Batman #95 By James Tynion IV


James Tynion IV ô 3 read

The beginning of The Joker War! I heard a lot of people were not the biggest fans of this like me and my co-hosts were when we mentioned it on our Podcast. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! The opening pages felt very cinematic in my mind, I could almost hear a common Action-Movie score as I read. Jorge Jimenez brings so much to the table in terms of art, and I'm so glad to see Tynion partner with him over Tony S. Daniel or Guillem March, who have also contributed to Tynion's run on Batman so far. I'm really looking forward to everything else to come out of this event! Comics 3 1/2 stars? I think.

Truth be told, I'm still really conflicted about this entire plot. On the one hand, I'm pretty tired of seeing so many major Batman plots revolve around Joker (I know that this isn't the case for ALL events, but sometimes it just feels that way). On the other hand, there are some consequences that I'm appreciating (mainly the bits about money - this is actually something I've been expecting for some time now).

Honestly, I can see fans either loving or hating the entire arc. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but it can be tough. Especially when secondary events (tie-ins) are making things confusing. Such as the appearance of the same character in two issues, in ways that really don't make sense. But I digress. Comics Looking good. Is DC giving us too much Joker this summer? With this War and 3 Jokers? Comics Ugh, sorry if I don't think it's smart being meta and acting as if it's the readers' fault you're writing the same old story, Tynion. It's just lazy.

Two stars for the art, though. Comics The start of joker war was disappointing. Again so much talking about thjngs that happened / are going to happen instesd of just showing us. I feel like the writing is getting worse and worse. Comics

It was always going to come to this. The Clown Prince of Crime and the Dark Knight Detective go head-to-head for the last time. The Joker has never wanted to win before, he’s never wanted his battle with Batman to end, but now his motivation has shifted. He has decided that one way or another, this will be the final chapter to their story. “Joker War” begins here! Batman #95

The start of Joker War is wonderful, so excited for this arc Comics Awesome stuff here. The story is great. The art is amazing. Punchline is awesome and damn she looks good. Comics It's all led to this, and its finally here! This book is as ever much as satisfying to read. Beautiful artwork and wonderful writing. Loved it, and can't wait to see what happens next. Recommend to any Batman fan. Comics Amazing artwork.
Good story, but you have to be more straight, rude and cruel.
If not, readers wont believe in your stories.
For example, when batman meets Punchline, he just needs half a second to knock out her.
The scene you suggest here is absurd. Batman is a sudden attack hero.
Try to thing five extra minutes next time before writing such situations. Comics There’s a bit of a disconnect here. I thought Batman had communed with Alfred and turned into something else. But apparently, he just fell into yet another trap. I am unsure if this cycle of the Joker besting Batman is interesting or monotonous. I am intrigued to see where the Joker War goes. Comics