Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995 By Richard Mogg
Richard Mogg Ç 5 Read
This is the best book I have read in a long time! Everything that got me into horror is in this book and then some. I found myself reading snippets at a time just so I can draw out the reading and prolong the ending. The interviews were phenomenal and the layout with the films was spot on. This is definitely a labor of love. And Mr Mogg you are in luck because I absolutely loved everything you covered here. Great Book! Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995 The compendium SOV horror deserves: rough around the edges with spelling and grammar errors throughout, but the passion, dedication, and elbow grease that obviously went into it transcends any bit of technical nitpickery. Insane someone watched and compiled this many SOV films into a book, but then again, it's insane people went out and made these movies (and found home video distribution!) in the first place. Yet another book where you'll leave with a trash bag full of great(?) new titles to track down and watch.
Gotta say though, seeing the amount of films that essentially boil down to women getting stripped and tortured for 90 minutes got pretty depressing after a while, especially with the W.A.V.E. titles. The misogyny lingering behind a lot of these stories is no secret, but seeing it in overwhelming surplus just felt icky. Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995 Absolutely essential for anyone interested in the wave of Shot on Video horror films that sprung out of the video revolution. Richard Mogg catalogues all of them by year, but instead of feeling like an encyclopedia, he crafts a breezy and readable tome filled with informed opinions, amazing interviews and contextual information. A must-own! Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995 Beyond being the most comprehensive, utmost source on the subject of Shot-On-Video horror, this is simply one of them most engaging reference books I can think of, with tons of facts, interviews, reviews, everything anyone could want from this sort of thing.
If you're a fan of horror movies, particularly the obscure ones; a fan of looking at times-passed in the entertainment industry; a fan of learning about the making of cinema; hell, if you're a fan of reading unusual non-fiction, this is a must read/own. Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995 3.5 stars - Really great information on some difficult to find SOV films. This was obviously a passion project for the author. He clearly loves these films. (Going as far as recommending one film right after saying 2 hours could easily be cut from the run time. 2 hours!) The writing itself is fairly poor though. Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995

Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995
Superb reference materials, the interviews and full page posters rule Analog Nightmares: The Shot On Video Horror Films of 1982-1995