Battles and Leaders of the Civil War By Ned Bradford

I would not dare to critic these books. This is a must for serious Civil War Ned Bradford

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War by Ned Bradford (Editor) is simply a HIGHLY CONDENSED version of the original Battles and Leaders of the Civil War (4 volumes) by Robert Underwood Johnson (Editor) - a compilation of articles written by actual participants in the ACW and first published in CENTURY MAGAZINE.

My advice: Read the ORIGINAL 4-volume set by Johnson (and Buel). You will learn things you will NEVER read elsewhere - unless they were since stolen from Battles and Leaders by more recent authors. The ORIGINAL 4-volume set by Johnson (and Buel) is considered a MUST by all serious ACW buffs and historians.

I found 1 of the 4 volumes in a tiny New Hampshire bookshop at least 50 years ago. It took me another 8 years to find the other 3 volumes (since it had long been out-of-print). I am delighted it has been re-published! Ned Bradford Even thought it was compiled ini 1956 the writings from this come from various people in the civil war. I really enjoyed the narratives. Ned Bradford A sourcebook on Civil War battles and the commanders that fought them. Covers both the Union and Confederate sides. Ned Bradford This book will take you through the American Civil War step-by-step from the perspective of the people who were there. It is heartbreaking and insightful. The original memoirs were compiled in four volumes but this thoughtfully edited version is more manageable for those of us who are interested but not intent on becoming historians.
Ned Bradford A synopsis of a 4 volume set. A good read of accounts by participants if you cannot read the entire collection Ned Bradford


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First-hand testimonials from officers, soldiers, and civilians involved in America's bloodiest conflict, accompanied by black and white line drawings, etchings, and maps. Covers battles from Bull Run and Gettysburg to the surrender at Appomattox, with words from Lee, Grant, Sherman as well as lesser known participants such as medics and nurses. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War