And then the sun came out: Leading after Covid By Amanda Braden


Amanda Braden ✓ 6 Review

This is about better days ahead, re-building after Covid. How we can get there. This book is a practical and easy read. Amanda helps us, our teams and our businesses fully recover- and maybe, be even better after Covid. After 3 decades of working at the HR coalface Amanda shares what she has learned about the leaders that she has worked with. The leaders who struggle and the leaders who succeed. The achievements, the sweat, the tears, and the heartache…. This book talks about the challenges of Leadership in a changing world. She looks closely at the life of one leader to help us understand what this means in practice. Covid has thrown a big, ugly ball at all leaders. The world looks different now, and it keeps changing, at times it’s still surreal. We have been learning how to live with Covid. One day we feel that everything is better and fixed, and the next it’s ten steps backwards to gloom and uncertainty. What has it done to our lives? It was never easy to be a good leader on a normal day, and it’s now harder in this new world. Our family, friends, colleagues, and teams are all learning, and struggling to cope in this same new world. Amanda brings her experience from Human Resources supporting CEOs and leaders at all levels and leading teams, in a wide range of industries, from Pharma, Engineering and Professional Services; in private and public sector. She has worked in many different countries, in the UK, Ireland, US, Europe and Asia. Today, Amanda is a freelance Business Writer and Consultant, writing and lecturing for the Masters programmes at the Open University, University of Law and University of Essex. And then the sun came out: Leading after Covid

Refreshing and thoughtful take on leading after COVID

This book is a refreshing and thoughtful take on leading after COVID, but of course it applies to leadership in many contexts. I loved the approach which considers Anna’s particular situation and takes us on a journey with Anna as she addresses her leadership challenges. Throughout the journey the book refers to “leaders who struggle” and “leaders who succeed” which is how key advice to navigate leadership scenarios is defined. This really provides practical advice and simple steps for success. We have all known an Anna or indeed been an Anna at points in our career. This uniquely practical book is an excellent tool for leaders and I hope this is the first of many from this new author. And then the sun came out: Leading after Covid