ARSÈNE LUPIN Gentleman-Cambrioleur (French Edition) By

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Racont par Ff, dcouvrez ou redcouvrez les aventures dArsne Lupin. Matre du camouflage et viveur sinon socitaire, Arsne Lupin est un anguille de sable de destine, et un seigneur prcdent. chappant quand cesse la police, ascendant secours aux faibles et ridiculisant les important, le anguille de sable coruscant va coucher mille aventures, en Robin des Bois de la Belle poque. Au fil de ces moderne nouvelles de Maurice Leblanc, Arsne Lupin est droit, jet en bagne, devanture de sfuir rabat le houppette et la capacit qui le caractrisent, et spicilge sur la repre de parabolique trsors. Bijoux impriaux, fourreau vigoureux tabou ou encore voile tzigane sont au brochure de ces premires aventures.
ARSÈNE LUPIN Gentleman-Cambrioleur (French Edition)

Nothing against the story itself, but this can’t be the original writing of the author as there are many mistakes ( spelling and use of pronouns…) that remind me of google translate. A pleasure to read in French. Very amusing! There is weird things in the text like letter missing, or Mme (Madam) becoming M (Mister) which makes it harder to read when the novel puts both Men and Women from the same family in the same story. I don't recall what I paid for this. I'm sure it was very reasonable, and it arrived quickly.

This is some kind of reprint done in U.S., not France. Many words not properly separated. They run together. Le livre est une collections d histoires divers d Arsene Lupin. Un vrai plaisir a lire. Je recommende fortement. Amusez vous bien.

A fun novel that allows me to practice my French. Because I have family in France I enjoy reading Arsene Lupin, the fictional French second storey man and dashing jewel thief.
Maurice Leblanc's novels are a literary precursor to Simenon's Maigret (in the sparing
vocabulary and use of language). Certainly whoever dreamed up the Pink Panther had read Leblanc the night before. ML even has a clumsy detective who never quite gets his man. He was an admirer of Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, who is featured in a couple of Lupin stories. Despite their age, Leblanc's books are still very popular, in print and widely sold in french bookstores.
If you REALLY like Lupin, sells only a few of the novels for Kindle, but they are almost all downloadable free from Gutenberg. After watching the new Netflix show, Lupin, I was curious to read the original Arsene Lupin book that figures so heavily in it. I am thoroughly enjoying it! The gentleman robber is suave, funny and very likeable! And it's fun to be transported back to the early 1900s. I am a French language learner and am finding it easy enough to read, especially on Kindle, where I can easily look up unfamiliar words or phrases. Kindle uses Bing translator, which isn't that good, but still has some utility. More valuable, to me, is the French dictionary. Excellent, but remember it is in French. I had just read one of the Arsene Lupin books in English and found this French addition of another book. I have not had so much fun reading anything in years.

Arsene Lupin is from roughly the same time as Sherlock Holmes, maybe just slightly later, as cars are often involved in the stories. He is a gentleman burglar who only robs the rich and usually those who have something they do not deserve and did not earn.

The stories are outrageous and loads of fun This Kindle version is defective with bizarre English substitutions throughout (ex. 'la' becomes 'los angeles'). It's unreadable, do not purchase.