ancient aliens of the americas By Logan Hawkes


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Long before Christopher Columbus set foot in the Americas, long before the Vikings discovered the New World, the indigenous cultures of the Americas developed complex systems of government and constructed magnificent cities with towering pryamids and temples and were proficient in art, science and astronomy. They also were keepers of long forgotten knowledge and habored secrets unknown to European explorers.

Discover the thriving people of Ancient America and explore their belief systems, the symbology they used to to illustrate their complex and comprehensive understanding of their origin, and examine the lost artifacts they left behind, clues perhaps to help us better understand who they were, where they came from and how they believed they were connected to the stars.

Could Ancient Americans have been the first to populate the earth? How do we explain their complex language, their mysterious form of art, their proficiency at math and their knowledge of time, and how could they charted the stars and planets with near perfection without the use of modern and high-tech equipment?

Venture into the world of Ancient America and uncover secrets, explore the possibilities and dare to open your mind to the lost knowledge of these highly advanced cultures and why they abandoned it all. ancient aliens of the americas

A fun fact filled book! It makes you think about our history in a way that you need to be open about it! I loved it and Logan is a great person. Give his book a chance. It will make you think! Logan Hawkes