Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle By Kurt Busiek

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Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle

This is a good book. Very satisfying story arc. I love the Avengers. Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle Esta es una de las historias más importantes y más entretenidas de Avengers, muy bien escritas y con el mejor arte. La historia es complicada pues involucra a Kang e, inevitablemente, viajes en el tiempo. Un grupo de Avengers de distintas líneas temporales se forma Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle No entiendo como está historia que es un clásico moderno del cómic nunca se haya editado en español en México, lo bueno es que después de años de estar fuera de prensa la volvió a editar Marvel por lo que finalmente tengo mi copia de esta incredible historia que fácil Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle 3 stars indicates it was ok, and it wasfor me, a bunch of avengers, show up throughout time fighting a kang variant, it's a great concept, great story, I can see how this caused a lot of hype when it first came out, however wasn't for me, it was cool seeing kang and different versions of the Avengers, personally I'd recommend you buy it, if you think it's worth your time. Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle Excelente tomo recopilatorio, indispensable para todo buen coleccionista de cómics y especialmente de Avengers, el arte de Carlos Pacheco es genial, muy recomendable Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle


The book is amazing. Even though the book is not damaged, the packing was very bad and insecure Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle Possibly the single best Avengers limited series every told, a a cross time caper that highlights some of the most important events of the worlds mightiest heroes, a must buy for all Jarvis heads. Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle Only Kurt Busiek could make so good continuity porn. The main reason of this book is to correct or explain the continuity errors that plage the decades long history of the Avengers and it does a pretty good job to give an straightforward narrative for the team until that point. Of course you can say that is a futile endeavor, as future writers are going to ignore whatever parts they don't like, as it is bound to happen with any long running fictional universe, and in fact it has already happened in the years since this book was written at the end of the previous century. But Busiek gives you a fun adventure with a lot of interesting characters to go with the continuity fixing, and even this can be a lot of fun despite it's futility if you are a fan of the avengers mythos. Pacheco does a fine job with the pencils giving an interesting look to the main cast and has a lot of fun drawing a lot of characters for cameos. I don't recommend this book if you are not already into superhero comics and are trying to get into the genre, there are much better books for that. But if you, as me, have grown with this characters, this is going to be a lot of fun. Avengers Forever (English Edition) eBook : Busiek, Kurt, Stern, Roger, Carlos Pacheco, Jesus Merino, Pacheco, Carlos: : Tienda Kindle