessing and then surprises you with an option you hadn't even thought of.

I loved Beasthood, but there is something about Beast of Burden that makes you feel like A. Z. Green has really hit her rhythm.

Seriously enjoyed it - BOOK 3 ASAP PLEASE!!!! English No less raw and intense than the first book in the series, this picks up pretty much where the first book left off. Jaz may know what she is and far more about the were world than she did at the start of the series, but the politics and intrigues involved (not to mention the cloak and dagger stuff) would send even the most astute politician into a spin.

Factions within the Cur Hunters...conflicting agendas...and poor Jaz is just trying to learn how to shift properly and deal with her feelings for Nik - her twin sister's widower.

Oh, it's so hard not to give spoilers!

As Jaz gets more in touch with her inner beast, her animistic feelings come to the fore, which makes for some interesting descriptions when the scenes are from her perspective.

Plenty of suspense...leading up to the third book in the series, which I'll definitely be reading. English