Luc Besson º 4 Summary
Arthur's backyard looked like an ordinary garden until he discovered the Minimoys and their vast world where fierce battles are fought, ferocious monsters are faced, and one evil wizard, Maltazard the Cursed, rules from his terrifying stronghold: Necropolis, the forbidden city. Now ten-year-old Arthur magically transformed into a Minimoy must help them find a way into this forbidden city in order to rescue Arthur's grandfather, recover a stolen treasure, and save the land of the Minimoys before it's too late. Don't miss the live-action and 3-D animated movie based on the Arthur books! Arthur and the Forbidden City
Pretextând că se îndreaptă încet-încet spre orizont, soarele ne scapă de căldură. Ştie el prea bine că nimeni nu i-ar putea îndura văpaia o zi întreagă.
Alfi deschide un ochi. Vânticelul îi dă de înţeles că atmosfera e, în sfârşit, suportabilă. Se ridică încetişor, îşi întinde lăbuţele şi pleacă din colţul lui umbrit, în căutarea unui locşor unde iarba să mai fie încă proaspătă şi unde să-şi poată marca teritoriul. Se ambiţionează să-şi aleagă un colţ al casei, dar acesta e de multă vreme îngălbenit de propriile marcaje.
Aşezat pe coşul înalt, un uliu tânăr scrutează împrejurimile. Nu pare să se teamă de căldură, nici de oameni şi nici chiar de câinele pe care îl vede traversând grădina, cu lăbuţele încă grele de somn. Îl urmăreşte câteva secunde cu o privire ageră; tocmai bine cât să-şi dea seama că prada e prea mare pentru el. Îşi întoarce neglijent capul, căutând altă victimă.
Şi casa a avut de îndurat, de-a lungul întregii zile, asalturile verii, iar uşile din lemn, ca şi olanele, învinse de arşiţă, trosnesc din toate încheieturile; mici pocnituri scurte, regulate, asemenea notelor muzicale.
Soarele i-a cam plictisit pe toţi azi, şi ar fi vremea să meargă la culcare. De altfel, uliul pare să-i dea tocmai acest sfat, scoţând un strigăt scurt, răguşit şi puternic, un strigăt neplăcut, şi trezind-o pe Mami, care adormise pe canapeaua din mijlocul salonului.
Trebuie spus că, între răcoarea odăii şi tic-tacul hipnotizator al marii pendule, e practic cu neputinţă să te opui chemării siestei. Mai puneţi lângă toate astea şi cei doi greieri care-şi răspund unul altuia, şi-o să dormiţi până la căderea serii.
Dar uliul a trezit-o pe Mami, aproape făcând-o să tresară. Se încurcă un pic în cretoanele de pe marginea canapelei, pe care probabil că şi le-a tras peste ea în somn, folosindu-le drept cuvertură. Îşi vine puţin câte puţin în fire şi pune cretoanele la loc, ca şi cum n-ar vrea să lase nici o urmă a siestei neprevăzute. De parcă a aţipi în acele împrejurări ar fi un semn de inconştienţă. De altfel, „acele împrejurări” îi revin în minte. Arthur and the Forbidden City Arthur looked at him like a chicken would look at a remote control.
In this second installment, Arthur heads into the Forbidden City with the princess (Selania) and her royal brother (Beta) to defeat (M the Terrible👺). Arthur is also looking for a hidden treasure that will save his grandmother from being evicted from her home. In the end, Arthur finds something very unexpected.
This novel is so sweet and funny.
Hands down favorite character is Minnow the mole. I fell in love with that adorable guy! 🤎
Jim Dale's narration = magic
Five stars for me 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 Arthur and the Forbidden City Leggere #LucBesson è come una ventata d'aria fresca.
Ha uno stile lineare e scorrevole e le sue storie sono sempre dolcissime. È un libro per ragazzi ma riesce sempre a mettere qualche frase che fa riflettere anche gli adulti. Anche in questo secondo capitolo della saga di #arthureilpopolodeiminimei riesce splendidamente a raccontare tantissimo in un quantitativo di pagine esiguo. Come ogni libro si possono avere più livelli di lettura e i libri di #Besson ne hanno veramente molti. Parlano di accettazione, di paura, di abbandono. I suoi cattivi lo sono a ragion veduta, non sempre giusta, ovviamente, ma con coerenza. Una lacrimuccia la devo spendere per Darkos, credo sia stato il mio preferito in questo volume.
Davvero davvero carino. Arthur and the Forbidden City 4.4 forbidden stars.
A continuation of the previous book, Arthur and the Minimoys, the adventure comes to a satisfying close. This was a fun adventure and it reads as one book when you read them consecutively.
Most of this book takes place in the garden where Arthur becomes a Minimoy and must defeat the dark one, Maltazard, with his team of fighters. Arthur is captured and finds his grandpa locked away in the same cell as himself. Thankfully, with the combined minds of the prison mates, the team escapes but must work together to save the Minimoys from danger and destruction and return to Arthur’s home to save them from eviction, just in the nick of time.
Once again, I don’t like the princess. Arthur deserves so much better than a moody girl who thinks she’s perfect. The princess forces Arthur into situations where he has to prove his worth all because she knows he’s falling for her. She is manipulative and cruel and toxic. If I was reading this to my children I would definitely make sure they know not to treat another person that way. I find a lot of children’s books focus so much on the adventure that they forget what type of psychological and moral lesson the story teaches young kids.
Despite my dislike for some of the characters, I really loved the continued adventure. There was more action and I was easily pulled into the story and there was a great amount of tension building up to the climax of the story. Especially since the previous book didn’t quite get to that point.
Another recommendation for reading to children (but under the caveat that they understand not to treat loved ones the way the princess treated Arthur).
5 stars for entertainment
4 stars for writing
4 stars for impact
5 stars for pace
4 stars recommendation
= 4.4 stars. Arthur and the Forbidden City I first saw the movie and basically anything with young Freddie Highmore is brilliant so I love the movie. I didn't realize they were books until years later and didn't know even until later than that that Jim Dale read the audio books! I love a good audio book, so I listened to Jim Dale's excellent performance and loved every second.
The movie is about both Arthur and the Minimoys and Arthur and the Forbidden City, and it follows it very well, if my memory is correct. Again, I love both so very much and would recommend it to anyone who likes fairy-type beings (small beings living in the forest/garden) to give these story (movie and book versions, both) a chance. It's a cute story and worth the time. Arthur and the Forbidden City
A nice book to get out of the reading slump.Interesting story,really poor written and I felt like the characters could've been more developed.Overall, get your hands on this if you want your reading slump to go away. Arthur and the Forbidden City Ce livre est la suite directe du tome 1 qui commence la ou le précédent se termine.
L'aventure des trois minimoys les mènera à Nécropolis, royaume du terrible M le maudit dont on va enfin connaître l'histoire. Et ce n'est pas le seul, car les parents d'Arthur font également leur apparition et on découvre deux personnages plutôt intéressés et un peu barrés sur les bords. Et enfin, avec tout ça, en plus de tout les rebondissements, nous continuons de voir Arthur et Sélénia jouer au jeu du chat et de la souris au rythme des blagues de Betameche.
Je retrouve dans ce livre le même esprit que le premier tome, mêlant féerie et suspense. Comme je l'ai déjà dit c'est un livre plutôt orienté jeunesse mais l'histoire est tellement attachante qu'on est obligé de craquer.
Petit coup de cœur pour la couverture que je trouve magnifique. Arthur and the Forbidden City Артур продолжает своё путешествие в мире минипутов и познает истину жестого и взрослого мира. А также с ним путешествуют Селения и Барахлюш.
Книга оставила нейтральные чувства и что-то сказать от себя я не могу. Для меня она стала проходным и обыденным произведением. Сюжет проработан и динамичен. Есть лишние описания. Герои проработаны, но не достоверные. Характеры сохраняются, они развиваются и меняются, но не координарно. Герои не вызвали лишним счетом - ничего. Стиль и язык автора простой и легкий, но скудный и неинтересный. Эту историю, если переписать то она станет намного лучше и интересней. Идея оригинальная, особенно на время написания.
Книге я поставила 4/5. Если вы хотите посмотреть первый фильм, то именно после этой книги вы сможете спокойно это сделать. А вы сначала посмотрели или прочитали минипутов? Вы бы влюбились в Артура?
Удачного чтения! Arthur and the Forbidden City I was worried that this wasn't going to finish in this book, but everything wrapped up pretty neatly in the end. Like the first book, fast-paced and fun with some sweet characters. Arthur and the Forbidden City Darkos disappointed, bruised, and abandoned, lowered his head. He noticed that the water had already reached his waist and that his face was reflected in the water. He looked at the tired face rapidly rising toward him, like a brother looking to find him. This thought made him smile. Immediately, his reflection put on the same smile. Darkos was very moved by this. It was the first time that anyone had ever approached him with a smile. Ngl, when I read this its kinda make me sad lol. Btw you can find this on page 165. Arthur and the Forbidden City