Annex (Artorians Archives #3) By Dennis Vanderkerken

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Book three done another. Very fun enjoyable read

The storyline once you get into it is very engrossing. The main character very endearing the emotions you feel reading of the goodness he exposes while rescuing his adopted family is great at the least and makes you think about your own thoughts about family honor and duty. Even more so about to get the next book and crack the cover. Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Great Perspective

As always, this was a wonderful continuation of Artorian's series. The writing was well done, the banter comical (though less funny than usual), and the plot and action were fun and exciting. This time what really stood out were the perspective changes that happened throughout. There were times that I had to backtrack a few lines because the POV was now opposite Artorian, or who Artorian was just talking about. If not done well these can be big, glaring issues. This was not one of those times, these guys did it really well. Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Well spoken MC

Honestly, the beginning was challenging and a bit rough. Futzing around in the dark. A bit trippy. After that things get moving and there's some good action and finagling by the elder MC. Required a bit more thinking than my normal fare, I enjoyed it.
Score: 7.8 out of 10 Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Ups and downs abound wherever Artorian feels need

Artorian has mastered the fluidity of the moment and seizes opportunities, or maybe he creates them. The universe aligns and his life’s quest has a final location, that he just happens to be rolling toward, while among his incredible dwarves compatriots, family even.
A likable, yet infuriatingly frustrating grandfather pursues his adopted children and vengeance on those who’ve hurt him or his. Looking forward to the next installment already!! Annex (Artorians Archives #3) A whole town killed and no reaction?
There was also no sense of urgency in the first half as he was looking for the children he raised.
With the first book in the series, when this happened, fine. He was an older man, the sole survivor, and on a mission. In this book, I can't buy it.
I don't like books that spend half of it with the MC moaning and complaining, but I do expect at least a little emotion and some mourning of the dead, especially from the younger people with him.
While I enjoyed the MC and the writing, the complete lack of remorse bothers me.
It felt more at times like a vehicle to deliver the plot instead of a story.
Annex (Artorians Archives #3)


As this is book three in this series, it would be a bad starting point for anyone that wasn't already invested in the series, the first two books in this series are both highly enjoyable and you would be advised to read those first if you haven't already done so.

This series in general and the main character in particular takes a somewhat different approach to the 'levelling' kind of process, Artorian's progression seems to be far more about him increasing his knowledge rather than simply being about the raw numbers of ranks or levels like many books in this genre and it works really well to produce an interesting character who could easily end up being overpowered if he was as singleminded about the numbers as other characters.

The narrator helps to bring the main character in particular to life with their performance that also delivers a distinctive range for the supporting cast too.

Overall, another enjoyable listen in this series and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

[Note - I was given this free review copy audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.] Annex (Artorians Archives #3) 3.5☆ Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Dig deeper to get out?

The last book ended with Artorian in a terrible situation, and this one started with it getting worse before it got better. The story develops a lot of the lore of the world that we hadn’t seen previously, which makes sense for this curious “philosopher” of a main character.

Artorian follows his usual path through cities - making himself a nuisance by just asking questions and observing the world. How will he ever overcome his latest obstacle to save his children?

I am still amazed the author wrote all of this (and more to come) in response to the story developed in the Divine Dungeon series. Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Rating: 3.0/5

Review: Well, Artorian is still a favorable character as is Dawn but the pages of analytical essence/pathway development just drug on a little too long in places. While the “science” of rendering fantasy some legitimacy was nerdful, the slog was interminable.

When the action gets going, it is good. No, really good. This form of magic when released from the confines of the analytical, comes to the fore in an understandable way, without being cloying and bereft of passion. The only real consistent story line that keeps me coming back is Artorian’s development. I just want to see him succeed and develop into something more. I just don’t need to know why he doesn’t use a fractal and instead opted for a Bernoulli, web, beehive, ring, starlight blah blah blah. Sugar gliders suck as a pivotal diversion for the story line. This insertion of cutesy, cuddly mammal things is ill thought and without consideration to where the story line has lead the reader. “Hey lets do blood and gore for 99% of the novel then bring in fluffy things that are overprotective of the little childrens”.

Don’t get me started on the rankings.

I am gonna be mad that I bought the next in the series in hopes that much will be truncated due to Dakota’s influence. If wishes were fishes. Annex (Artorians Archives #3) Annex is the third book in the Artorian’s Archives by Dennis Vanderkerken and Dakota Krout.

I swear this book had to be shorter. I finished it so incredibly quickly. But that could honestly just be in fault of how deeply it ensnared me to keep reading until 4 a.m.

Yay, to Blight destruction! Down with that creepy mind-eating shadow monster of Ancient Elf descent. It’s erasure was well deserved and so achingly long awaited. That Ember’s reincarnation or Ascended new form was the weapon of its complete and utter eradication was sweet justice. That she reached a new pinnacle in the Law of Fire and overcame those previously above her, to completely reshape her imagine and future path was just soothing to experience.

The weirdness with the Dwarves was honestly both good and bad. It was entirely too convoluted and very poorly explained. But the saving Grace was their obvious addition to Artorian’s allies/adopted family. Yet, I’m still a little salty that we didn’t get to experience the Grand Matron and Dawn meeting in this edition to the series.

I’m excited to YET AGAIN see what disastrously lucky circumstances our wily old beard will discover while recovering from his ordeal against the Vizier. My good wishes go out to Tychus and Grimaldis as they await their grandfathers return to abscond them from The Mistress’ grasp. Especially in light of the suspicious way in which the Emerald Eyes were involved/associated with the recent calamity in what was essentially the Hands base of operations. Annex (Artorians Archives #3)

Headmaster. Exile. Gladiator.

Backed into a corner, Artorian must play fast and loose with the laws of the land. To gather what he needs to progress, he will need to sacrifice what he’s gained in order to get this far.

With his new school and friends facing their most deadly challenges yet, Artorian finds an opportunity to keep them safe. The cost of it may be access to the new home he’s built, but that was never intended to be for him.

When he can ensure their safety, Artorian will begin pursuit of his grandchildren once more. If he finds them, will they want to be saved… or will they have found a taste for the darker powers they have accrued? It’s time to make the hard choices.

Death or graduation. Annex (Artorians Archives #3)