Basics for MuslimsZarooratul Muslimeen: Aqaaid ( Belief of Islam )FiqhHistory of IslamDuasSurah of the Quran By Jamiatul Ulama South Africa
All praise is due to Allah Ta’ala alone. Durood and Salaam upon our Master, Sayyidinah Rasulullah PBUH.
The content matter in this syllabus has been kept to the bare minimum to adequately equip a person with the Basics of Deen.
The syllabus can be easily completed within a few months, thereafter allowing the pupils to continue with the tasheel syllabus. It is hoped, that Insha Allah after studying this booklet, the pupil should be acquainted with the basic Aqaaid (beliefs) as well as the masaail relating to Tahaarah, Salaah and other basics regarding one’s day to day life.
This booklet has been prepared as an intermediary syllabus for pupils who cannot manage the mainstream Ta’limi Board syllabus. It can also be used for reverts who have just embraced Islam and need to learn the basics of Islam. Basics for MuslimsZarooratul Muslimeen: Aqaaid ( Belief of Islam )FiqhHistory of IslamDuasSurah of the Quran